uhtml (micro µ html) is one of the smallest, fastest, memory consumption friendly, yet zero-tools based, library to safely help creating or manipulating DOM content.
It is entirely Web standards based and it adds just the minimal amount of spices to the templates literals it's able to understand and optimized for either repeated updates or one-off operations.
This page describes, without going into too many details, all the features delivered via this module which is roughly 2.5K once minified and compressed, or even bundled within your project.
- All µhtml features in a nutshell
- Some Frequently Asked Question
The following code is an abstract representation of all features delivered by uhtml and it's explained in details preserving the same order.
You can skip to details directly via the following links:
- render - to reveal tags content
- tag - to create content
- boolean - to toggle attributes
- attribute - to assign attributes
- direct - to assign properties
- listener - to add listeners
- list - to grow or shrink a list of nodes
- self closing - to simplify life
- hole - to represent generic content
- reactivity - to understand uhtml/reactive
┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ render
┃ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ tag
render(document.body, html`
<div class=${className} ?hidden=${!show}>
┃ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━ boolean
┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ attribute
<ul @click=${sort} .sort=${order}>
┃ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ direct
┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ listener
┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ list
<my-element /> ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ self closing
${show ? `${order} results` : null}
┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ hole
To reveal template literal tags within a specific element we need a helper which goal is to understand if the content to render was already known but also, in case it's a hole, to orchestrate a "smart dance" to render such content.
The render
exported helper is a function that, given a node where to render such content, returns that very
same node with the content in the right place, content returned by the tag used to render.
import { render, html } from 'uhtml';
const whom = 'World';
// direct rendering
render(document.body, html`Hello ${whom}!`);
// using a function (implicitly invoked by render)
render(document.body, () => html`Hello ${whom}!`);
/** results into
Hello World!
A template literal tag can be either the html
or the svg
one, both directly exported from this module:
import { html, svg } from 'uhtml';
html`<button />`;
svg`<circle />`;
Used directly from both default and uhtml/keyed
variant, the returning value will not be a DOM Node, rather a Hole representation of that node once rendered,
unless the import was from uhtml/node
, which instead creates once DOM nodes hence it could be used with any library or framework able to handle these.
The uhtml/keyed
export though also allows to create tags related to a specific key, where the key is a ref
/ key
pair and it guarantees the resulting node will always be the same,
given the same ref and the same id.
import { htmlFor, svgFor } from 'uhtml/keyed';
const Button = key => {
const html = htmlFor(Button, key);
return html`<button />`;
const Circle = key => {
const svg = svgFor(Circle, key);
return svg`<circle />`;
Button('unique-id') === Button('unique-id');
Circle('unique-id') === Circle('unique-id');
In keyed cases, the result will always be the same node and not a Hole.
import { htmlFor } from 'uhtml/keyed';
const Button = key => {
const html = htmlFor(Button, key);
return html`<button />`;
To some extend, uhtml is keyed by default, meaning that given the same template all elements in that template will always be created or referenced once in the stack.
In most common use cases then, using a keyed approach might just be overkill, unless you rely on the fact a node must be the same whenever its attributes or content changes, as opposite of being the previous node with updated values within it.
The use cases that best represent this need are:
- a list items or table rows that somehow are referenced elsewhere for other purposes and could be sorted or swapped and their identity should be preserved
- same node moved elsewhere under some condition, with some expensive computed state attached to it
There are really not many other edge cases to prefer keyed over non keyed, but whenever you feel like keyed would be better, uhtml/keyed
will provide
that extra feature, without compromising too much performance or bundle size (it's just ~0.1K increase and very little extra logic involved).
Fully inspired by lit, boolean attributes are simply a toggle indirection to either have, or not, such attribute.
import { render, html } from 'uhtml';
render(document.body, html`
<div ?hidden=${false}>I am visible</div>
<div ?hidden=${true}>I am invisible</div>
/** results into
<div>I am visible</div>
<div hidden>I am invisible</div>
Every attribute that doesn't have a specialized syntax prefix, such as ?
, @
or .
, is handled in the following way and only if different from its previous value:
- if the exported
Map knows the attribute, a callback related to it will be used to updatearia
attribute accepts and handle an object literal withrole
and other aria attributesclass
attribute handles a directelement.className
assignment or remove the attribute if the value is eithernull
attribute accepts and handle an object literal withdataset
names to directly set to the noderef
attribute handles React like ref property by updating theref.current
value to the current node, or invokingref(element)
when it's a callbackstyle
attribute handles a directelement.style.cssText
assignment or remove the attribute if the value is eithernull
- it is possible to augment the
Map with any custom attribute name that doesn't have an already known prefix and it's not part of the already known list (although one could override known attributes too). In this case,attr.set("my-attr", (element, newValue, name, oldValue) => newValue)
is the expected signature to augment attributes in the wild, as the stack retains only the current value and it will invoke the callback only if the new value is different.
