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⭐ If you find Leantime useful, please star us on GitHub! ⭐

Leantime is an open source project management system for non-project managers.
We combine strategy, planning and execution while making it easy for everyone on the team to use.
Built with ADHD, dyslexia and autism in mind. 🧠

💪 As simple as Trello but as feature-rich as Jira
🔄 A perfect alternative to ClickUp, Monday, or Asana

A screenshot of Leantime's my work dashboard showing a few boxes with large metrics represnting todos complete, goals contributing to, scheduled todos. Also shows a day calendar with one task on it and a list of tasks grouped by Overdue, Due this week and Due Later

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alt text

🚀 Features*

Task Management Project Planning Information/Knowledge Management Administration
Task management via
kanban boards, gantt, table, list and calendar views
Project Dashboards, reports & status updates Wikis / Docs Easy installation
Unlimited subtasks and dependencies Goal & metrics tracking Idea Boards Multiple user roles and per project permissions
Milestone management Lean & Business Model Canvas Retrospectives Two factor authentication
Sprint Management SWOT Analysis canvas File Storage via S3 or local filesystem LDAP, OIDC integration
Timetracking & timesheets Risk Analysis Screen & webcam recording Extendable via plugins and API
... and more Comments/discussions on everything Integrates with Slack, Mattermost, Discord
... and more Available in over 20 languages
*yes, all of these features are included in the OSS version

📸 Screenshots

Screenshot of Leantime's my work dashboard but with a dark color scheme. All colors are darkened or reverted Screenshot of Leantime's project dashboard showing a project checklist that has the first box checked, the latest tasks (1 right now), a progress donut chart at 0% Screenshot of Leantime's todo screen in table format. Tasks are grouped by status where each Status has a different color
alt text Screenshot of Leantime's timeline or gantt feature showing a timeline with various milestone boxes different in length representing how long these take. Each milestone has a different color and they are connected with an arrow Screenshot of Leantime's personal calendar screen showing a month overview with a few tasks
alt text Screenshot of Leantime's wiki page showing one template article of a product requirements document formatted with lists and tables Screenshot of Leantime's timesheet feature with a table a one week overview and input boxes for each day. Tasks are organized in rows

❗System Requirements

  • PHP 8.2+
  • MySQL 8.0+ or MariaDB 10.6+
  • Apache or Nginx (IIS works with some modifications)
  • PHP Extensions:
  • BC Math (bcmath)
  • Ctype
  • cURL
  • DOM
  • Exif
  • Fileinfo
  • Filter
  • GD
  • Hash
  • LDAP
  • Multibyte String (mbstring)
  • MySQL
  • OPcache
  • OpenSSL
  • PCRE
  • PDO
  • Phar
  • Session
  • Tokenizer
  • Zip
  • SimpleXML

Ctype PHP Extension cURL PHP Extension DOM PHP Extension Fileinfo PHP Extension Filter PHP Extension Hash PHP Extension Mbstring PHP Extension OpenSSL PHP Extension PCRE PHP Extension PDO PHP Extension Session PHP Extension Tokenizer PHP Extension XML PHP Extension

️⚡️ Installation (Production)

There are two main ways to install LeanTime for production. The first of which is to install all needed pieces of the system locally. The second is to use the officially supported Docker image.

Local Production Installation

  • Download latest release package (file is called: from the release page
  • Create an empty MySQL database
  • Upload the entire directory to your server
  • Point your domain root to the public/ directory
  • Rename config/.env.sample to config/.env
  • Fill in your database credentials (username, password, host, dbname) in config/.env
  • Navigate to <>/install
  • Follow instructions to install database and set up first user account
IIS Installation Notes

Whilst the steps above are applicable to Internet Information Services (IIS), there is an additional configuration change that may be required in IIS to ensure full functionality - you need to allow the PATCH method:

  • Open IIS
  • Expand the server and sites on the left and select the LeanTime site
  • Double click on Handler Mappings
  • Double click on the PHP handler mapping that is used by the site
  • Click Request Restrictions…
  • Click the Verbs tab
  • In the One of the following verbs text box, add PATCH - for example: GET,HEAD,POST,PATCH
  • Click OK
  • In the Executable (optional) text box, put a double quote character () at the start and at the end of the path to the php-cgi.exe file (this isn't needed if the path doesn't have a space in it)
  • Click OK
  • A popup will appear asking if you want to create a FastCGI application - click Yes

Note: You may need to repeat this when you upgrade PHP.

Production Installation via Docker

We maintain an official Docker image on dockerhub. To run the image enter your MySQL credentials and execute. You can pass in all the configuration variables from .env

docker run -d --restart unless-stopped -p 8080:8080 --network leantime-net \
-e LEAN_DB_HOST=mysql_leantime \
-e LEAN_DB_USER=admin \
-e LEAN_DB_PASSWORD=321.qwerty \
-e LEAN_DB_DATABASE=leantime \
-e LEAN_EMAIL_RETURN=changeme@local.local \
--name leantime leantime/leantime:latest

Unless you have a database defined somewhere else you should use our docker-compose file.

