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20 Years of Game Testing: Life in the Trenches, What We've Learned and how We've Improved Our Craft (Presented by TransPerfect Gaming Solutions)


作者:Chris Chamberlain  (Senior Director, Gaming Services, TransPerfect Gaming)、Blazej Zawadzki  (Director of Gaming Solutions, TransPerfect Gaming)

The industry has come a long way since testing games in the late 1990's and early 2000's. Come hear two experienced testers with over 40 years of combined experience, both working internally and externally with game studios, talk about the fun, often creative, and "wild-west" approach to testing, mistakes we made, lessons we've learned, and improvements we've brought over the years…as well as some lost arts focused on data that we continue to use to this day.


A Sound Strategy: Audio Project Planning for 'Marvel's Spider-Man 2'


作者:Jesse Allen  (Audio Manager, Insomniac Games)、Daniel Birczynski  (Audio Manager, Insomniac Games)、Patrick Michalak  (Dialogue Manager, Insomniac Games)

'Marvel’s Spider-Man 2' was the largest and most ambitious game Insomniac has ever attempted. With a team of over 30 sound, speech and music designers, 'Marvel’s Spider-Man 2' had more people than many full game teams of years past. This was all to support a colossal PS5 game with unprecedented sonic detail.Audio leads from Insomniac Games share how they conceptualized and acted on a strategy to bring this game to life, provide a better work/life balance and still deliver a blockbuster video game on time and on budget.

《漫威蜘蛛侠2》是Insomniac迄今尝试过的最大、最雄心勃勃的游戏。在一个由30多名音效、语音和音乐设计师组成的团队的支持下,《漫威蜘蛛侠2》拥有比许多之前几年完整游戏团队还要庞大的人员。这一切都是为了支持一个规模庞大的PS5游戏,拥有前所未有的声音细节。Insomniac Games的音频负责人分享了他们是如何构思并执行策略来让这款游戏栩栩如生,提供更好的工作/生活平衡,同时如期如约地交付一款大片视频游戏的。

A Ticket to Redemption: How CD PROJEKT RED Utilized Technical Support Data and Insights to Improve 'Cyberpunk 2077'


作者:Karolina Niewęgłowska  (Associate Director of Player Experience and Safety, CD PROJEKT RED)

After 'Cyberpunk 2077's' release, the whole CD PROJEKT RED studio focused on both improving the game and its own way of working. CDPR's Technical Support team (now Player Experience & Safety), which is an example of a team that works between dev and publishing with strong connections to both, actively participated in the 'Cyberpunk 2077' fixing and improvement process. An example of the journey of a 'Cyberpunk 2077' bug reported to support shows how different perspectives are used throughout the process of improving a game. The speaker argues that using all those perspectives results in more relevant actions on the part of the studio, which wouldn't be possible without teams from the whole dev-publishing spectrum working together. Furthermore, CDPR taking the direction of greater togetherness and closer internal cooperation after 'Cyberpunk 2077's' release is discussed.

在《赛博朋克2077》发布后,整个CD PROJEKT RED工作室都专注于改善游戏以及优化自身工作方式。CDPR的技术支持团队(现在称为玩家体验与安全团队),作为一个在开发和发行之间工作并与两者都有紧密联系的团队,积极参与了《赛博朋克2077》的修复和改进过程。一则关于《赛博朋克2077》的支持团队报告的bug解决过程展示了在改进游戏过程中如何运用不同的观点。发言者认为,利用所有这些观点会导致工作室采取更相关的行动,而这种情况在整个开发-发行领域的团队不共事合作的情况下是不可能实现的。此外,在《赛博朋克2077》发布后,CDPR采取更团结和内部合作更紧密的方向的情况也在讨论之中。

Accountability Matters! How Owlchemy Labs Leverages Ownership-first Production


作者:Andrew Eiche  (CEOwl, Owlchemy Labs Inc)

Are you living sprint to sprint wondering if the treadmill will ever stop? Do you feel crushed under a mountain of JIRA Tickets? Are you spending all your time mediating inter-department communication?

There is another way!

Discover the secrets of Owlchemy Labs "Project-Role Framework" — a project management system that focuses on empowering developers. Explore how this framework nurtures autonomy allowing your organization to operate as more than the sum of its team. Hear how the framework breaks silos and strengthens cross-discipline bonds. Embrace a paradigm shift — no more sprints, just transformative projects that drive your vision forward. Say goodbye to rigidity, and say hello to a world where your developers thrive, your projects flourish, and your shared vision becomes reality.



发现Owlchemy Labs的“项目角色框架”(Project-Role Framework)的秘密 —— 这是一个致力于赋予开发者力量的项目管理系统。探索这个框架如何培养自主性,让你的组织运作起来不仅仅是团队的总和。了解这个框架是如何打破壁垒,加强跨学科间的联系。拥抱一场范式转变 —— 不再是短跑,而是推动你愿景前行的变革性项目。告别僵化,迎接一个让你的开发者蓬勃发展、项目蓬荜生长、共同愿景变为现实的世界。

Adventures in Mentoring


作者:Emily Rose  (Senior Producer, Otherside Entertainment)

Are you a Noble teacher... or an accidental Overlord who wants to do better?A survival guide to knowing when, how, and why you should engage in mentorship. Knowing who to do it for and the ways you will also learn from the process and make yourself an approachable, effective, respectful & sensitive advocate.In this session, Emily Rose, Senior Producer at Otherside Entertainment, covers how to identify, connect with, listen to and maintain mentoring connections that will boost their confidence, allow individuals to reach excellence while centering the mentee and without reinforcing harmful lessons. To teach future generations while leaving our baggage behind, and identify our own knowledge or experience gaps by broadening our own horizons long before we start these connections. It's critical we listen to their needs and apply our wisdom where it's wanted.

你是一位贵族般的教导者,还是一个意外升天者,希望做得更好?一本关于如何、何时以及为何参与指导的生存指南。了解应该为谁做这些,以及你也将从这个过程中学到的方法,使自己成为一个平易近人、有效、尊重与敏感的倡导者。在这个讲座中,Otherside Entertainment 的资深制作人Emily Rose介绍了如何识别、建立联系、倾听和维持指导关系,这将增强他们的自信心,让个体能够取得卓越表现,同时以受指导者为中心,而不会强化有害教训。我们要教导未来的一代,同时摆脱我们的包袱,并通过拓宽我们自己的视野在开始这些联系之前识别我们自己的知识或经验缺口。至关重要的是,我们要倾听他们的需求,并把我们的智慧应用在需要的地方。

'Against the Storm' Postmortem


作者:Michał Ogłoziński  (Lead, Eremite Games)

More than 10,500 games launched on Steam in 2022, most of them tiny projects made by small indie teams. Everyone from large studios to solo developers, is looking for ways to innovate and find underserved market niches. Michał Ogłoziński tells the story of how 'Against the Storm went from a passion project developed after hours to an indie smash hit, reaching 700k copies sold during the first year of Steam early access alone. Michał describes how Eremite Games approached innovation, mixing genres, and the creative process. He covers their philosophy when it comes to management, business, and compensation. The philosophy, which allowed them to stay sane, healthy, and motivated both during the no-budget phase and when the clock was already ticking.