- if the attribute is unknown in the
map, aname in element
check is performed once (per template, not per element) and if that'strue
, a direct assignment will be used to update the value, unless the value is eithernull
, in which case the attribute is removed if it's not a listener, otherwise it drops the listener:"onclick" in element
, like any other native listener, will directly assign the callback viaelement[name] = value
, whenvalue
is different, providing a way to simplify events handling in the wild"value" in input
, like any other understood accessor for the currently related node, will directly useinput[name] = value
, whenvalue
is different"hidden" in element
, as defined by standard, will also directly setelement[name] = value
, whenvalue
is different, somehow overlapping with the boolean feature- any other
"accessor" in element
will simply follow the exact same rule and use the directelement[name] = value
, whenvalue
is different
- in all other cases the attribute is set via
element.setAttribute(name, value)
and removed viaelement.removeAttribute(name)
is eithernull
A direct attribute is simply passed along to the element, no matter its name or special standard behavior.
import { render, html } from 'uhtml';
const state = {
some: 'special state'
render(document.body, html`
<div id='direct' .state=${state}>content</div>
document.querySelector('#direct').state === state;
// true
If the name is already a special standard accessor, this will be set with the current value, whenever it's different from the previous one, so that direct syntax could be also used to set .hidden
or .value
, for input or textarea, but that's just explicit, as these accessors would work regardless that way, without needing special syntax hints and as already explained in the attribute section.
As already explained in the attribute section, common listeners can be already attached via onclick=${callback}
and everything would work already as expected, with also less moving parts behind the scene ... but what if the listener is a custom event name or it requires options such as { once: true }
This is where @click=${[handler, { once: true }]}
helps, so that addEventListener
, and removeEventListener
when the listener changes, are used instead of direct on*=${callback}
import { render, html } from 'uhtml';
const handler = {
handleEvent(event) {
render(document.body, html`
<div @custom:type=${handler}, @click=${[handler, { once: true }]}>
const div = document.querySelector('div');
div.dispatchEvent(new Event('custom:type'));
// logs "custom:type"
// logs "click"
// nothing, as it was once
Please note that even if options such as { once: true }
are used, if the handler / listener is different each time the listener itself will be added, as for logic sake that's indeed a different listener.
Most of the time, the template defines just static parts of the content and this is not likely to grow or shrink over time but, when that's the case or desired, it is possible to use an array to delimit an area that over time could grow or shrink.
, <ol>
, <tr>
and whatnot, are all valid use cases to use a list placeholder and not some unique node, together with <article>
and literally any other use case that might render or not multiple nodes in the very same place after updates.
import { render, html } from 'uhtml';
render(document.querySelector('#todos'), html`
${databaseResults.map(value => html`<li>${value}</li>`)}
Please note that whenever a specific placeholder in the template might shrink in the future, it is always possible to still use an array to represent a single content:
${items.length ? items : [
html`...loading content`
// still valid hole content
// or a direct DOM node to render
Please also note that an array is always expected to contain a hole or an actual DOM Node.
Fully inspired by XHTML first and JSX after, any element that self closes won't result into surprises so that custom-elements as well as any other standard node that doesn't have nodes in it works out of the box.
import { render, html } from 'uhtml';
render(document.body, html`
<my-element />
<my-other-element />
/** results into
Please note this is an optional feature, not a mandatory one: you don't need to self-close standard void elements such as <br>
, <link>
or others, but you can self-close even these if consistency in templates is what you are after.
Technically speaking, in the template literal tags world all values part of the template are called interpolations.
const tag = (template, interpolations) => {
// logs "this is , and this is ,"
// logs [1, 2]
tag`this is ${1} and this is ${2}`;
Mostly because the name Interpolation is both verbose and boring plus it doesn't really describe the value kind within a DOM context, in uhtml the chosen name for "yet unknown content to be rendered" values is hole.
By current TypeScript definition, a hole can be either:
- a
, aboolean
or anumber
to show as it is on the rendered node null
to signal that hole has currently no content whatsoever- an actual
instanceof Hole
exported class, which is whathtml
tags return once invoked - an array that contains a list of instances of Hole or DOM nodes to deal with
The uhtml/reactive export is meant to bring signals to the features uhtml can easily handle.
