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Development of pcb-stackup-core has moved to tracespace/tracespace!

pcb stackup core

If you're looking for an easy way to generate beautiful SVG renders of printed circuit boards, check out pcb-stackup first.

This is the low-level module that powers the rendering of pcb-stackup. It takes individual printed circuit board layer converters as output by gerber-to-svg and identified as PCB layer types by whats-that-gerber and uses them to build SVG renders of what the manufactured PCB will look like from the top and the bottom.

Install with:

$ npm install --save pcb-stackup-core

gerber-to-svg and whats-that-gerber are peer dependencies, so you'll probably want them, too:

$ npm install --save gerber-to-svg whats-that-gerber


  1. $ git clone tracespace/pcb-stackup-core
  2. $ cd pcb-stackup-core && npm install
  3. $ npm run example

The example script builds a render of the clockblock PCB.


This module is designed to work in Node or in the browser with Browserify or Webpack. The function takes two parameters: an array of layer objects and an options object. It returns an object with a top key and a bottom key, each of which contains the SVG element and various properties of the render.

var pcbStackupCore = require('pcb-stackup-core')
var options = {id: 'my-board'}
var stackup = pcbStackupCore(layersArray, options)

// stackup =>
// {
//   top: {
//     svg: '<svg...',
//     defs: [DEFS_ARRAY...],
//     layer: [LAYER_ARRAY...],
//     viewBox: [X_MIN_X_1000, Y_MIN_X_1000, WIDTH_X_1000, HEIGHT_X_1000],
//     width: WIDTH,
//     height: HEIGHT,
//     units: UNITS
//   },
//   bottom: {
//     svg: '<svg...',
//     defs: [DEFS_ARRAY...],
//     layer: [LAYER_ARRAY...],
//     viewBox: [X_MIN_X_1000, Y_MIN_X_1000, WIDTH_X_1000, HEIGHT_X_1000],
//     width: WIDTH,
//     height: HEIGHT,
//     units: UNITS
//   }
// }

svg is the SVG element (by default as an XML string). The rest of the properties all correspond to the public properties of a gerber-to-svg converter. units is a string value of 'in' or 'mm'. viewBox is the minimum x value, minimum y value, width, and height in thousandths of (1000x) units. width and height are the width and height in units. defs and layer are arrays of XML elements that are used as children of the defs node and the SVG's main g node.

Astute readers will notice this is the same interface as gerber-to-svg converters, and this means the render and clone static methods of gerber-to-svg will also work on the pcb-stackup-core renders.

layers array

The first parameter to the function is an array of layer objects. A layer object is an object with a type key and a converter key, where type is a Gerber filetype string as output by whats-that-gerber and converter is the converter object returned by gerber-to-svg for that Gerber file (note: this is the actual return value of gerber-to-svg, not the value that is emitted by the stream or passed to the callback).

It is expected that the converters will have already finished before being passed to pcb-stackup-core. This can be done by listening for the converter's end event or by using gerber-to-svg in callback mode, as shown in the example.

var topCopperLayer = {

using externally defined layers

In building the stackup, each converter's <defs> contents (converter.defs) are pushed to the <defs> node of each side render. The main <g> contents (converter.layer) are wrapped in a <g>, given an id, and also placed in the defs. The layers are then used in a board render's main <g> via <use>.

If you will be displaying the individual layers in the same page as the board renders, you may want to store these <defs> in a different, shared SVG document. You could do this manually, without the use of pcb-stackup-core, the same way the stackup function does it (as described above), except using the shared SVG document's <defs>.

You can tell the stackup function that a layer is stored externally by giving it a layer with an externalId attribute. This should be set to the id attribute of the layer's external <g>. This will prevent the stackup function from pushing the converters defs to the stackup image defs node.

var sharedLayer = {

Please note that when using the maskWithOutline option as described below, the externalId of the outline layer will not be used, as a new <clipPath> element must be constructed.


The second parameter of the pcb-stackup-core function is an options object. The only required option is the id options. For ease, if no other options are being specified, the id string may be passed as the second parameter directly.

// stackup 1 and 2 are equivalent
var stackup1 = pcbStackupCore(layers, 'my-unique-board-id')
var stackup2 = pcbStackupCore(layers, {id: 'my-unique-board-id'})
key default description
id N/A Unique board identifier (required)
color see below Colors to apply to the board render by layer type
maskWithOutline false Use the board outline layer as a mask for the board shape
createElement see below Function used to create the XML element nodes
includeNamespace true Whether or not to include the xmlns attribute in the top level SVG node
attributes {} Map of additional attributes (e.g. class) to apply to the SVG nodes


The board ID is a string that is prefixed to id and class attributes of the internal nodes in the SVG documents. The IDs of any two stackups that may appear on the same web-page must be unique to avoid id collisions and potentially weird styling issues.