2022年Steam平台上推出了超过10,500款游戏,其中大多数是由小型独立团队制作的小型项目。无论是大型工作室还是独立开发者,都在寻找创新和未被开发的市场利基。Michał Ogłoziński讲述了 'Against the Storm' 如何从业余项目发展到一个独立的热门游戏的故事,在Steam早期访问阶段仅一年内就售出了70万份。Michał描述了Eremite Games是如何实现创新、融合不同游戏类型以及创意过程的。他还涵盖了他们在管理、商业和报酬方面的理念。这种理念使他们能够在没有预算的阶段以及当时间紧迫时保持理智、健康和动力。

Agile Spikes in Game Dev: Getting to the Point


作者:Vikram Saran  (Senior Lead Engineer, Independent)

What are Spikes and how can they help to minimize the risks of the unknown in game development?This talk explores the core concepts behind Agile Spikes and introduces a framework tailored for game development to reduce project uncertainty and improve communication. Citing practical examples, learn about various kinds of Spikes, how to carry out a Spike, examples of Spikes that went right, and a few blunders from the trenches.Throughout the session, the audience gains insights into the benefits of integrating Agile Spikes into their own projects – from enhancing collaboration and speeding up iteration to making better decisions. Attendees leave with a structured documentation format and set of actionable best practices for technical leaders to increase their teams' chances of success.


在整个会话中,听众会深入了解将敏捷“Spikes”整合到他们自己的项目中的益处 - 从增强协作和加快迭代速度到做出更好的决策。参与者将会学到一种结构化的文档格式和一套可行的最佳实践,让技术领导者增加团队成功的机会。

All Good Things: Sunsetting Your Game the Right Way


作者:Josh Harrison  (Director of Marketing, Velan Studios)

Every live service game will eventually shut down. Yes, even yours! Too often, headlines point the finger at developers, studio execs, or even toxic players, when this is a very natural conclusion to every online game. It's possible to teach players, investors, and fellow developers that a game's sunset is part of its lifecycle, so everyone feels better when it's time to pull the plug.'Knockout City' was launched in May 2021 and shut down in June 2023. The team at Velan Studios decided to take a different approach to their title's sunset, celebrating its successes at the end by going out with a bang, instead of brushing an ailing game under the rug.This session uses 'Knockout City' as a framework for how to sunset a game on a high note, and how to turn an unsustainable title into an opportunity for building brand loyalty, player goodwill, and positive press.

每款在线服务游戏最终都将会关闭。是的,就连你的游戏也不例外!太多时候,新闻标题把矛头指向开发者、工作室高管,甚至有毒的玩家,然而对于每款在线游戏来说,这是一个非常自然的结局。我们可以教育玩家、投资者和其他开发者,一个游戏的终止是其生命周期的一部分,这样在时候到来时大家都会感到好受一些。《击人城市》于2021年5月推出,于2023年6月关闭。Velan Studios团队决定采取一种不同的方式来庆祝他们作品的终止,通过一个高调的结束来庆祝其成功,而不是让一款不被看好的游戏黯然消失于公众视野。本次主题以《击人城市》作为一个框架,讲述如何在游戏的高潮中结束,并如何将一个不可持续的作品转变为建立品牌忠诚度、玩家好感和积极报道的机会。

Animation Summit: 'Baldur's Gate 3': The Ceremorphosis of the Cinematic Animation Team


作者:Leah Caldwell  (Cinematic Animation Producer, Larian Studios)

Making a game in today's world is no small feat, and Baldur's Gate 3 was no exception. Creating the cinematics for such a smash hit was an incredible undertaking by actors, artists, and animators, spread across the globe. This session takes a look at managing a global Cinematic Animation team, with growing ambitions and goals that could shift during production. Starting from a small team of four animators and scaling up to deliver on a monumental project. From the chaos that came with Early Access, to being able to produce a full Cinematic within a week. Let's roll for initiative!


Between Legacy and Modernity: Creating an Homage Game to the 15-Year Old 'Assassin's Creed' Franchise


作者:Fabian Salomon  (Lead Producer, Ubisoft Bordeaux)、Stephane Boudon  (Creative Director, Ubisoft Bordeaux)

Our industry regularly leverages the power of nostalgia, with several remakes and remasters released on iconic franchises. In that global industrial trend, 'Assassin's Creed Mirage; is a unique case that's worth analyzing.In the context of the 15th anniversary of the 'Assassin's Creed' brand, the Bordeaux team created a love-letter to AC fans, going back to the roots to propose a brand-new game focused on our legacy pillars: parkour, assassination, and stealth. This enables the game to play the nostalgic chord while proposing a brand-new AAA experience within the franchise.This presentation aims at explaining how to build an homage game that is neither a remake nor a remaster but a completely new proposition aiming at bringing fan favorite feature to the standards of and AC game releasing in 2023.


Building and Sustaining Fully Remote Teams


作者:Eve Z Crevoshay  (Executive Director, Take This)、Sasha Boersma  (Co-Founder/Producer, Sticky Brain Studios)、Ahmed Abdullah  (CEO, Decoy Games)、Bryna Dabby Smith  (CEO / Co-Founder, Brass Lion Entertainment)

This panel of experienced leaders - with a combined 60 years of experience - explores some of the unique ways that remote teams can effectively tackle challenges in game development. The group addresses some of the most common questions about how remote teams can successfully scale quickly while maintaining productivity and human connection. They also touch on how remote teams can meet the unique needs of various groups, including neurodiverse employees, junior team members, and others - and the real challenges in doing so.

这一批经验丰富的领导者,他们共拥有60年的经验,探讨了远程团队在游戏开发中如何有效地应对挑战的一些独特方式。该团队解答了一些关于远程团队如何成功快速扩展而保持生产力和人际联系的常见问题。他们还涉及了远程团队如何满足不同群体的独特需求,包括神经多样性员工、初级团队成员等 - 以及在这个过程中遇到的真正挑战。

Building the 'Minecraft' Creator Platform Block-by-Block


作者:Kayla Kinnunen  (Executive Producer, Mojang Studios)

Minecraft has a long history of user-generated content and has formally supported Add-Ons on the Bedrock product since 2015 which enabled the Minecraft Marketplace to launch. With over $500 million in gross revenue and more than 1.7 billion downloads since 2015, hundreds of professional creators have built a career making content that engages our player-base. This session explores the platform's journey since 2020, discussing the development of its formal Creator API, tooling solutions, new gameplay features, and how we've evolved community engagement. We'll chart the creator's evolution from player to hobbyist to professional and discuss how Mojang Studios is supporting creators' evolving needs.

《Minecraft(我的世界)》在用户生成内容方面有着悠久的历史,并自2015年起正式支持Bedrock产品上的Add-Ons,这使得《Minecraft商店》得以推出。自2015年以来,该游戏已创造了超过5亿美元的总收入,并实现了超过17亿次的下载量,数百名专业创作者通过制作吸引我们玩家群体的内容而走上了职业道路。本次讨论将探讨自2020年以来平台的发展历程,包括其正式创作者API的开发、工具解决方案、新的游戏玩法特性,以及我们如何不断演进社区参与。我们将追溯创作者从玩家到业余爱好者再到专业人士的演变过程,并讨论Mojang Studios如何支持创作者不断发展的需求。

Bullet Time Without Bullets: Building 'El Paso, Elsewhere'


作者:Xalavier Nelson Jr.  (Studio Head, Strange Scaffold)

El Paso, Elsewhere is a throwback third-person shooter that was praised as a "long-lost Remedy game"- all while excluding the most prominent feature of its primary inspiration. Unlike Max Payne, none of your enemies wield guns, making El Paso, Elsewhere a bullet time game... without opposing bullets. In this talk, creative director and Strange Scaffold studio head Xalavier Nelson Jr. walks fellow developers through the decisions and pivot points that allowed El Paso, Elsewhere to echo some of the most beloved titles in games history without being caught in their shadow.

