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React+Redux starter app Build Status

Starter application/kit containing the minimum set of frameworks/libraries/technologies to start working with React and Redux.


Sometimes we've found ourselves doing the simplest setup for a particular framework/language, specially in the JavaScript world where these days you have tons of good libraries to help you out.

What do we usually look for? If we are talking about JavaScript then a testing framework, a linting tool and a packaging/building well-known stablished process.

Setting up all these things might take some time so it makes sense to prepare something solid and reuse it. There are a lot of awesome boilerplate/templates out there. Unfortunately most of them contains a fair amount of stuff that I don't use or need.

The idea behind this starter app/kit is that you only have the minimum to start developing an application with React and Redux, testing, linting, packaging/building included. There is not a backend dependency. There is not a database to set up. And there is not a single CSS framework applied. You're completely free.

Included tech/framework/library

Tech Insights
React The core JavaScript UI library.
Redux Manage the state of the application.
Babel Safely use the next generation JavaScript.
webpack Bundle all the assets.
Jest Testing framework.
Enzyme Testing utilities.
ESLint Linting utility.
EditorConfig Define file formats and coding styles for all Editors/IDEs.


npm install


For development you can simple type:

npm start


For production deployments:

npm run build


Whether you run start or build scripts both will execute first a validation script which is in charge of running the linting and testing validations.

npm run validate

You can run them in isolation too:

npm run lint
npm test


There is a big chance this project does not fulfill your needs. We recommend these fantastic alternatives:

  1. Create React App
  2. react slingshot

Both of them have been here for some time and have very nice communities and support. Please, chech those out!


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