issues Search Results · repo:WebReflection/circular-json language:JavaScript
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inWebReflection/circular-json (press backspace or delete to remove)use strict
const functions = require( firebase-functions ); const admin = require( firebase-admin ); const JSON = require(
circular-json );
admin.initializeApp(functions.config().firebase); const firestore ...
- 1
- Opened on May 22, 2019
- #52
Hello, when i do npm install in root of new angular project, i get unexpected message from your packet. Packet install
invokes during docker build.
Stack Trace of message: image
- 1
- Opened on Oct 24, 2018
- #51
The post install message is causing confusion among users that transitively depend on circular-json. Please consider
removing it and publishing an new version without the message.
Real world impact: @angular/cli ...
- 2
- Opened on Oct 23, 2018
- #50
CircularJSON.stringify({hui: asd ~ asd })
{ hui : asd \\x7e asd }
why ~ be change \x7e
- 3
- Opened on Sep 20, 2018
- #47
Hi, I m turning a 362Kb yarn.lock file into a dependencies hierarchy tree, which I tried to stringify using JSON. It
then failed with TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON, that s when I found ...
- 1
- Opened on May 31, 2018
- #46
say, circularJSON.stringify( Hello ~~ ), it will output 乱码
- 8
- Opened on May 18, 2018
- #45
Hi @WebReflection, thank you for building this awesome library! I have a question about reviver behaviour for root
element of the JSON. Here s the test example:
(function () {
var a = {root: true, _circular: ...
- 2
- Opened on May 8, 2018
- #44
We are having some performance troubles using IE11 / IE Edge. The CircularJSON.stringify method is so slow. It takes on
Chrome 100ms VS IE 800ms.
Do you think that it can be resolve?
- 8
- Opened on Apr 16, 2018
- #43
circularJson.stringify(obj) throws error: toISOString is not a function
- 1
- Opened on Mar 2, 2018
- #42
Hi, I am using circular-json to store a D3js object. However, it seems that the object attributes are not being kept. I
have attached what I mean in my attached output. It can be seen that the attributes ...
- 2
- Opened on Jan 5, 2018
- #41

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