《埃尔帕索:其他地方》是一款被誉为“失落的Remedy游戏”的传统第三人称射击游戏,然而它却排除了主要灵感来源最显著的特征。与《最大佩恩》不同,你的敌人没有人持枪,使得《埃尔帕索:其他地方》成为了一款弹道时间游戏...却没有敌人的子弹在对抗。在这次演讲中,创意总监和Strange Scaffold工作室负责人Xalavier Nelson Jr.将引领其他开发者们理解那些决策和转折点,使《埃尔帕索:其他地方》得以模仿游戏史上一些最受喜爱的作品,而不至于被它们的阴影所束缚。

Cinematic Workflow and Pipeline of 'FINAL FANTASY XVI'


作者:Eitaro Iwabuchi  (Lead Technical Artist, Square Enix Co., Ltd.)

Good workflow and pipeline are essential in the development of AAA titles. This session explains the steps to design the workflow and pipeline for FINAL FANTASY XVI. Eitaro Iwabuchi, Lead Technical Artist at Square Enix Co., Ltd., details the method of transferring data from MotionBuilder to Maya and the tools utilized to support their workflow. The workflow is designed with a combination of tools that have been used internally for other projects and tools that were developed from scratch exclusively for this project. Other specialized tools used for the making of cut scenes, systems for voice placement, and tools for cameras creation will be covered—and concludes with the data flow and their progress management method with a customized ShotGrid API.

在开发 AAA 级游戏中,良好的工作流程和流程是至关重要的。本次会议将解释为《最终幻想十六》设计工作流程和流程的步骤。Square Enix Co., Ltd. 的首席技术艺术家岩渕英太郎详细介绍了从 MotionBuilder 转移数据到 Maya 的方法,以及用于支持他们工作流程的工具。这一工作流程是通过结合内部用于其他项目的工具和专门为这个项目从零开始开发的工具来设计的。还将介绍用于制作过场动画、声音放置系统和摄像机创建的其他专业工具,并以定制的 ShotGrid API 结束,概括了数据流和他们的进度管理方法。

Classic Game Postmortem: 'The Elder Scrolls, Chapter I: Arena'


作者:Ted Peterson  (CEO, OnceLost Games)、Julian LeFay  (Technical Director, OnceLost Games)

Julian LeFay and Ted Peterson on the 30th anniversary of the first Elder Scrolls game, Arena, discuss its origin, development, and publication from their perspective as creative leads on design and programming. Bethesda Softworks had previously only had success with sports games and its Terminator franchise, but LeFay and Peterson believed they could create a role-playing game based on an original property, a risky proposition. They delve into how the concept had to change radically because of technical hurdles during the course of development, resulting in missing their deadline and a less-than-stellar release. As a flop became a cult hit, and a sequel was warranted, LeFay and Peterson reflect on lessons learned that led to the development of a series which has sold billions of units and received critical acclaim. They conclude on what has brought them together decades later to continue their creative partnership.

朱利安·勒菲和泰德·彼得森在第一款《上古卷轴》系列游戏《竞技场》30周年时讨论了游戏的起源、开发和发布,从他们作为设计和程序负责人的角度出发。Bethesda Softworks此前只在体育游戏和《终结者》系列上取得了成功,但勒菲和彼得森相信他们可以基于原创IP创建一款角色扮演游戏,这是一个冒险性的提议。他们深入探讨了由于开发过程中的技术障碍而导致概念不得不发生根本性变化的原因,最终导致了未能按时完成并发布了一款不那么成功的游戏。而这款失败作品后来却成为了文化现象,并促使了续作的诞生。勒菲和彼得森反思了从中学到的教训,这些教训促成了一个销售了数十亿份并受到广泛好评的系列游戏的发展。最终,他们总结了数十年后仍然将他们带在一起继续创作合作的原因。

Cloud Gaming: A Mirage or Uncharted Territory? Unveiling Lessons from Tencent's Success in the Cloud Gaming Market (Presented by Tencent Cloud)


作者:Anderson Lin  (Senior Director of Sales, Tencent Cloud LLC)

Join this captivating session by Tencent Cloud, where industry experts explore the dynamic realm of cloud gaming, a sector where Tencent has achieved significant success. The session will offer an in-depth look at Tencent's journey in the cloud gaming industry, revealing key strategies and lessons learned. A special focus will be on Tencent's advanced game tech stack. These tools have been pivotal in Tencent's ability to offer seamless and secure gaming experiences. Attendees will gain valuable insights into how these technologies can be utilized to enhance game development and delivery, ensuring a high-quality experience for players.


Creating Accountability: 4 Simple Steps for Managers


作者:Ben Carcich  (Co-Founder, Valarin Inc., Building Better Games)

Accountability. It comes up all the time, leaders demand more of it, many people try to escape it. But honestly, most people don't know what it means. In this talk, Ben will walk the attendees through what accountability is, why our misunderstandings of it lead to unhealthy models of accountability that cause many people to avoid it, and finally go through a simple four-step model to create healthy accountability.

The talk will go over accountability, expectations, and consequences, and the audience will learn how they can create healthy accountability in a surprisingly short amount of time. This is a crucial skill that far too few people have, and it causes a lot of problems in our companies. Let's get accountability figured out!



Design with Localization in Mind: Approaches to Translation Damage Control


作者:Anton Mukhataev  (Game Designer, Nine Rocks Games)

Most people play video games in their native language when they have a choice. To make it possible, developers turn to translators along with localization and LQA services. But with their workloads at all-time highs and their salaries in an unfortunate race to the bottom, translators cannot be expected to reverse-engineer game designs and work around design issues while they are doing their job. Learn 3 approaches to fireproof your game before localization and make the lives of your team, translators, and LQA engineers easier, with a focus on building design vocabularies and writing translation notes that are actually useful, a smart approach to automatic formatting and consistency checks as well as eliminating localization red flags in designs before your game goes into full-blown production.

大多数人在有选择的情况下会选择用自己的母语玩视频游戏。为了实现这一可能,开发人员会寻求翻译人员以及本地化和LQA(Localization Quality Assurance,本地化质量保证)服务。但是由于翻译人员的工作负荷达到了空前的高度,而他们的薪资却不断下跌,不能指望他们在工作时反向设计游戏并解决设计问题。学习三种方法来在本地化之前使游戏免受影响,并让团队、翻译人员和LQA工程师的生活变得更轻松,重点是建立设计词汇和撰写实际有用的翻译注释,采用智能的自动格式设置和一致性检查的方法,以及在游戏进入全面生产之前消除设计中的本地化障碍。

Developing and Sharpening Your Design Sense


作者:Evan Nikolich  (Senior Design Director, Respawn Entertainment)

How does one develop a taste for “good game design?” What is a strong creative aesthetic? What does it mean to have a “good sense” about the design and direction of a game? Is it a skill that can be developed and honed? Yes, it’s called design sense! It is a skill you can learn and is valuable to anyone working on a game! Evan Nikolich discusses how he has developed and sharpened his design sense over his nearly 20 year career. Detailed examples are drawn particularly from Destiny and Apex Legends where Evan has spent the last 6+ years in Creative and Design Director roles. The aim is to speed you along your journey to develop a killer design sense with practical methods that can be implemented into your everyday work.