Once started you can go to <>/install and run the installation script.

Important: If you are planning to use plugins you need to mount the plugin folder plugins:/var/www/html/app/Plugins and ensure the www-data user has access to it. Otherwise installation may fail or plugins will be removed after a restart

Docker Installation Notes

If you intend to place Leantime behind a reverse proxy (nginx, etc.) to handle custom domain name resolution and SSL offloading, you will need to set the following environment variable in docker

  • Update to your custom domain name.

🤓 Installation (Development)

There are two ways to install a development setup of LeanTime. The first (but most technical) is to install all pieces of the system locally. The second (and preferred method) is to use a docker containerized development environment.

Local Development Installation

  • Clone repository to your local server
  • Create MySQL database
  • Run webpack builder via make build-dev
  • Point your local domain to the public/ directory
  • Rename config/.env.sample to config/.env
  • Fill in your database credentials (username, password, host, dbname) in config/.env
  • Navigate to <localdomain>/install
  • Follow instructions to install database and user account

Development Installation via Docker

For development, we use a dockerized development environment. You will need to have docker, docker compose, make, composer, git and npm installed.

  • Notes for Windows Environments:
    • Run all commands within the git bash terminal in order to utilize unix specific commands
    • If installing php from a zip file, make sure to configure php.ini It does not exist initially, so copy C:\php\php.ini-development to C:\php\php.ini. You will also need to edit php.ini in a text editor and enable all needed extensions for the build process. You can find these by running the make commands and looking for any extensions that error out as missing. You can enable them by searching php.ini for the extension that will look like: ;extension=gd and removing the semicolon.

In order to build the development docker image, in the root of this repository, run a primer with

make clean build

afterwards, run

make run-dev

this will start the development server on port 8090.

The dev environment provides a MySQL server, mail server, s3 server, and should be good to go for your needs out of the box. The configuration of the development environment is found in .dev/.env, and is already seeded with the appropriate values. You should probably not be modifying this unless you plan to work on a feature for a specific integration. the applications you get are as follows

Additionally, Xdebug is enabled, but you will have to modify your IDE key in the .dev/xdebug.ini file(or alternatively, on your IDE). You also need to have port 9003 temporarily open on your firewall so you can utilize it effectively. This is because connections from docker to the host will count as external inbound connections

Run Tests

Static Analysis make phpstan
Code Style make test-code-style (to fix code style automatically use make fix-code-style)
Unit Tests make unit-test
Acceptance Tests make acceptance-test
(requires docker)

You can test individual acceptance test groups directly using:
For api:
docker compose --file .dev/docker-compose.yaml --file .dev/docker-compose.tests.yaml exec leantime-dev php vendor/bin/codecept run -g api --steps
For timesheets:
docker compose --file .dev/docker-compose.yaml --file .dev/docker-compose.tests.yaml exec leantime-dev php vendor/bin/codecept run -g timesheet --steps

🏗 Update


  • Make sure to take a backup of your database and files
  • Replace all files in your directory with the updated version
  • If there were any database changes, the system will redirect you to <>/update


  • Run php bin/leantime system:update


  • Before updating, make sure your mysql container was started using a mounted volume, otherwise your content will be deleted
  • Delete/Stop existing container
  • Pull the latest docker image and rebuild using your compose file

Common Issues

Please refer to our documentation about common issues found when installing or updating Leantime

🛟 Let us install it for you.

Hassle free installation service in your environments. We can do full installations, updates, configurations or plugin installations. See our Marketplace for details.

☁️ Not interested in hosting yourself? Let us do it for you

We offer managed hosting plans as well as a SaaS product so you can get all the benefits of Leantime without the hassle. Head to for more information.

🤙 Need technical support?

We can help you set up Leantime in your environment and customize it to your needs. Our support plans are outlined on our website.

Please note: We currently only support the official Leantime docker compose and standard installations. We only offer support for the most recent version.

We do not offer support for Cloudron, Elestio, Turnkey, or other external distribution platforms sharing unofficial versions of Leantime.

🫴 Contributing

We're excited you are interested in contributing to Leantime. We want to make sure you have a great experience contributing to Leantime and that the new features you build will make it into core.

🪲 Bugs

Find an issue on Github (or create a new one) add your name to it or comment that you will be working on it. Once fixed, create a Pull Request.

New Features in Core

If you have an idea about new features please reach out to us on Discord. This is where we coordinate feature development and discuss whether core is the right place to add your new features (Plugins is the alternative).

🌏 Translations

Language files and translations are stored in app/Language/* . Once updates please create a Pull Request.

👥 Community Support

⚖️ LICENSE Exceptions

Leantime is licensed under AGPLv3. This file forms part of the Leantime Software for which the following exception is added: Plugins within the /app/Plugins directory which may contain plugins licensed under other licenses including our enterprise license.