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One of Jackson Misec. datatype modules. Supports JSON serialization and deserialization of "org.json" JSON library datatypes, most commonly seen in Android SDK.


Maven dependency

To use module on Maven-based projects, use following dependency:


(or whatever version is most up-to-date at the moment)

Registering module

Like all standard Jackson modules (libraries that implement Module interface), registration is done as follows (Jackson 2.x up to 2.9)

// import com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype.jodamoney.JodaMoneyModule;

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper()
    .registerModule(new JodaMoneyModule());

OR, the new method added in 2.10 (old method will work with 2.x but not 3.x):

ObjectMapper mapper = JsonMapper.builder()
    .addModule(new JodaMoneyModule())

after which functionality is available with all normal Jackson operations, like:

Money amount = mapper.readValue("{\"currency\":\"EUR\",\"amount\":19.99}", Money.class)
assertEquals("EUR", amount.getCurrencyUnit().getCode())
assertEquals(BigDecimal.valueOf(19.99), amount.getAmount())

Configuring the module

Amount representation

Representation of the amount for the (de)serialized Money instances can be configured via the JodaMoneyModule.withAmountRepresentation(AmountRepresentation) method. The available representations are:

  • DECIMAL_NUMBER - the default; amounts are (de)serialized as decimal numbers equal to the monetary amount, e.g. 12.34 for EUR 12.34,
  • DECIMAL_STRING - amounts are (de)serialized as strings containing decimal number equal to the monetary amount, e.g. "12.34" for EUR 12.34,
  • MINOR_CURRENCY_UNIT - amounts are (de)serialized as long integers equal to the monetary amount expressed in minor currency unit, e.g. 1234 for EUR 12.34, 12345 for KWD 12.345 or 12 for JPY 12.

Example usage:

ObjectMapper mapper = JsonMapper.builder()
    .addModule(new JodaMoneyModule().withAmountRepresentation(AmountRepresentation.DECIMAL_STRING))