如何培养对“优秀游戏设计”的品味?什么是强大的创意审美?拥有对游戏设计和方向的“好感”意味着什么?这是一种可以培养和磨练的技能吗?是的,它被称为设计感!这是一项你可以学习的技能,对任何从事游戏开发的人都很有价值!Evan Nikolich探讨了他在近20年的职业生涯中如何发展和磨练他的设计感。详细的例子主要来自《Destiny》和《Apex Legends》,在这两款游戏中,Evan在过去的6年多担任创意和设计总监的角色。旨在通过实用的方法加快你发展出杀手般的设计感,这些方法可以应用到你的日常工作中。

Don't Let Poor Technical Leadership Hold Your Innovation Back


作者:Zac Litton  (VP of Engineering, The Believer Company)

This presentation is going to discuss the vectors of engineering leadership, in theory and example, focusing on how they operate at different studio levels and organizations. It is going to discuss key ways teams can find, nurture, and evaluate success in leadership, as well as ways individuals can grow themselves. Additionally, it shares engineering organizational processes that have proven to aid in visibility, collaboration, and trust in highly creative studios.


Empowering Your People Through Hackweek and Experimental Projects


作者:Julieanne Eason  (Production Manager, CerebralFix)

Happy people mean better work, better work means growth as a company. In this talk I'll describe the framework for our annual hackweek and anytime project initiatives, which have a central focus on empowering the people in our studio to safely expand knowledge, experiment and learn. I'll run through the trials, errors and learnings we've experienced while developing these frameworks and explain the goals, process and results of each iteration. The talk will round up with the tips and tricks that have enabled our studio to provide value to both our people as individuals and to the company as a whole.


Getting Hired with a Personal Touch


作者:David Ventura  (Creative Director / CEO, Ichigoichie)

Getting hired is tough! Hiring is tough! The global pandemic and rise of AI has thrown even more roadblocks into the process of helping companies acquire new talent. There are lots of ways for your budding job application to die on the vine, and almost all of them are about communication. In this talk, a 15-year recruiting veteran takes you through the journey of getting employed, and the myriad of ways to turn off the hiring manager. Not only do they share what to avoid and how to impress, but they explore using empathy as a tool to form deeper connections and improve your professional standing.

The talk provides concrete examples taken from hundreds of anonymized job applications for programmers, artists, and managers at the entry and veteran levels, providing insight to how applications are received and opinions formed.



Harvesting 10 Years Of Success: How Farm Heroes Saga Has Super-Served It's Players For A Decade (Presented by King)


作者:Sabrina Carmona  (VP Head of Farm Heroes Saga, King)

Evolving a mobile game in an ever-changing dynamic industry while maintaining a connection with players is an interesting challenge, yet it's something that Farm Heroes Saga has done successfully for a whole decade. So, what's the secret behind its success?

Sabrina Carmona, VP of Farm Heroes Saga at King, will provide a deep dive into the evolution of Farm Heroes Saga and how it continues to capture the attention of millions of players all around the world. This will include an insightful exploration into the strategic decisions that have helped to shape the game and how taking a test and learn approach is key to keeping fans engaged and entertained.

Sabrina will also talk about some of the exciting milestones planned for Farm Heroes Saga's 10th anniversary year and look ahead to the future opportunities and challenges facing the mobile games industry.


Farm Heroes Saga 在 King 公司担任 VP 的 Sabrina Carmona 将深入探讨《农场英雄传奇》的发展历程,以及它如何继续吸引全球数百万玩家的注意。这将包括深入探讨帮助塑造游戏的战略决策,并且采取测试和学习方法如何关键地保持粉丝的参与和娱乐。

Sabrina 还将讨论《农场英雄传奇》十周年庆典计划中一些令人兴奋的里程碑,并展望移动游戏行业面临的未来机遇和挑战。

'Hogwarts Legacy': Evolving Your Design into AAA


作者:Kelly Murphy  (Lead Game Designer, Avalanche Software)

The transition to AAA open-world development brings about new problems a team must overcome in order to hit a higher quality bar demanded by the target audience. In this talk, you hear about some of the problems and roadblocks the designers and team leadership encountered along the way and the various methods we adopted to overcome them.


How LiveOps Allows Games to be Played as Intended, Always


作者:Justin Chan  (Senior Live Producer, Riot Games)

Live Operations means different things to different companies - this talk provides an overview of how Riot has utilized a Live Ops organization to maintain a healthy experience for players from a production perspective. It looks at some initial guidelines for shifting from a single game monolith to a platform of services, and suggestions on how to develop meaningful live KPIs that reflect the player experience. The session reviews a case of a large, cross-game incident, and how to drive positive change between those teams as a producer.

现场运营(Live Operations)在不同公司中有不同的定义 - 这个讨论提供了一个概述,介绍了Riot如何利用现场运营组织来从生产视角维护玩家的良好体验。它探讨了从单一游戏整体转变为服务平台的一些初始指导方针,并提出了如何发展反映玩家体验的有意义的现场关键绩效指标的建议。本次研讨会回顾了一个涉及多款游戏的大型事件,并介绍了作为制作人员如何在团队之间推动积极变革的相关案例。

Hybrid and Remote Work Roundtable Day 1: Hybrid


作者:Jessica Damerst  (Release Manager, Unknown Worlds Entertainment)

What does it take to build and nurture a hybrid and/or remote working environment? What are the challenges of working and coordinating teams across the globe? How can we foster a sense of belonging and inclusion across cultures and timezones? What are the challenges to hiring for and leading a hybrid team? During the pandemic, teams switched to working together remotely. As employees return to work, many companies are consciously offering a hybrid work environment, allowing for on-site and remote work. With globalization leading to faster and more reliable access to internet, hybrid development environments are becoming more feasible with each passing year. Yet they present their own unique challenges. Engage with other industry professionals on the topic of hybrid working arrangements—including hiring, team leadership, office spaces, company events, IT solutions, and more. Challenge the status quo of working a 9-to-5 office job with this collaborative and innovative approach development.


Hybrid and Remote Work Roundtable Day 2: Remote


作者:Jessica Damerst  (Release Manager, Unknown Worlds Entertainment)

What does it take to build and nurture a remote working environment? What are the challenges of working and coordinating teams across the globe? How can we foster a sense of belonging and inclusion across cultures and timezones? What are the challenges to hiring for and leading a remote team?During the pandemic, teams switched to working together remotely. As employees return to work, many companies are consciously offering a hybrid or fully remote work environment. With globalization leading to faster and more reliable access to internet, remote development environments are becoming more feasible with each passing year. Yet they present their own unique challenges.Engage with other industry professionals on the topic of remote working arrangements—including hiring, team leadership, individual office spaces, company events, IT solutions, and more. Challenge the status quo of working a 9-to-5 office job with this collaborative and innovative approach development.


Leaders Working at the Heart of the Team 2024


作者:Grant Shonkwiler  (Leadership Coach & Consultant, Shonkventures)、Saffron Bolduc-Chiong  (Creative Director, Kitten Cup Studio)、Yesenia Cisneros  (Lead Producer, Jar of Sparks)、Jessica Klyne  (Executive Producer, Free Range Games)、Zoe Curnoe  (Studio Director , Timbre Games)

Join four industry leaders as we explore leadership in four quick 10 minute microtalks. This years talks will cover: Studio Culture, The Artist-Art Director-Creative Director Pipeline, Leading with Empathy: Finding the Balance Between Being Human and a Leader, and Cross Discipline Equality: How to Generate Innovative Ideas and Solutions.


