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Styling the Navigator

You can style the navigator appearance and behavior by passing a navigatorStyle object. This object can be passed when the screen is originally created; can be defined per-screen by setting static navigatorStyle = {}; on the screen component; and can be overridden when a screen is pushed.

The easiest way to style your screen is by adding static navigatorStyle = {}; to your screen React component definition.

export default class StyledScreen extends Component {
  static navigatorStyle = {
    drawUnderNavBar: true,
    navBarTranslucent: true
  constructor(props) {
  render() {
    return (
      <View style={{flex: 1}}>...</View>

Disabling persistent styling properties on iOS

By design, most style properties on iOS are carried on to pushed screens. For example, If the navigation stack contains a single screen with navBarButtonColor: 'blue'; any screen pushed to this stack will have a blue navBar without needing to declare that property. This results in unpredictable and hard to determine style mechanism, therefore it wasn't implemented on Android. To disable this behavior on iOS, add keepStyleAcrossPush: false to appStyle:

  appStyle: {
    keepStyleAcrossPush: false

Setting styles dynamically

Use the setStyle method to change a screen's style dynamically.

  navBarBackgroundColor: 'blue'

Style object format

  // Common
  navBarTextColor: '#000000', // change the text color of the title (remembered across pushes)
  navBarTextFontSize: 18, // change the font size of the title
  navBarTextFontFamily: 'font-name', // Changes the title font
  navBarBackgroundColor: '#f7f7f7', // change the background color of the nav bar (remembered across pushes)
  navBarCustomView: 'example.CustomTopBar', // registered component name
  navBarComponentAlignment: 'center', // center/fill
  navBarCustomViewInitialProps: {}, // navBar custom component props
  navBarButtonColor: '#007aff', // Change color of nav bar buttons (eg. the back button) (remembered across pushes)
  topBarElevationShadowEnabled: false, // (Android - default: true, iOS - default: false). Disables TopBar elevation shadow on Lolipop and above
  navBarHidden: false, // make the nav bar hidden
  navBarHideOnScroll: false, // make the nav bar hidden only after the user starts to scroll
  navBarTranslucent: false, // make the nav bar semi-translucent, works best with drawUnderNavBar:true
  navBarTransparent: false, // make the nav bar transparent, works best with drawUnderNavBar:true,
  navBarNoBorder: false, // hide the navigation bar bottom border (hair line). Default false
  drawUnderNavBar: false, // draw the screen content under the nav bar, works best with navBarTranslucent:true
  drawUnderTabBar: false, // draw the screen content under the tab bar (the tab bar is always translucent)
  navBarBlur: false, // blur the entire nav bar, works best with drawUnderNavBar:true
  tabBarHidden: false, // make the screen content hide the tab bar (remembered across pushes)
  statusBarHidden: false, // make the status bar hidden regardless of nav bar state
  statusBarTextColorScheme: 'dark', // text color of status bar, 'dark' / 'light' (remembered across pushes)
  navBarSubtitleColor: 'red', // subtitle color
  navBarSubtitleFontFamily: 'font-name', // subtitle font, 'sans-serif-thin' for example
  navBarSubtitleFontSize: 13, // subtitle font size
  screenBackgroundColor: 'white', // Default screen color, visible before the actual react view is rendered
  orientation: 'portrait' // Sets a specific orientation to a modal and all screens pushed to it. Default: 'auto'. Supported values: 'auto', 'landscape', 'portrait'
  disabledButtonColor: '#ff0000' // chnaged the navigation bar button text color when disabled.
  rootBackgroundImageName: 'iOS: <name of image in Images.xcassets>. Android: <name of drawable>', // Static while you transition between screens. Works best with screenBackgroundColor: 'transparent'
  // iOS only
  statusBarTextColorSchemeSingleScreen: 'light', // same as statusBarTextColorScheme but does NOT remember across pushes
  statusBarHideWithNavBar: false, // hide the status bar if the nav bar is also hidden, useful for navBarHidden:true
  statusBarBlur: false, // blur the area under the status bar, works best with navBarHidden:true
  disabledBackGesture: false, // default: false. Disable the back gesture (swipe gesture) in order to pop the top screen. 
  disabledSimultaneousGesture: true, // default: true. Disable simultaneous gesture recognition.
  screenBackgroundImageName: '<name of image in Images.xcassets>', // Optional. default screen background image.
  navBarButtonFontSize: 20, // Change font size nav bar buttons (eg. the back button) (remembered across pushes)
  navBarButtonFontWeight: '500', // Change font weight nav bar buttons (eg. the back button) (remembered across pushes)

