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25 sponsored developers and organizations loaded.
Huff Language is a low-level assembly language for the EVM. We are looking for sponsorships to maintain the project and build a community of EVM wizards!
I'm a developer from germany working on multiple XMPP related projects: Monal (iOS client), Push Appserver for APNS and FCM, some prosody community modules etc.
Escrin: A Smart Worker Runtime enabling secure off-chain JavaScript workers within a TEE. Empowers smart contracts with private data interaction, fostering self-sovereign computing. Non-profit, committed to accessible secure computing for all.
Freelance front-end web developer using HTML, CSS and JavaScript and app developer using Titanium SDK


swim, climb, read, and build stuff nonstop. mostly open source, and some paid apps.
The Pallets organization develops and supports Flask, Jinja, Click, Quart, and other popular Python libraries. These libraries power applications of all sizes around the world.
Ember.js is a JavaScript framework for creating ambitious web applications. We're a distributed team located around the world, with team members employed by numerous small and large companies.
The premier open-source python-based CMS, with 20 years of experience coupled with a modern front-end.
Hi. I'm Jordan. I'm a self-taught full stack web developer and homelab enthusiast. I run my own k8s cluster in my home, and a proxmox cluster in its own datacenter. My time always consists of me working, but I always make time for fun.
Hey, I'm Ollie! By day I'm a software developer at the Guardian. In my spare time I help to develop and maintain the Great British Public Toilet Map, an open source user contributed map of publicly accessible toilets in the UK.
I'm the main developer behind the popular VSCode Extension `code-d`. I do a lot of open source contributions to D projects and in general try to improve the D ecosystem.
Haxe Foundation have been maintaining the Haxe programming language, compiler, standard library and IDE tools for 10 years.
Please contribute to Jeff Foley's open source projects that support the information security community
Open Law Library is a nonprofit tech startup and open access legal publisher dedicated to making the law accessible to all. We adapt and transform tools and processes developed for programmers to publish software for use by lawyers to publish laws.
Hi. I'm rationalirl on twitch and I'm developing Free Software for robust high quality video live streaming using mobile 4G/5G networks.
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