Lightning in a Bottle: How to Run Effective Cross-Functional Brainstorms


作者:Katie Lucas  (Head Bread/Founder, Thoughtful Bread)

Brainstorms should be the most important meeting within your studio. They are the time we set aside to bring the team together to solve critical challenges: whether that is a new feature for your title or a marketing campaign launch. But more often than not these meetings end up being less of a "storm" and more of a fizzle of static. Why?

Join Katie Lucas, master of all things brain and storm, as she guides you through the tips and tricks she uses on a daily basis to create productive and fruitful brainstorms. She'll show you that with creativity, empathy and some good old fashioned planning you can structure your cross-team brainstorms into a blitz of productivity, team building and fun!


跟随 Katie Lucas,头脑风暴的大师,让她引导您通过她每天使用的技巧和诀窍,创建富有成效和富有成果的头脑风暴。她会向您展示,凭借创造力、共情和一些老式的计划,您可以将跨团队的头脑风暴组织成高效率、团队建设和有趣的爆发!

Live Service Release Planning: Maintaining 'Destiny 2'


作者:Shawna Williams  (Technical Program Manager, Bungie)

Since Destiny 2's initial launch in 2017, Bungie has iterated on its live game release philosophy in search of greater patch predictability and shipping sustainability. This talk will look under the hood at how release planning enables a large online game to ship large expansions, seasonal updates, scheduled maintenance patches, and emergency hotfixes across multiple content creator teams. Lessons and techniques include branch management, a live game triage "watch rotation," metrics to define level of response and KPIs to critically look at heroics, and reachability during times of year when most of the studio is out on vacation.

自2017年《Destiny 2》首次上线以来,Bungie一直在不断改进其现场游戏发布理念,以寻求更大的补丁预测性和持续发货性。本次讲座将深入探讨发行规划如何使一款大型在线游戏能够在多个内容创作者团队中发布大型扩展、季度更新、定期维护补丁和紧急热修复。课程和技术包括分支管理、现场游戏分级“观察轮换”、定义响应级别的指标和关键绩效指标,以便在大部分工作室放假时评估英雄主义和可达性。

Lost and Found in Translation: Mastering Cross-Cultural Collaboration in Game Development (Presented by LightSpeed Studios)


作者:Guanchao (Vigil) Yang  (Game Director, LightSpeed Studios)

This session offers a deep dive into the intricacies of global game development collaboration, spotlighting the 5-year partnership behind "Fight for the Golden Spatula" , a mobile adaptation of Teamfight Tactics co-developed with Riot Games. The presentation will explore the profound differences in game development philosophies between East and West, rooted in cultural nuances. The speaker will also uncover the challenges and rewards of cross-cultural collaboration that extends over years, and discover the altruism-based collaboration philosophy in action. Attendees are expected to gain insights into communication models, resolving conflicting opinions, and fostering a progressive mindset within the context of collaborative endeavor.

这场讲座将深入探讨全球游戏开发合作的复杂性,重点介绍了背后《Fight for the Golden Spatula》5年合作伙伴关系,这是与Riot Games合作开发的《Teamfight Tactics》的手机适配版。演讲将探讨东西方游戏开发理念之间的深刻差异,根植于文化细微差别。演讲者还将揭示跨文化合作在多年间延续的挑战和回报,以及揭示以利他主义为基础的合作理念实践。与会者预计将洞悉在协作努力的背景下,沟通模式、解决冲突意见以及培育进步思维的见解。

Make Global Games: Why (and How!) You Should Work with the Global South


作者:Indrani Ganguly  (Studio Head & Game Designer, Duronto Games)

Every year, games rooted in diverse cultures are finding international audiences. People are interested in meaningful representation and diversity in the games they're playing. However, the conversation revolves around the content of the games, and not the people creating these games or the cultures that are being drawn from. By working with international talent, studios can build richer experiences for their players, while closing the geographical gap between the Global South and the West. In this talk, we'll discuss the reasons to work with global game professionals: creating better, culturally diverse, and resonant games - and doing so equitably.


Making Player Data Work Roundtable Day 1: Pre-Production


作者:Sebastian Long  (MD, Player Research)

The role of player feedback in game development can be divisive and complex. Some studios totally embrace players' engagement in design through early access, open development, routine user research, and community engagement. Other studios limit player feedback to post-launch, or perhaps eschew it completely.

How can teams use the 'voice of the player' rationally, effectively and deliberately?

Are there challenges you face that player feedback could overcome? Can you make a greater success of the feedback you already have?

How does the 'voice' of player data change through development?

These three roundtables present a valuable opportunity to surface your challenges, viewpoints and experience on the use of player feedback to inform game design. Learn from the experiences of fellow designers, researchers, data scientists, community and player champions, and take away new ideas and perspectives on the value of players' voice in design decision-making.


团队如何能够理性、有效和有意识地运用“玩家之声”? 你面临的挑战是否可通过玩家反馈来克服?如何更好地利用你已经获得的反馈呢? 玩家数据的“声音”在开发过程中会发生怎样的变化?


Making Player Data Work Roundtable Day 2: Production


作者:Sebastian Long  (Managing Director, Player Research)

The role of player feedback in game development can be divisive and complex. Some studios totally embrace players' engagement in design through early access, open development, routine user research, and community engagement. Other studios limit player feedback to post-launch, or perhaps eschew it completely.How can teams use the 'voice of the player' rationally, effectively and deliberately?Are there challenges you face that player feedback could overcome? Can you make a greater success of the feedback you already have?How does the 'voice' of player data change through development?These three roundtables present a valuable opportunity to surface your challenges, viewpoints and experience on the use of player feedback to inform game design. Learn from the experiences of fellow designers, researchers, data scientists, community and player champions, and take away new ideas and perspectives on the value of players' voice in design decision-making.


Making Player Data Work Roundtable Day 3: Live-Operations


作者:Sebastian Long  (Managing Director, Player Research)

The role of player feedback in game development can be divisive and complex. Some studios totally embrace players' engagement in design through early access, open development, routine user research, and community engagement. Other studios limit player feedback to post-launch, or perhaps eschew it completely.How can teams use the 'voice of the player' rationally, effectively and deliberately?Are there challenges you face that player feedback could overcome? Can you make a greater success of the feedback you already have?How does the 'voice' of player data change through development?These three roundtables present a valuable opportunity to surface your challenges, viewpoints and experience on the use of player feedback to inform game design. Learn from the experiences of fellow designers, researchers, data scientists, community and player champions, and take away new ideas and perspectives on the value of players' voice in design decision-making


MapleStory: Global Localization, A Journey Through the Past and Future (Presented by Nexon)


作者:Hanbyeol Oh  (VP of Production, Nexon US Holdings)

MapleStory, the iconic PC MMORPG, has been cherished worldwide for over 20 years. In this session, we will delve into the intriguing realm of MapleStory localization, exploring how the game has been tailored for diverse regions in its overseas service. Specifically, this session will also include localization as it pertains to regional game content design, sharing the intentions and key takeaways from this process. Hanbyeol Oh, the former Game Director/Overseas Executive Producer of MapleStory and the current head of Western Production at Nexon, will present examples of MapleStory's overseas service and discuss approaches for the game to become even more beloved globally in the long run.

