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For convenience, all the code examples in this documentation will be presented in TypeScript. Feel free to convert them to regular JavaScript. If you don't use a transpiler, you might need to replace imports by require() calls.

Client basics

Create a client

Import the default export/TwitterApi variable from twitter-api-v2 module.

Developer note: Default export is a TypeScript-CommonJS-wrapped default export — it isn't a regular ECMA module default export. See example below.

// This will ONLY work with TypeScript on module: "commonjs"
import TwitterApi from 'twitter-api-v2';

// This will work on TypeScript (with commonJS and ECMA)
// AND with Node.js in ECMA mode (.mjs files, type: "module" in package.json)
import { TwitterApi } from 'twitter-api-v2';

// This will work with Node.js on CommonJS mode (TypeScript or not)
const { TwitterApi } = require('twitter-api-v2');

Instantiate with your wanted authentication method.

// OAuth 1.0a (User context)
const userClient = new TwitterApi({
  appKey: 'consumerAppKey',
  appSecret: 'consumerAppSecret',
  // Following access tokens are not required if you are
  // at part 1 of user-auth process (ask for a request token)
  // or if you want a app-only client (see below)
  accessToken: 'accessOAuthToken',
  accessSecret: 'accessOAuthSecret',

// OAuth2 (app-only or user context)
// Create a client with an already known bearer token
const appOnlyClient = new TwitterApi('bearerToken');
// OR - you can also create a app-only client from your consumer keys -
const appOnlyClientFromConsumer = await userClient.appLogin();

Your client is now ready.

Select your right level

If you already know your right limit (that you've selected when you've created your app on Twitter Dev portal), you can choose the right sub-client:

  • DMs: Nothing to do, default level
  • Read-write: rwClient = client.readWrite
  • Read-only: roClient = client.readOnly


Please see Authentication part of the doc.

Get current user

v1 API

If you want to access currently the logged user inside v1 API (= you're logged with OAuth 1.0a/OAuth2 user-context), you can use the method .currentUser().

This a shortcut to .v1.verifyCredentials() with a cache that store user to avoid multiple API calls. Its returns a UserV1 object.

v2 API

If you want to access the currently logged user inside v2 API, you can use the method .currentUserV2().

This a shortcut to with a cache that store user to avoid multiple API calls. Its returns a UserV2Result object.

Use the versioned API clients - URL prefixes

By default, twitter-api-v2 doesn't know which version of the API you want to use (because it supports both!).

For this reason, we allow you to choose which version you want to use: v1 or v2!

const v1Client = client.v1;
const v2Client = client.v2;

// We also think of users who test v2 labs endpoints :)
const v2LabsClient = client.v2.labs;

Using the versioned client auto-prefix requests with default prefixes (for v1:, for v2:, for labs v2: and this gives you access to endpoint-wrapper methods!

Use the endpoint-wrapper methods

See the documentation for v1 client API or documentation for v2 client API.

Make requests behind a proxy

If your network connection is behind a proxy and you are unable to make requests with the default configuration, you can use a custom HTTP agent to configure this behavior.

// Note: this package is an external package, it isn't bundled with Node.
import * as HttpProxyAgent from 'https-proxy-agent';

// HTTPS proxy to connect to
// twitter-api-v2 will always use HTTPS
const proxy = process.env.HTTP_PROXY || '';

// create an instance of the `HttpProxyAgent` class with the proxy server information
const httpAgent = new HttpProxyAgent(proxy);

// Instantiate helper with the agent
const client = new TwitterApi('<bearerToken>', { httpAgent });