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OverlayScrollbars Vue

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OverlayScrollbars for Vue

This is the official OverlayScrollbars Vue wrapper.


npm install overlayscrollbars-vue

Peer Dependencies

OverlayScrollbars for Vue has the following peer dependencies:

npm install overlayscrollbars
  • The Vue framework: vue
npm install vue


The first step is to import the CSS file into your app:

import 'overlayscrollbars/overlayscrollbars.css';

Note: If the path 'overlayscrollbars/overlayscrollbars.css' is not working use 'overlayscrollbars/styles/overlayscrollbars.css' as the import path for the CSS file.


The main entry point is the OverlayScrollbarsComponent which can be used in your application as a component:

import { OverlayScrollbarsComponent } from "overlayscrollbars-vue";

// ...

<OverlayScrollbarsComponent defer>
  example content


It has optional properties:

  • element: accepts a string which represents the tag of the root element.
  • options: accepts an object which represents the OverlayScrollbars options.
  • events: accepts an object which represents the OverlayScrollbars events.
  • defer: accepts an boolean or object. Defers the initialization to a point in time when the browser is idle.

Note: Its highly recommended to use the defer option whenever possible to defer the initialization to a browser's idle period.

// example usage
  options={{ scrollbars: { autoHide: 'scroll' } }}
  events={{ scroll: () => { /* ... */ } }}


Additionally to the events property the OverlayScrollbarsComponent emits "native" Vue events. To prevent name collisions with DOM events the events have a os prefix.

Note: It doesn't matter whether you use the events property or the Vue events or both.

// example usage


The ref of the OverlayScrollbarsComponent will give you an object with which you can access the OverlayScrollbars instance and the root element of the component.
The ref object has two properties:

  • osInstance: a function which returns the OverlayScrollbars instance.
  • getElement: a function which returns the root element.


In case the OverlayScrollbarsComponent is not enough, you can also use the useOverlayScrollbars composable:

import { useOverlayScrollbars } from "overlayscrollbars-vue";

// example usage
const Component = {
  setup() {
    const div = ref(null);
    const reactiveParams = reactive({ options, events, defer });
    const [initialize, instance] = useOverlayScrollbars(reactiveParams);

     * or:
     * const params = ref();
     * const [initialize, instance] = useOverlayScrollbars(params);
     * or:
     * const options = ref();
     * const events = ref();
     * const defer = ref();
     * const [initialize, instance] = useOverlayScrollbars({
     *   options,
     *   events,
     *   defer,
     * });

    onMounted(() => {
      initialize({ target: div.value });

    return () => <div ref={div} />

The composable is for advanced usage and lets you control the whole initialization process. This is useful if you want to integrate it with other plugins.

The composable will destroy the instance automatically if the component unmounts.


Parameters are optional and similar to the OverlayScrollbarsComponent. Its an object with optional properties:

  • options: accepts an object which represents the OverlayScrollbars options.
  • events: accepts an object which represents the OverlayScrollbars events.
  • defer: accepts an boolean or object. Defers the initialization to a point in time when the browser is idle.

Note: The object can be a normal, reactive or ref object. This also applies to all fields.


The useOverlayScrollbars composable returns a tuple with two values:

  • The first value is the initialization function, it takes one argument which is the InitializationTarget.
  • The second value is a function which returns the current OverlayScrollbars instance or null if not initialized.
