# Build all services
VERSION=dev docker compose -f docker-compose.build.yaml build
# Build a specific service alone
VERSION=dev docker compose -f docker-compose.build.yaml build frontend
NOTE: First copy sample.*.env
files to *.env
and update as required.
# Up all services
VERSION=dev docker compose -f docker-compose.yaml up -d
# Up a specific service alone
VERSION=dev docker compose -f docker-compose.yaml up -d frontend
Now access frontend at http://frontend.unstract.localhost
Some services are kept optional and will not be built or started by default. Run them as follows.
# Build optional services also
VERSION=dev docker compose -f docker-compose.build.yaml --profile optional build
# Up optional services also
VERSION=dev docker compose -f docker-compose.yaml --profile optional up -d
By making use of the merge compose files feature its possible to override some configuration that's used by the services.
Copy and rename the sample.compose.override.yaml
to compose.override.yaml
and update it as necessary.
cp sample.compose.override.yaml compose.override.yaml
# Configuration in docker-compose.yaml gets overridden
VERSION=dev docker compose -f docker-compose.yaml -f compose.override.yaml up -d
This can be useful during development to
- not run some memory intensive services
- use commands with different arguments to save resources
- mount additional volumes or define additional env to configure behaviour
For the following project structure:
|- src
| |- unstract
| |- scheduler
| |- main.py
|- pdm.lock
|- pyproject.toml
Add the following in pyproject.toml
to detect package in src
includes = ["src"]
package-dir = "src"
This will install the project to:
This will allow gunicorn
to refer the package directly as:
$ gunicorn "-c" "python:unstract.scheduler.config.gunicorn" "unstract.scheduler.main:app"