- KICS GitHub Action
- License
KICS (pronounced as 'kick-s') or Kicscan is an open source solution for static code analysis of Infrastructure as Code.
Keeping Infrastructure as Code Secure (in short KICS) is a must-have for any cloud native project. With KICS, finding security vulnerabilities, compliance issues, and infrastructure misconfigurations happens early in the development cycle, when fixing these is straightforward and cheap.
It is as simple as running a CLI tool, making it easy to integrate into any project CI.
In order to run the Databricks and TencentCloud queries, use the --experimental-queries
flag when running KICS.
Official documentation page docs.kics.io
Ensure that you're using the latest KICS Github Action release when creating a workflow.
Variable | Example Value | Description | Type | Required | Default |
enable_comments | true | Enable pull request report comments | Boolean | No | false |
enable_jobs_summary | true | Enable report as jobs summary | Boolean | No | false |
enable_annotations | true | Enable annotations report | Boolean | No | true |
comments_with_queries | true | Add queries in th pull request report comments (available when enable_comments = true) | Boolean | No | false |
excluded_column_for_comments_with_queries | description_id,similarity_id,search_line,search_value | Excluded columns for the comment with queries, accepts a comma separated list | String | No | description_id,similarity_id,search_line,search_value |
path | terraform/main.tf,Dockerfile | paths to a file or directories to scan, comma separated list | String | Yes | N/A |
ignore_on_exit | results | defines which non-zero exit codes should be ignored (all, results, errors, none) | String | No | none |
fail_on | high,medium | comma separated list of which severities returns exit code !=0 | String | No | high,medium,low,info |
timeout | 75 | number of seconds the query has to execute before being canceled | String | No | 60 |
profiling | CPU | turns on profiler that prints resource consumption in the logs during the execution (CPU, MEM) | String | No | N/A |
config_path | ./kics.config | path to configuration file | String | No | N/A |
platform_type | terraform,ansible | case insensitive list of platform types to scan | String | No | All platforms |
exclude_paths | ./shouldNotScan/*,somefile.txt | exclude paths from scan, supports glob, comma separated list | String | No | N/A |
exclude_queries | a227ec01-f97a-4084-91a4-47b350c1db54 | exclude queries by providing the query ID, comma separated list | String | No | N/A |
exclude_categories | 'Observability,Networking and Firewall' | exclude categories by providing its name, comma separated list | String | No | N/A |
exclude_results | 'd4a1fa80-d9d8-450f-87c2-e1f6669c41f8' | exclude results by providing the similarity ID of a result | String | No | N/A |
exclude_severities | 'info,low' | exclude results by providing the severity of a result | String | No | N/A |
exclude_gitignore (available only from KICS version 1.6) | disables the exclusion of paths specified within .gitignore file | Boolean | No | false | |
include_queries | a227ec01-f97a-4084-91a4-47b350c1db54 | include only specified list of queries to the scan, cannot be provided with query exclusion flags | String | No | N/A |
output_formats | 'json,sarif' | formats in which the results report will be exported | String | No | json |
output_path | myResults/ | file path to store result in json format | String | No | "./" |
payload_path | /tmp/mypayload.json | file path to store source internal representation in JSON format | String | No | N/A |
queries | path to directory with queries (default "./assets/queries") | String | No | ./assets/queries downloaded with the binaries | |
verbose | true | verbose scan | Boolean | No | false |
type | Ansible,Dockerfile | case insensitive comma-separated list of platform types to scan (Ansible, AzureResourceManager, CloudFormation, Dockerfile, Kubernetes, OpenAPI, Terraform) | String | No | all types |
bom | true | include bill of materials (BoM) in results.json output | Boolean | No | false |
disable_full_descriptions | false | disable request for full descriptions and use default vulnerability descriptions | Boolean | false | |
disable_secrets | false | disable secrets detection | Boolean | false | |
secrets_regexes_path | ./mydir/secrets-config.json | path to custom secrets regex rules configuration file | String | No | N/A |
libraries_path | ./myLibsDir | path to directory with Rego libraries | String | No | N/A |
cloud_provider | aws,azure | list of cloud providers to scan (alicloud, aws, azure, gcp) | String | No | N/A |
# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
# Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
# Scan Iac with kics
- name: run kics Scan
uses: checkmarx/kics-github-action@v2.1.6
# scanning two directories: ./terraform/ ./cfn-templates/ plus a single file
path: 'terraform,cfn-templates,my-other-sub-folder/Dockerfile'
output_path: myResults/
# Display the results in json format
- name: display kics results
run: |
cat myResults/results.json
By default KICS will fail your workflow on any results found.