Signals are a primitive used to automatically react to changes, as opposite of remembering to deal manually with re-renders invokes which is all good but not ideal in terms of DX.
To bring your own signals based library all you need is to provide an effect
function which MUST return a way to dispose the signal, or bad things might happen if multiple render(sameNode, () => ...)
are executed, as signals need to unsubscribe from the effect when this effect is not needed anymore.
A few libraries out there handily provide out of the box such feature and @preact/signal-core is one of these, also one of the fastest and most battle-tested.
In this example, I am choosing to use Preact Signals to showcase how simple it is to have your own reactive uhtml:
import { effect, signal } from '@preact/signals-core';
import { reactive, html} from 'uhtml/reactive';
// create the reactive render function
const render = reactive(effect);
// create signals or computed or ...
const count = signal(0);
// render in the body passing a () => html`...` callback
render(document.body, () => html`
<button onclick=${() => { count.value++ }}>
Clicks: ${count.value}
You can see the result live on CodePen to play around with. You click the button, the counter increments, that's it.
To simplify everyone life, I've pre-bundled some signals based library and published these in npm:
- uhtml/preactive already contains
and it's probably the most bullet proof, or battle tested, solution - uhtml/signal already contains
and it's surely the smallest bundle out there, with a total size of 3.3KB. The exports are very similar to the Preact one so either options are a drop-in replacement. Start small with this to experiment and feel free to switch to preactive any time later on
The reactive version of uhtml is a drop-in replacement for anything you've done to date and a 1:1 API with other variants, but if signals are meant to be used within a template then the render
function needs to have a lazy invoke of its content because otherwise signals don't get a chance to subscribe to it.
render(target, html`${signal.value}`)
render(target, () => html`${signal.value}`)
The refactoring is going to take this much () =>
time to make signals available to any of your renders and that's pretty much the end of the story.
Please note that components that are meant to be rendered within other components, and not stand-alone, passing a non callback as second argument might be even desired so that only the outer top-most render would react to changes.
Not really a caveat or constrain, rather a MUST have, the effect
function should return a way to dispose (erase subscriptions, cancel reactions to that effect) the effect.
This module is written well enough to deal with memory leaks and garbage collector all over, but if an effect cannot be dismissed somehow, this module won't work because it expects to be able to drop a previously used effect.
The reason is simple: if your are rendering again, for whatever reason, the same container, previous effects can't suddenly re-invoke the previous render callback and its content, or big FOUC and other issues can easily happen unintentionally.
In few words, if your signals library of choice doesn't return, within the effect
function, a way to dispose it, you are in charge of wrapping such library in a way that the single effect
callback passed to reactive(effect)
returns a utility to dispose such effect.
If such utility doesn't exist, I suggest you to change the signals based library you are using, as it's clearly a memory and error prone leak solution unless it already handles everything internally but it doesn't give any easy option to consumers.
In other cases, I think you can provide good guards around most common libraries out there:
import { createRenderEffect, createRoot, createSignal } from 'solid-js';
import { reactive, html} from 'uhtml/reactive';
const render = reactive(
callback => createRoot(
dispose => {
return dispose;
const [count, update] = createSignal(0);
render(document.body, () => html`
<button onclick=${() => { update(count() + 1) }}>
Clicks: ${count()}
This demo is also live on CodePen.
what problem does uhtml solve ?
Beside the no tooling needed and standard based approach, so that you can trust this module will last for a very long time out there and very little changes will require your attention in the future, this is a honest list of things this library helps you with daily DOM based tasks:
- safety: unless you explicitly want to inject unsafe content, all attributes or nodes content handled by this library is XSS safe by design.
- hassle-free: you don't need to think about SVG vs HTML attributes and creation gotchas, you just need either
primitives and all expectations would be automatically met. For any other operation with both attributes or content, you also don't need to think much about intended operations and results on the live page. - minimalism: instead of repeating boring procedural JS operations, you can focus on logic and use this modules' template features to ultimately ship less code.
- performance: with its battle tested diffing logic that has been working just fine for years, you can be sure atomic updates per each attribute, node, or list of nodes, will be likely faster than any home-made solution you've created to date. On top of that, this module is able to scale to dozen thousand nodes without issues, whenever that's even needed.
- memory: while having ad-hoc and fine-tuned operations to perform DOM updates might be still an option you can hook into as well, this module uses all possible tricks to reduce the amount of needed RAM to the minimum, hence suitable from old Desktop to either legacy or modern Mobile phones, as well as IoT related browsers with memory constraints.