《冒险岛》,这款标志性的PC MMORPG已经在全球受到喜爱20多年。在这个环节中,我们将深入探讨《冒险岛》本地化的引人入胜领域,探讨游戏是如何为海外服务中的不同地区量身定制的。具体来说,这个环节还将包括与地区游戏内容设计相关的本地化,分享这个过程中的意图和关键收获。前《冒险岛》游戏总监/海外执行制作人、目前担任Nexon西方制作负责人的Hanbyeol Oh将展示《冒险岛》海外服务的例子,并讨论游戏长期在全球范围内变得更受喜爱的途径。

Production Workshop: An In-Depth Guide to Solving Tough, Real World Production Problems


作者:Dave Ranyard  (Studio Head, Dream Reality Interactive)、Charu Desodt  (Studio Head, Interior Night)、Stephen Davidson  (Head of Production, Dream Reality Interactive)、Fleur Marty  (Executive Producer, Fang & Claw)、Patrick Redding  (Creative Director, Ubisoft)、Dirk Hulverscheidt  (Facilitator)

This workshop is a deep dive into solving tricky real world problems. It is a full day of talks and exercises in a round table setting. This is not 101, but rather an exploration of how to manage real world game development problems. As well as exercises, participants can discuss and work on some of their past and current challenges with the help of the facilitators and other participants. There is a panel of industry experts from production, code & art to help with suggestions and solutions.Producers, senior producers, executive producers all have the toughest problems laid at their feet - how do they navigate these and come up with ways to move forward, negotiating with many disciples and other leaders in their projects & organizations. How do they make tough decisions which do not benefit all? We learn from industry leaders. In addition, we look at the core principles of production as well as a deep dive into setting & achieving successful team culture. Hosted by Charu Desodt & Dave Ranyard, former Playstation, Microsoft now both running indie studios and including top leadership from AAA studios this is a session for producers at all levels.

这个研讨会是一个深入探讨解决棘手现实世界问题的过程。在一个圆桌设置中,进行全天的讨论和练习。这不是基础知识,而是对如何管理真实世界游戏开发问题的探索。除了练习,参与者可以与引导者和其他参与者讨论并解决他们过去和当前一些挑战。有来自制作、编程和美术方面的行业专家小组,提供建议和解决方案。制片人、高级制片人、执行制片人都面临着最棘手的问题 - 他们如何应对这些问题,并找到前进的方法,与项目和组织中的许多领导者协商。他们如何做出并非十全十美的艰难决策?我们从行业领袖身上学习。此外,我们探讨制作的核心原则,深入研究建立和实现成功团队文化。由 Charu Desodt 和 Dave Ranyard 主持,前索尼 PlayStation 和微软(Microsoft)员工,现在都经营独立工作室,并邀请 AAA 级工作室的高层领导参加,这是一个面向各个级别制片人的会议。

QA Bots for Everyone (Presented by


作者:Christoffer Holmgård  (CEO,

Traditionally, Quality Assurance (QA) in the gaming industry hasn't had access to sufficient tools and technology. In this presentation, Christoffer Holmgåd will discuss some of the most pressing automation needs identified by QA teams. He will also share two case studies of how Rogue Snail and Die Gute Fabrik used AI to automate game playing for an action game and a narrative game, respectively. The presentation will dive into common QA challenges that automation can address and the implementation of game-playing AI bots. Additionally, it will explore the resulting impact on the game development process.

传统上,游戏行业中的质量保证(QA)部门并未获得足够的工具和技术支持。在这个演讲中,Christoffer Holmgåd将讨论QA团队确定的一些最紧迫的自动化需求。他还将分享两个案例研究,展示Rogue Snail和Die Gute Fabrik分别如何运用人工智能来自动化动作游戏和叙事游戏的游戏过程。演示将深入探讨自动化可以解决的常见QA挑战,以及游戏AI机器人的实施。此外,演示还将探讨这种方法对游戏开发流程产生的影响。

Retaining Diverse Employees: Taking the Next Step in DEIB


作者:Cassandra Walker  (Clinical Program Manager, Take This)、Eve Crevoshay  (Executive Director, Take This)

The push for quick diversity has given far less attention to retention and employee wellbeing once in the door resulting in both high turnover and layoffs of employees of marginalized identities. In this talk, Executive Director of Take This, Eve Crevoshy and Clinical Program Manager Cassandra Walker, LCSW CCTP, will combine professional and personal experience, academic knowledge, and industry data to provide insight into what it takes to retain and support a diverse workforce as a member of leadership. The session teaches leaders about the specific factors which contribute to a loss of diverse talent, the financial and reputational impact on your studios, as well as specific techniques for how leadership can improve retention of employees with diverse identities and needs.

推动快速多样性的努力往往忽视了员工进入公司后的留任和员工福祉,导致边缘化身份的员工高流失和裁员。在这次演讲中,Take This的执行董事Eve Crevoshy和临床项目经理Cassandra Walker,LCSW CCTP,将结合专业和个人经验、学术知识和行业数据,提供关于作为领导层成员如何保持和支持多样化员工队伍的见解。这个讲座会教导领导者有关导致多样化人才流失的具体因素,以及对工作室的财务和声誉影响,还有领导层如何改进留住具有多样身份和需求的员工的具体技巧。

Shipping 'Diablo IV'


作者:Michael Bybee  (Production Director, Blizzard Entertainment)、Tiffany Wat  (Production Director, Blizzard Entertainment, Blizzard Entertainment)

Diablo IV was one of the fastest-selling Blizzard games of all time, but success was never guaranteed. In this talk, we will discuss specific actions and circumstances that created an environment where the team, and by extension the game, could be successful. Topics are grouped under 5 core pillars: Scaling the Team, Balancing Delivery with Sustainability, Building Shared Accountability, Standing Up Live Ops, and Predictable Production.

《暗黑破坏神 IV》是暴雪公司有史以来销量最快的游戏之一,但成功从未是肯定的。在这次讨论中,我们将讨论特定的举措和情况,这些举措和情况创造了一个让团队,以及间接地游戏,能够取得成功的环境。主题分为5个核心支柱:团队规模扩张、在交付和可持续性之间取得平衡、建立共享责任、启动实时运营和可预测的生产。

Starting a Game Studio Roundtable Day 1: Funding Choices


作者:Richard Vogel  (CEO, T-Minus Zero Entertainment)

Creating and maintaining a games studio can be daunting and often full of unexpected bumps in the road. There are many decision points along the way in creating a studio, and those choices can set you up for success or failure. This roundtable gathers a group of game developers who have recently formed a game studio to discuss their journey into launching their studio and what they are doing to keep it growing. Topics for each day of the three-day roundtable include funding choices, building a high-performance culture, and communications.


Starting a Game Studio Roundtable Day 2: Building a High-Performance Culture


作者:Richard Vogel  (CEO, T-Minus Zero Entertainment)

Creating and maintaining a games studio can be daunting and often full of unexpected bumps in the road. There are many decision points along the way in creating a studio, and those choices can set you up for success or failure. This roundtable gathers a group of game developers who have recently formed a game studio to discuss their journey into launching their studio and what they are doing to keep it growing. Topics for each day of the three-day roundtable include funding choices, building a high-performance culture, and communications.


Starting a Game Studio Roundtable Day 3: Communications


作者:Richard Vogel  (CEO, T-Minus Zero Entertainment)

Creating and maintaining a games studio can be daunting and often full of unexpected bumps in the road. There are many decision points along the way in creating a studio, and those choices can set you up for success or failure. This roundtable gathers a group of game developers who have recently formed a game studio to discuss their journey into launching their studio and what they are doing to keep it growing. Topics for each day of the three-day roundtable include funding choices, building a high-performance culture, and communications.


