File access API implemented - Full PWA features completed. Submission…
File access API implemented - Full PWA features completed. Submission…
Missing - Use File System Access API to store and access to files on …
Missing - Use File System Access API to store and access to files on …
Added mkcert for https localhost
Added mkcert for https localhost
Nothing totally wrong with the DB based on requirements
Nothing totally wrong with the DB based on requirements
Need to inspect DB function, its allowing to create new DB but its sa…
Need to inspect DB function, its allowing to create new DB but its sa…
modified DatabaseConfiguration.jsx select options to reflect only Ind…
modified DatabaseConfiguration.jsx select options to reflect only Ind…
modified TrainingPlanPage.jsx - handleAddWorkout, handleLoadPlan to c…
modified TrainingPlanPage.jsx - handleAddWorkout, handleLoadPlan to c…
Added load plan from database input field, wasn't able to do the drop…
Added load plan from database input field, wasn't able to do the drop…
Added Database configuration options to save plan in different db
Added Database configuration options to save plan in different db
Issue with IndexedDB fixed, styling added
Issue with IndexedDB fixed, styling added
Addressing issue when trying to update indexedDB data
Addressing issue when trying to update indexedDB data
Fixed save/load issues, but feels buggy still - removed GoalManager a…
Fixed save/load issues, but feels buggy still - removed GoalManager a…
Fixed save/load issues, but feels buggy still
Fixed save/load issues, but feels buggy still
Fixing issue with DB save/load
Fixing issue with DB save/load
Able to load and save plan to indexedDB
Able to load and save plan to indexedDB
Able to load and save plan to localstorage
Able to load and save plan to localstorage
Able to calculate part of training plan metrics and entire training p…
Able to calculate part of training plan metrics and entire training p…