1.Write the project description In This project i have to create a UI design for web page which describes about the HTML,its different tags.In this web Deisgn we have to create sidepane which will have with dropdown menu decribing the subjects to learn during full stack development. While in main content on rightside describes about HTML in detail.Here we can read and learn about html.
2.WHY this project was chosen I have choosen this project because this project has wide range of ui tags and functionality. This helped me to learn different tags and functionalities.
3.HOW did you make the project I have used HTML and CSS for UI design with the help of different tags like div,p,img,buttonwhile css is used to add features like color,padding to different tags. Javascript for drop down functionality.
4.WHAT features, technical things you had implemented I have implemented dropdown. I have to attached different icon like help,message and added functionality to go to new page. I have used css for difefrent tags for html. I have implemented UI design with sidepane and main content