Surviving Your First Steps into the Management Journey


作者:Marc Espinola Berestein  (Lead Animator, Lab42)

When you ask game industry veterans what was the toughest moment in their careers, one answer is quite common: When I had to step up and become a manager. According to The Workforce Institute, 46% of middle managers are likely to quit this 2023 because of stress related issues. The first steps into the management journey are very treacherous, it's easy to become overwhelmed, or burn yourself out. But fear not, in this talk I want to share the secrets that kept me sane during this transition! I come from a management background and I've seen the best, the worst and everything in between. Now, after 7 years in the video game industry as an animator, I want you to join me in this little journey to healthy management. Being a manager can be something very rewarding, if done correctly!


The Forest and the Trees: Stability in a Turbulent Industry


作者:Gordon McGladdery  (Studio Director, A Shell in the Pit)

2023 and 2024 have been awful. A Shell in the Pit studio director, composer and Fish Game game director Gordon McGladdery describes the preparative strategies that have carried their zero-churn studio over unavoidable rough seas through the unexpected lens of extreme agriculture and frosty Canadian reforestation. Bad years aren’t an “if” but a “when”; learn how A Shell in the Pit makes stability paramount while working on the projects they love, includingTchia, Untitled Goose Game, Little Kitty, Big City, the Five Nights At Freddy’sfranchise and over 50 more.

2023年和2024年一直很糟糕。一壳在坑工作室的导演、作曲家,以及《Fish Game》游戏的导演戈登·麦格拉德里(Gordon McGladdery)描述了带领零流失团队度过不可避免的艰难时期的策略,以极端农业和寒冷的加拿大重新造林的视角来看。糟糕的岁月不是'如果',而是'何时';了解一壳在坑是如何在他们热爱的项目上工作时确保稳定至关重要的,包括《Tchia》、《Untitled Goose Game》、《Little Kitty, Big City》、《Five Nights At Freddy's》系列等50多个项目。

The Future of Game Development with Bungie founder Alexander Seropian (Presented by Amazon Web Services)


作者:Alexander Seropian  (Founder, Bungie Founder)、Chris Melissinos  (Principal Evangelist, Game Tech, Amazon Web Services)

Alexander Seropian has been developing video games since the early 1990s, when he founded his first company, Bungie, which released the ground-breaking FPS game Marathon in 1994, followed by the record-smashing Halo: Combat Evolved, and introduced the world to Master Chief on the Xbox. In 2023, Alex founded Look North World, a game developer building new experiences in the Fortnite universe using the Unreal Editor for Fortnite (UEFN). In this fireside chat, Alex discusses lessons learned along his development career, the opportunities with new approaches, and the importance of building with the cloud and focusing on fun, not technology. Hear about the future of game development using these new services and models.

Alexander Seropian自上世纪90年代初开始开发视频游戏,当时他创建了他的第一家公司Bungie,于1994年推出了开创性的第一人称射击游戏《马拉松》,随后推出了创纪录的《光环:战斗进化》,并在Xbox上向世界介绍了Master Chief。2023年,Alex成立了Look North World,一家利用Unreal Editor for Fortnite(UEFN)在Fortnite宇宙中打造新体验的游戏开发商。在这次炉边聊天中,Alex分享了他在开发生涯中学到的经验教训,新方法带来的机遇,以及通过云构建和专注于乐趣而非技术的重要性。了解利用这些新服务和模型进行游戏开发的未来。

The Future of Hybrid, Remote and In-Office Work


作者:Cameron Brown  (CCO, Rec Room Inc)、Trinidad Hermida  (Executive Director, Black in Gaming)、Chelsea Blasko  (Co-CEO, Iron Galaxy Studios)、Sarah Tan  (Engineering Lead (Retention), Rec Room Inc)、Dan Coleman  (Head of Product Development, Iron Galaxy Studios)

A lively panel discussion exploring how two different studios are approaching the post-COVID future of remote, hybrid and in-office work policies. By applying their company values, each studio has come up with a unique and evolving approach that works for them. The discussion touches on hiring, retention, career development, creative collaboration, IT considerations, and more. The panelists compare notes, share lessons learned, and talk about what's next.


The Pillars of Hell: Achieving the Artistic Vision of 'Diablo IV'


作者:John Mueller  (Art Director, Blizzard Entertainmnet)

This talk is dedicated to giving an inside look into the Art Direction of Diablo IV and how the Diablo art team developed a shared vision for one of the biggest games of 2023. This talk features John Mueller, Art Director for Diablo IV. He shares 5 processes utilized by the team to engage and grow a shared vision for one of gaming's biggest franchises.

这次演讲致力于深入了解《暗黑破坏神 IV》的艺术指导,以及《暗黑破坏神》艺术团队是如何为2023年最重要的游戏之一制定共同愿景的。演讲将由《暗黑破坏神 IV》的艺术总监约翰·米勒主讲。他将分享团队利用的5个流程,用于打造游戏界最重要系列之一的共同愿景。

The Playdate Story: What Was It Like to Make Handheld Video Game System Hardware?


作者:Cabel Sasser  (Co-Founder, Panic)

Imagine a company that has only ever made easily-downloadable computer software deciding to suddenly jump into an entirely new world of creation: hardware. A company that’s used to almost any problem being solved by hitting a breakpoint and entering a debugger, suddenly facing a universe of atoms, and physics, and far-away factories with lots (and lots) of uncontrollable variables, not to mention shipping companies.Ridiculous? Yes. (Ultimately) successful? Also yes!The journey of creating Playdate, our indie bright-yellow handheld video game system (and now, platform!) was fulfilling, but also challenging, but also really fulfilling. And if you some time to spare, I’d love to share with you a collection of stories about the ups, downs, and inside-outs of hardware development, some key learning moments we had along the way, and maybe even some thoughts about just, you know, running a business in general. Let’s have some fun!


The Power of Community Feedback to Create Better Games (Presented by Amazon Games)


作者:Scot Lane  (Game Director - New World, Amazon Games)、Brian Willitts  (Head of Community, Amazon Games)、Michael Lovan  (Head of Community Video, Amazon Games)、Katy Kaszynski  (Product Owner/Live Game, Amazon Games)、Scott Geiser  (Software Development Engineer III, Amazon Games)

How do you interpret valuable player feedback, the positives and the negatives, always passionate and often highly vocal, and determine what makes sense for the future success of your game without impacting your vision for core design and gameplay? First, Scot Lane, Game Director of New World, and Brian Willitts, Head of Community, will share their best practices and key learnings for engaging with players, from the earliest stage of development through launch and beyond, how they evaluate input, and how listening to players plays a critical role in a game's future direction. Next, Amazon Games' community team will take the stage for an Ask-Me-Anything Q&A session where attendees can learn about how best to create a healthy, open dialogue with players to foster a growing audience and long-term retention and get advice on how to manage critical situations.

你如何解读宝贵的玩家反馈,包括积极和消极的反馈,这些反馈往往充满激情并且通常非常直接,如何确定对游戏未来成功有益而又不影响核心设计和玩法愿景?首先,新世界《New World》的游戏总监Scot Lane和社区负责人Brian Willitts将分享与玩家互动的最佳实践和关键经验,从开发的最早阶段到游戏发布甚至更远,他们将介绍如何评估玩家的反馈,以及倾听玩家对游戏未来方向起到的关键作用。接下来,亚马逊游戏的社区团队将登台举行一个“问我任何问题”的问答环节,参与者可以了解如何与玩家建立健康、开放的对话关系,促进玩家群体的增长和长期留存,并获得在处理关键情况时的建议。

The Secrets of 'Baldur's Gate 3'


作者:Swen Vincke  (CEO & Founder, Larian Studios)

A behind the scenes look at the key development and market challenges encountered while making Baldur's Gate 3, how the team tried to deal with them, what lessons they learned and why Larian was uniquely placed to make this game successful.


