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# Copyright (c)  2015-now, TigerGraph Inc.
# All rights reserved
# It is provided as it is for benchmark reproducible purpose.
# anyone can use it for benchmark purpose with the
# acknowledgement to TigerGraph.
# Author: Litong Shen

This article documents the details on how to reproduce the graph database benchmark result on Amazon Neptune.

Data Sets
- graph500 edge file and vertex file:
- twitter edge file and vertex file:

Hardware & Major enviroment
- Amazon EC2 machine r4.xlarge
- OS Amazon Linux AMI 2018.03
- Java build 1.8.0_171-b10

- 4vCPUs
- 30.5GiB memory

Neptune Server
- Neptune DB instance class db.r4.8xlarge or db.r4.4xlarge (benchmark results provided for both options)
- engine version:

- db.r4.8xlarge
	- 32vCPUs
	- 244GiB memory
	- EBS throuput 6000 Mbps
	- Network Performance 10Gbps

- db.r4.4xlarge
	- 16vCPUs
	- 122GiB memory
	- EBS throuput 3000 Mbps
	- Network Performance up to 10Gbps

setup Neptune stack
# reference:

step 1: Setup Neptune server and EC2 client in US East (N. Virginia) region
- Launch the Neptune Stack at:
  On the Select Template page, choose Next.
- On the Specify Details page, choose a key pair for the EC2SSHKeyPairName, choose db.r4.8xlarge or db.r4.4xlarge in DbInstanceType, choose r4.2xlarge in EC2ClientInstanceType.
- Choose Next.
- On the Options page, choose Next.
- On the Review page, select the check box to acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation will create IAM resources. Then choose Create.

Step 2: Prepare IAM Role and Amazon S3 Access, follow steps from

Step 3: Use AWS Access key and Secret Access Key to setup aws configure on EC2 client machine (set up your AWS CLI installation)
- use the following command to setup aws configure:
	aws configure

Step 4: Create a S3 bucket
- follow steps:

# NOTE: Neptune DB has build-in graph (does not allow user to create graph), for each dataset need to create their own Neptune DB cluster.
# To launch an addtional Neptune cluster:

Loading data (switch to EC2 client)
- bash script to load data from client EC2 to S3. Description is inside. 
- bash script to load data from S3 to Neptune. Description is inside.
- bash script to check load status. Description is inside.
- bash script to delete the loader job. Description is inside.

Step 1: To upload Graph500 and twitter:
nohup bash path/to/local/datafile mydirectory/filename/in/S3 &
Note: before upload data, modify parameters according to description inside.

Step 2: To load Graph500 and twitter:
nohup bash &
Note: 1. before load data, modify parameters according to description inside.
      2. need to load vertex file first, then load edge file
      3. when loading graph500 edge file, you need load graph500 edge file TWICE
         duplicate edges will cause "insertErrors" and "LOAD_FAILED"
         load graph500 edge file again will resolve the problem.

Step 3: To check load job:
bash jobId-return-from-step-2
Note: before check load job, modify parameters according to description inside.

Step 4: To cancel load job:
bash jobId-return-from-step-2
Note: before cancel loading job, modify parameters according to description inside.

Step 5: check final storage, switch to Amazon Cloudwatch Console 
- Choose Metrics in the left navigation pane.
- Choose Neptune
- Choose Cluster Metrics
- Search for VolumeBytesUsed
- Choose your DBClusterIdentifier
- the final storage size = value-show-in-graph/6 (the replication factor) 

Query timeout setting (Switch to AWS console)
Create a DB parameter Group
- Sign in to the AWS Management Console, and open the Amazon Neptune console
- Choose Parameter groups in the left navigation pane.
- Choose Create DB parameter group. The Create DB parameter group page appears.
- In the Type list, choose DB Parameter Group or DB Cluster Parameter Group.
- In the Group name box, type the name of the new DB parameter group.
- In the Description box, type a description for the new DB parameter group.
- Choose Create.

Link parameter Group to Neptune DB instance
- Sign in to the AWS Management Console, and open the Amazon Neptune console
- Choose Instances in the left navigation pane.
- Check Neptune Instance then choose modify from Instance actions.
- Under Database options, choose the parameter group created from previous step.
- click continue, then click apply Immediately.

Editing a DB Parameter Group
- Sign in to the AWS Management Console, and open the Amazon Neptune console
- Choose Parameter groups in the navigation pane.
- Choose the Name link for the DB parameter group that you want to edit.
- Choose Edit parameters.
- Set the value for the parameters of "neptune_query_timeout" that you want to change.
	180000 ms for k-1-step-neighborhood, k-2-steps-neighborhood
	9000000 ms for k-3-steps-neighborhood, k-6-steps-neighborhood
- Choose Save changes.
- Reboot every Neptune DB instance in the Neptune cluster.

Run benchmark (switch to EC2 client)
Download all files in the README folder to a script folder.

Before running the benchmark script below, please make sure the current user has the READ permission from the raw file,
and the WRITE permission on the folder where you put the benchmark script folder, since the random seed will be generted in this folder.

Output folder
assume you are in the script folder, download random test seed in the same folder.
assume you are in the script folder, then create a result folder using folowing cammand:
	mkdir result

before run khop, assume you are in the script folder, modify following parameters in
  static String URL (line 26): need neptune-end-point
  static String depth (line 27): 1 for 1-neighborhood, 2 for 2-neighborhood, 3 for 3-neighborhood, 6 for 6-neighborhood
  static double seedSize (line 28): 300 (1-neighborhood, 2-neighborhood), 10 (3-neighborhood, 6-neighborhood)
  File file (line 36): path/to/random-test-seed
  String resultFileName (line 42): "KN-latency-Graph500-" + depth;
  String resultFilePath (line 43): path/to/result-folder + resultFileName;
Note: set query timeout to 180s for 1/2 neighbor, 9000s for 3/6 neighbors

use the following command line to compile and run khop:
	javac -cp json.jar
	nohup java -cp "json.jar:." kn &

before run khop, assume you are in the script folder, modify following parameters in
  static String URL (line 26): need neptune-end-point
  static String depth (line 27): 1 for 1-neighborhood, 2 for 2-neighborhood, 3 for 3-neighborhood, 6 for 6-neighborhood
  static double seedSize (line 28): 300 (1-neighborhood, 2-neighborhood), 10 (3-neighborhood, 6-neighborhood)
  File file (line 36): path/to/random-test-seed
  String resultFileName (line 42): "KN-latency-Twitter-" + depth;
  String resultFilePath (line 43): path/to/result-folder + resultFileName;
Note: set query timeout to 180s for 1/2 neighbor, 9000s for 3/6 neighbors

use the following command line to compile and run khop:
        javac -cp json.jar
        nohup java -cp "json.jar:." kn &