- tool friendly: you don't need any tool to write this module but it ill work great with any other tool you need daily, making an opt-in, rather than a lock-in, hence helping migrating from a legacy application to a blazing fast one with minimal bandwidth required.
what makes a node unique ?
The tag in template literals tags primitives makes a node unique. This means that anywhere in your code there is a tag with a literal attached, that resulting node will be known, pre-parsed, cache-able, hence unique, in the whole rendering stack.
// a tag receives a unique template + ...values
// were values are known as tag's interpolations
const tag = (template, ...values) => template;
// a literal string passed as tag is always unique and
// indeed in this case the two literals are different!
tag`a` === tag`a`; // this is false, despite the literal content
// in real-world code though, tags are used via callbacks
const a = () => tag`a`;
// so now this assertion would be true instead
a() === a(); // true!
If you are following this logic so far, you might as well realize that anything returning a tag also works well:
// invokes the tag with always the same template
// despite one of its interpolations has a different value
[1, 2, 3].map(
index => tag`index ${index}`
To dig a little further about tags and application usage, this example speaks thousand words!
import { render, html } from 'uhtml';
const App = (results) => {
return html`
<h1>With ${results.length} results:</h1>
<ul onclick=${({target}) => load(target.closest('li').id)}>
${results.map(item => html`
<li id=${item.id}>${item.description}</li>
const be = await fetch('./db.php?list=options');
render(document.body, App(await be.json()));
This example asks for some result and produces the page content based on such results, replacing the whole body with the requested list of options for that space.
With this code the App returns a known template that can be reused with ease, among sub-templates for any <li>
in the list that also benefits from this library performance and weak cache system.
how is this better than innerHTML
With template literals tags what you see is not a string, rather a template with related values as interpolations that can be parsed and/or manipulated.
Interpolations are never "trashed" as part of the HTML or SVG template content neither, there is a standard TreeWalker that finds "holes" in the template and associates specialized operations per each hole kind: attribute, generic content or a list.
All operation that can also be inferred will be inferred only the first time the template is encountered and a map of updates per targeting node or attributes will be reused every other time.
let i = 0;
const callback = () => { console.log(i++); };
const content = '<unsafe>content</unsafe>';
const vanilla = target => {
target.innerHTML = `
<div onclick=${/* failing */ callback}>
${/* unsafe */ content}
const uhtml = target => {
render(target, html`
<div onclick=${/* working */ callback}>
${/* safe */ content}
// it fails expectations and intents
// it trashes the previous DOM every time
// VS
// it works as expected
// it doesn't change anything on the body
// and it never trashes the previous content
can HTML content be highlighted like in JSX ?
There are various VSCode/ium solutions to template literals highlights and these are just a few examples:
Some of these might work with SVG content too but I don't feel like recommending any particular one over others: just try then and chose one 😉
what are custom attributes ?
All module variants export an attr
Map that contains special attribute cases for aria
, class
, data
, ref
and style
Due different nature of possible content, where SVG elements don't have className
or other special accessors like HTML elements do, it is currently only possible to define custom attributes for HTML nodes.
import { render, html, attr } from 'uhtml';
if (!attr.has('custom')) {
attr.add('custom', (element, newValue, name, oldValue) => {
console.log(element); // the div
console.log(newValue); // 1
console.log(name); // "custom"
console.log(oldValue); // any previous value or undefined
// do something with the element and the "custom" attribute
element.setAttribute(name, newValue);
// return the value to retain for future updates
// in case the newValue is different from the oldValue
return newValue;
const update = i => {
render(document.body, html`
<div custom=${i} />
// this does nothing as 1 === 1
// this passes 2 as newValue and 1 as oldValue
does this work with signals ?
Absolutely! If a render is within an effect or a computed function and any of the signals changes after some event, everything just works as expected.
import { effect, signal } from 'https://unpkg.com/usignal';
import { render, html } from 'https://unpkg.com/uhtml';
const count = signal(0);
effect(() => {
render(document.body, html`
<button onclick=${() => { count.value++ }}>
how to render unsafe content ?
This question came up more than once and it's about fetching some data from a server, where such data contains valid HTML content to show directly on the page.
As template literal tags are nothing more than functions, it is always possible to somehow bypass the need for a unique template and use an array instead.
import { render, html, svg } from 'uhtml';
const htmlUnsafe = str => html([str]);
const svgUnsafe = str => svg([str]);
render(document.body, htmlUnsafe('<h1>Hello HTML</h1>'));
/** results into
<h1>Hello HTML</h1>