Open Codeyard is the collaboration group for young programmers and Computer Science students as well as professionals.

⚡ Official Organization account of Open Codeyard
📚 We are growing everyday. Drop a join request at our mail id or telegram, we will be happy to add you.
📚 We are listening. Post a new discussion or ask questions at discussions page
⚠️ Don't Commit on main when drunk 😜
- Everyone must respect each other.
- No racism or discrimination allowed.
- Fights and quarrels are totally restricted. If in case there is any problem, be free to talk to the admins in community.
- Do not advertise in any issue comment/description.
- Make sure to be polite while asking for working on a issue.
- Listen. Consider and acknowledge people's points before responding.
- Please enjoy, have fun and make new friends so that they can support you in anything.
- Thanks for your support and co-operation.
Failing to comply with these rules repeatedly will lead to immediate termination from organization