  navBarLeftButtonFontSize: 17, // Change font size of left nav bar button
  navBarLeftButtonColor: 'red', // Change color of left nav bar button
  navBarLeftButtonFontWeight: '400', // Change font weight of left nav bar button

  navBarRightButtonFontSize: 17, // Change font size of right nav bar button
  navBarRightButtonColor: 'blue', // Change color of right nav bar button
  navBarRightButtonFontWeight: '600', // Change font weight of right nav bar button

  topBarShadowColor: 'blue' // Sets shadow of the navbar, Works only when topBarElevationShadowEnabled: true
  topBarShadowOpacity: 0.5, // Sets shadow opacity on the navbar, Works only when topBarElevationShadowEnabled: true
  topBarShadowOffset: 12, // Sets shadow offset on the navbar, Works only when topBarElevationShadowEnabled: true
  topBarShadowRadius: 3 // Sets shadow radius on the navbar, Works only when topBarElevationShadowEnabled: true

  preferredContentSize: { width: 500, height: 500 } // Sets the preferred size for the view controller’s view.
  modalPresentationStyle: 'formSheet' // Sets the presentation style for modally presented view controllers. Supported styles are: 'formSheet', 'pageSheet', 'overFullScreen', 'overCurrentContext' and 'fullScreen'. 
  largeTitle: false, // Sets the nav bar title to be in the larger iOS 11 style

  // Android only
  navigationBarColor: '#000000', // change the background color of the bottom native navigation bar.
  navBarTitleTextCentered: true, // default: false. centers the title.
  navBarSubTitleTextCentered: true, // (Android - default: false, iOS - default: depending on navBarTitleTextCentered). centers the subTitle.
  navBarButtonFontFamily: 'sans-serif-thin', // Change the font family of textual buttons
  statusBarColor: '#000000', // change the color of the status bar.
  drawUnderStatusBar: false, // default: false, will draw the screen underneath the statusbar. Useful togheter with statusBarColor: transparent
  collapsingToolBarImage: "", // Collapsing Toolbar image.
  collapsingToolBarImage: require('../../img/topbar.jpg'), // Collapsing Toolbar image. Either use a url or require a local image.
  collapsingToolBarCollapsedColor: '#0f2362', // Collapsing Toolbar scrim color.
  navBarTextFontBold: false, // Optional. Set the title to bold.
  navBarHeight: 70, // Optional, set the navBar height in pixels.
  navBarTopPadding: 24, // Optional, set navBar top padding in dp. Useful when StatusBar.translucent=true on Android Lollipop and above.
  topTabsHeight: 70, // Optional, set topTabs height in pixels.
  topBarBorderColor: 'red', // Optional, set a flat border under the TopBar.
  topBarBorderWidth: 5.5, // Optional, set the width of the border.

Styling the StatusBar

If you set any styles related to the Status Bar, make sure that in Xcode > project > Info.plist, the property View controller-based status bar appearance is set to YES.

Custom fonts

If you'd like to use a custom font, you'll first have to edit your project.

  • Android - add the .ttf or .otf files to src/main/assets/fonts/

  • iOS - follow this guide

All supported styles are defined here. There's also an example project there showcasing all the different styles.