If you want KICS to ignore the results and return exit status code 0 unless a KICS engine error happens:
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: run kics Scan
uses: checkmarx/kics-github-action@v2.1.6
path: 'terraform'
ignore_on_exit: results
output_path: myResults/
- name: display kics results
run: |
cat myResults/results.json
If want your pipeline just to fail on HIGH and MEDIUM severity results and KICS engine execution errors:
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: run kics Scan
uses: checkmarx/kics-github-action@v2.1.6
path: 'terraform,my-other-sub-folder/Dockerfile'
fail_on: high,medium
output_path: myResults/
- name: display kics results
run: |
cat myResults/results.json
enables this github action to access github API and post comments in a pull request:
name: Test KICS action PR comment
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: run kics Scan
uses: checkmarx/kics-github-action@v2.1.6
path: test/samples/positive1.tf,test/samples/positive2.tf
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
output_path: myResults/
ignore_on_exit: results
enable_comments: true
KICS version: 2.1.5
After scanning, kics-github-action will add the results as annotations in a pull request:
You can only enable one profiler at a time, CPU or MEM.
đź“ť Please note that execution time may be impacted by enabling performance profiler due to sampling
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: run kics Scan
uses: checkmarx/kics-github-action@v2.1.6
path: 'terraform'
profiling: MEM
output_path: myResults/
- name: display kics results
run: |
cat myResults/results.json
name: scan with KICS and upload SARIF
branches: [master]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: kics-action
- name: Checkout repo
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Mkdir results-dir
# make sure results dir is created
run: mkdir -p results-dir
- name: Run KICS Scan with SARIF result
uses: checkmarx/kics-github-action@v2.1.6
path: 'terraform'
# when provided with a directory on output_path
# it will generate the specified reports file named 'results.{extension}'
# in this example it will generate:
# - results-dir/results.json
# - results-dir/results.sarif
ignore_on_exit: results
output_path: results-dir
platform_type: terraform
output_formats: 'json,sarif'
exclude_paths: "terraform/gcp/big_data.tf,terraform/azure"
# seek query id in it's metadata.json
exclude_queries: 0437633b-daa6-4bbc-8526-c0d2443b946e
- name: Show results
run: |
cat results-dir/results.sarif
cat results-dir/results.json
- name: Upload SARIF file
uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v3
sarif_file: results-dir/results.sarif
Check configuration file reference for more options.
name: scan with KICS using config file
branches: [master]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: kics-action
- name: Checkout repo
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Mkdir results-dir
# make sure results dir is created
run: mkdir -p results-dir
- name: Create config file
# creating a heredoc config file
run: |
cat <<EOF >>kics.config
"exclude-categories": "Encryption",
"exclude-paths": "terraform/gcp/big_data.tf,terraform/gcp/gcs.tf",
"log-file": true,
"minimal-ui": false,
"no-color": false,
"no-progress": true,
"output-path": "./results-dir",
"payload-path": "file path to store source internal representation in JSON format",
"preview-lines": 5,
"report-formats": "json,sarif",
"type": "terraform",
"verbose": true
- name: Run KICS Scan using config
uses: checkmarx/kics-github-action@v2.1.6
path: 'terraform'
config_path: ./kics.config
- name: Upload SARIF file
uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v3
sarif_file: results-dir/results.sarif
We welcome issues to and pull requests against this repository!
KICS Github Action
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.