The Way We Work: Embracing Human Sustainability in Game Development


作者:Shana T Bryant  (Executive Producer, Oculus Publishing)、Lisette Titre-Montgomery  (Co-Founder / Studio Art Director, Cornerstone Interactive Studios)、Latoya Peterson  (CXO, Glow Up Games)、Chandana Ekanayake  (Co-Founder / Creative Director, Outerloop Games)、JC Lau  (Senior Advanced Producer, ProbablyMonsters)

The "burnout of entire micro-generations of developers." According to 2020's GDC State of the Industry, "game development [is] an industry driven by young workers who tend to depart within a decade." Reasons for those departures typically range from culture to pay to abuse/exclusion, and more. The industry has yet to address, or in some cases, even acknowledge that the way we work may itself be the root of the problem. We can fix this. It's time to rethink the way games are made. In "The Way We Work – Embracing Human Sustainability in Game Development" micro-talks, we'll hear from industry leaders tackling these institutional problems as they lead, build, and run studios. We will share real-world examples and strategy on how to successfully build worker autonomy in the hybrid workplace. Attending leaders will learn how to shift to people-first solutions, develop long-term sustainability culture, and pursue practical solutions to hiring.

在2020年《游戏开发者大会行业现状报告》中提到了对整个微时代开发者的“耗竭”。据指出,“游戏开发[是]一个由年轻员工推动的产业,他们往往在十年内离开。” 这些离开的原因通常涵盖文化、薪酬、滥用/排斥等等方面。这个行业尚未解决,或者在某些情况下甚至未意识到工作方式本身可能是问题的根源。我们可以解决这个问题。现在是重新思考游戏制作方式的时候了。在“我们的工作方式 - 在游戏开发中拥抱人类可持续性”微型讲座中,我们将听取行业领袖在领导、建立和经营工作室时如何解决这些机构问题的见解。我们将分享成功在混合工作场所建立员工自主权的真实案例和策略。参与的领导者将学习如何转变为以人为本的解决方案,发展长期的可持续文化,并追求雇佣的实际解决方案。

Too Much Playtesting? 5 Games in the Top 50 Say "No"


作者:Francisco Souki  (Principal Design Manager, Schell Games)、Fiona Cahill  (Playtest Coordinator, PlayStation)

Playtesting a game is one of the most important things developers can do to test the strength of their creative ideas and fine tune a game against real-world player feedback. I Expect You to Die 3 ran more than 200 remote VR playtests, with one person running almost every single one of them. In this talk, learn why Schell Games conducted so many playtests, how a high number of playtests, and the resulting high volume of feedback, were managed, and how all of this was harnessed to create a better game. Attendees will learn key takeaways and success factors for those in playtest coordinator roles and for members of the development team.

游戏的游戏测试是开发人员可以进行的最重要的事情之一,旨在测试其创意想法的强度,并根据真实玩家的反馈调整游戏。《I Expect You to Die 3》进行了200多场远程虚拟现实游戏测试,几乎每一场测试都有一个负责人。在这次讲座中,您将了解为什么Schell Games进行了如此多的游戏测试,如何管理如此高数量的游戏测试和因此产生的大量反馈,以及如何利用这一切打造更好的游戏。与会者将学习游戏测试协调员和开发团队成员的关键要点和成功因素。

UX Summit: De-coupling Studies to Embed User Research on a Live Game


作者:Tina Chan  (Sr. User Experience Researcher, Respawn Entertainment)

Live games often move quickly, and it is common for different features to have independent roadmaps and develop at different speeds. This system's flexibility enables teams to deliver quality content at meaningful times. By purposefully becoming embedded in this Agile process, user research teams could improve insight impact with timely deliveries and also gain influence among partners. This talk walks through examples of embedded workflows used by the user experience research team of Apex Legends, a free-to-play hero shooter game by Respawn Entertainment - and how it has unblocked development in timely & impactful ways. Examples include supporting a multiple features from pre-concept to polishing with just-in-time insight delivery, and triangulating or re-contextualizing findings of prior or partner research for new insights, and socializing research to facilitate design discussions.

实况游戏通常进行迅速推进,不同功能往往拥有独立的路线图并以不同速度发展。这种系统的灵活性使团队能够在有意义的时机交付高质量内容。通过有意识地融入敏捷过程,用户研究团队可以通过及时交付改善洞察力,并在合作伙伴中获得影响力。这次讨论将介绍《'Apex Legends'》中Respawn Entertainment的免费英雄射击游戏中用户体验研究团队使用的嵌入式工作流程示例,以及它如何及时而有影响力地解决了开发中的障碍。示例包括支持从前期概念到优化的多项功能,并通过及时提供洞察力、三角形调查或重新背景化以往或合作伙伴研究的发现,以及促进设计讨论的社交化研究。

Unlocking Creativity: Crafting the Ultimate AAA Game Studio for "Last Sentinel" (Presented by LightSpeed Studios)


作者:Steve C. Martin  (General Manager, LIGHTSPEED STUDIOS' Lightspeed L.A.)

This session unveils details around the conception and creation of the team behind “Last Sentinel”, a groundbreaking AAA narrative console game that boasts intricate storytelling and cutting-edge player-driven gameplay. Delving into the expectations and requirements of embarking on the development of a true AAA game title, this session explores the beginnings of “Last Sentinel” and the collaborative efforts required to introduce the world to a brand new IP at the AAA standard. The presentation emphasizes the coordination of diverse teams at the game’s most early phases. Furthermore, attendees will gain insights into the unique story of Lightspeed L.A.’s foundation, including a glimpse into the studio's culture and atmosphere.

本次会议将揭示《最后哨兵》团队在概念和创作方面的细节,这是一款开创性的AAA叙事主机游戏,具有复杂的故事叙述和尖端的玩家驱动游戏玩法。深入探讨涉及开发真正AAA游戏标题的期望和要求,本次会议将探讨《最后哨兵》的起步之处以及引入全新IP至AAA标准所需要的协同努力。演示强调了在游戏最早阶段协调各种团队的重要性。此外,与会者还将深入了解Lightspeed L.A.工作室成立的独特故事,包括一瞥工作室的文化和氛围。

Using Generative AI for Content Moderation in Gaming at Scale (Presented by Amazon Web Services)


作者:John Rouse  (Global Business Development Manager, AI Services, Amazon Web Services)、Lana Zhang  (Sr. AI Services Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services)、Andrei Muratov  (Head of Game Analytics and AI/ML Solutions/BD, Game Tech, Amazon Web Services)、Orlando Cardoso  (Engineering Manager with PlayStation Trust & Safety, Sony PlayStation)

This session explores the use of machine learning and generative AI for content moderation in gaming. This includes moderating various content types such as audio chat, text messages, images, videos, and livestreams. The goal is to empower human moderators with tools that enhance decision-making efficiency while minimizing the volume of harmful content requiring manual review. Join this session to walk through the AI content moderation technology used to create a healthy gaming community and keep players engaged.
