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25 sponsored developers and organizations loaded.
Hi there 🙋‍♂️ I created browserpass, yubikey-touch-detector, wluma and many other tools — all open-source! I love building useful and helpful software to make people's lives better! 🚀
Kapitan is a tool to simplify your IT complexity by making use of Generators and Templates. You can use Kapitan to simply generate Kubernetes Manifests, Terraform configurations, Spinnaker pipelines, scripts, documentation, and everything else!
I work on many open source projects. The most popular are: rustc_codegen_gcc: GCC codegen for the Rust compiler Relm: Idiomatic, GTK+-based, GUI library, inspired by Elm TQL: A compile-time ORM Titanium: A keyboard-driven web browser
I'm the creator of Bevy Engine, a refreshingly simple open-source data-driven game engine built in Rust. I'm currently working on Bevy full time. I need your help to make that sustainable!
With over 200M users of my open-source modules, used by projects like vue.js and devices like the bionic eye, supporting these modules is very important to millions of people across the globe. Your support helps all of them, not just me. Thank You!
Support mpiannucci's open source work building and improving scientific data applications and infrastructure
Bitcoin and the web walk into a bar. The bartender issues a request, Bitcoin responds "payment required." The web cries in relief.


Supporting virtualization and emulation for macOS and iOS
Hey there! I'm the steward of a bunch of Ruby, Clojure and Emacs related open-source projects like RuboCop, CIDER, nREPL, Emacs Prelude and Projectile.
Long-time developer and contributor to open-source projects. My current fascination is with server-side Dart.
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