This option is required and the function will throw if it is missing.


The color object allows the user to override the default styling of the stackup. It consists of layer identifiers as the keys and CSS colors as the values. Any to all layers may be overridden. The default color object is:

  fr4: '#666',
  cu: '#ccc',
  cf: '#c93',
  sm: 'rgba(0, 66, 0, 0.75)',
  ss: '#fff',
  sp: '#999',
  out: '#000',

The keys represent the following layers:

layer component
fr4 Substrate
cu Copper
cf Copper (finished)
sm Soldermask
ss Silkscreen
sp Solderpaste
out Board outline

If a value is falsey (e.g. an empty string), the layer will not be added to the style node. This is useful if you want to add styles with an external stylesheet. If applying colors with an external stylesheet, use the following class-names and specify the color attribute:

layer classname example (id = 'my-board')
fr4 id + _fr4 .my-board_fr4 {color: #666;}
cu id + _cu .my-board_cu {color: #ccc;}
cf id + _cf .my-board_cf {color: #c93;}
sm id + _sm .my-board_sm {color: #rgba(0, 66, 0, 0.75);}
ss id + _ss .my-board_ss {color: #fff;}
sp id + _sp .my-board_sp {color: #999;}
out id + _out .my-board_out {color: #000;}

mask board shape with outline

When constructing the stackup, a <mask> of all the drill layers is built and applied to the final image to remove the image wherever there are drill hits. If the maskWithOutline option is passed as true, the stackup function will also create a <clipPath> with the contents of any included outline layers, and use that to remove any part of the image that falls outside of the board outline.

setting result
false (default) Board shape is a rectangle that fits all layers
true Board shape is the shape of the outline layer

To work, the outline layer must be one or more fully-enclosed loops. If it isn't, setting maskWithOutline to true will likely result in the final image being incorrect (or non-existent), because the <path>s won't clip the image properly. See the MDN's documentation of <clipPath> for more details.

To improve your chances of a board outline layer working for maskWithOutline, make sure you set the plotAsOutline option of gerber-to-svg to true when converting the outline gerber. If the board outline still doesn't work, please open an issue to see if we can improve the masking process.

create element and include namespace

Both gerber-to-svg and pcb-stackup-core take a createElement function as an option. It defaults to xml-element-string, which outputs a string. However, any function that takes a tag name, attributes object, and children array may be used. For example, you could pass in React.createElement and create virtual DOM nodes instead.

If you choose to use this option, the function you pass into pcb-stackup-core must be the same one you passed into gerber-to-svg.

The includeNamespace option specifies whether or not to include the xmlns attribute in the top level SVG node. Some VDOM implementations get angry when you pass the xmlns attribute, so you may need to set it to false.


If you want to add more attributes to the SVG nodes than are there by default, this is where you do it. For example, to add some classes:

var stackup = pcbStackupCore(layers, {
  id: 'board-id',
  attributes: {
    class: 'w-100 h-100',

layer types

The stackup can be made up of the following layer types:

layer type abbreviation
top / bottom copper tcu / bcu
top / bottom soldermask tsm / bsm
top / bottom silkscreen tss / bss
top / bottom solderpaste tsp / bsp
board outline out
drill hits drl

developing and contributing

Clone and then $ npm install. Please accompany all PRs with applicable tests. Please test your code in browsers, as Travis CI cannot run browser tests for PRs.

unit testing

This module uses Mocha and Chai for unit testing, nyc for coverage, and standard for linting.

  • $ npm test - run the tests, calculate coverage, and lint
  • $ npm run test:watch - run the tests on code changes (does not lint nor cover)
  • $ npm run coverage - print the coverage report of the last test run
  • $ npm run coverage:html - generate an html report for the last test run
  • $ npm run lint - lint the code
  • $ npm run fix - try and fix the linting errors in the code

integration testing

The integration tests run the example code on a variety of gerber files to ensure proper interfacing with gerber-to-svg and proper rendering of different stackups.

  1. $ npm run test:integration
  2. Open http://localhost:8001 in a browser

browser testing

Browser tests are run with Zuul and Sauce Labs on the latest two versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer, as well as the latest version of Edge.

  • $ npm run test:browser - run the unit tests in a local browser
  • $ npm run test:sauce - run the units tests in several browsers using Sauce Labs (free Open Sauce account, free ngrok account, and local .zuulrc required)


pcb-stackup-core development moved to tracespace/tracespace







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