Complete and simple file uploader with image compressor in Vue.js
- Choice Theme : Thumbnail, Simple, Table
- Add custom fields (Title, Description, Tags, ...)
- Image compressor
- Select level for Image compressor
- Mange file extensions
- Manage files count
- Manage files size
- Multi languages support
- Add custom language
- Right to left support
- Multi file upload
- Responsive
- ...
1. Install package:
$npm install handy-uploader
2. You should Install Vuetify on project:
$vue add vuetify
$npm install @nuxtjs/vuetify -D
Once installed, update your nuxt.config.js
file to include the Vuetify module in the build.
// nuxt.config.js
buildModules: [
Import handy-uploader to project
import handyUploader from 'handy-uploader/src/components/handyUploader';
export default {
components: {
:fileUploaderType= "'simple'"
:maxFileSize= "10240"
:imageCompressor= "true"
:imageCompressLevel= "0.8"
:maxFileCount= "10"
:badgeCounter= "true"
:thumb= "false"
:tags= "['Tag 1', 'Tag 2', 'Tag 3', 'Tag 4']"
import handyUploader from 'handy-uploader/src/components/handyUploader';
export default {
components: {
data: () => ({
handyAttachments: [],
The documentAttachment return array of uploaded file
file: {
name: 'file name',
size: 'file size',
base64: 'base64',
format: 'file upload format. for example:image/jpeg;base64'
tags: [],
description: 'file description'
The fileUploaderType define file uploader theme : thumbnaile
, simple
, table
:fileUploaderType= "thumbnail"
:fileUploaderType= "simple"
:fileUploaderType= "table"
Choose File Uploader Card Type Theme
cardTypes : default
, outlined
, shaped
, raised
, tile
:cardType= "'shaped'"
The fileAccept attribute of the input tag, MIME type
:fileAccept= "'image/png,image/gif,image/jpeg,image/webp'"
If don`t send fileAccept, file uploader accept all file formats.
handy-uploader, Uses the Browser's native canvas.toBlob API to do the compression work, which means it is lossy compression. General use this to precompress a client image file before upload it.
:imageCompressor= "true"
A Number between 0 and 1 indicating image quality.
:imageCompressLevel= "0.6"
Maximum of file size upload. sent in prop to KB
:maxFileSize= "10240"
Maximum of file upload
:maxFileCount= "5"
If you dont send maxFileCount, You can upload files without restrictions.
show / hidden thumb for images in table
and simple
file uploader
:thumb= "true"
show / hidden thumb column in table
file uploader
:tableThumbColumn= "false"
enable / disable table fixed header
:tableFixedHeader= "false"
Set table height in px
:tableHeight= "500"
Badge file counter state.
:badgeCounter= "false"
Enable RTL support languages.
:rtlSupport= "true"
Change file uploader languages.
Examples: English en
, Persian fa
, French fr
, Chinese ch
, Arabic ar
:lang= "'fa'"
Define Custom language for uploader.
:lang= "'custom'"
:customLang= "customLang"
import handyUploader from 'handy-uploader/src/components/handyUploader';
export default {
components: {
data: () => ({
handyAttachments: [],
customLang : {
custom : {
insertFile: 'Insert File',
insertNewFile: 'Insert New File1,
add: 'Add',
delete: 'Delete',
edit: 'Edit',
deleteDialog: {
message: 'Are you sure you want to delete the file?',
cancel: 'cancel',
table: {
thumb: 'Thumb',
name: 'Name',
size: 'Size',
tags: 'tags',
action: {
action: 'Action',
deleteTooltip: 'Delete'
size: {
kb: 'KB',
mb: 'MB',
maxFileSizeAlert: 'Max file Size is',
maxFileCountAlert: 'Max file Count is',
fileName: 'File Name',
fileDescription: 'File Description',
fileTags: 'File Tags',
change Button color.
:btnColor= "'#00796B'"
Change file name before upload.
:changeFileName= "true"
Add file Description before upload.
:addFileDescription= "true"
Add file tags before upload.
:addFileTag= "true"
Array of file tags.
:tags= "['Tag 1', 'Tag 2', 'Tag 3', 'Tag 4']"
Change count of columns.
:cols= "6"
Set edit Permission for edit attachment details.
:editPermission= "false"
Set delete Permission for delete attachment details.
:deletePermission= "false"
:fileUploaderType= "'thumbnail'"
:maxFileSize= "10240"
:imageCompressor= "true"
:imageCompressLevel= "0.8"
:badgeCounter= "true"
:tags= "['Tag 1', 'Tag 2', 'Tag 3', 'Tag 4']"
import handyUploader from 'handy-uploader/src/components/handyUploader';
export default {
components: {
data: () => ({
handyAttachments: [],
The Array you define for file uploader
:fileUploaderType= "'simple'"
:maxFileSize= "10240"
:imageCompressor= "true"
:imageCompressLevel= "0.8"
:maxFileCount= "10"
:badgeCounter= "true"
:thumb= "false"
:tags= "['Tag 1', 'Tag 2', 'Tag 3', 'Tag 4']"
import handyUploader from 'handy-uploader/src/components/handyUploader';
export default {
components: {
data: () => ({
handyAttachments: [],
The Array you define for file uploader
:fileUploaderType= "'table'"
:maxFileSize= "10240"
:imageCompressor= "true"
:imageCompressLevel= "0.8"
:maxFileCount= "10"
:badgeCounter= "true"
:thumb= "true"
:tableFixedHeader= "true"
:tableHeight= "400"
:tableThumbColumn= "true"
:tags= "['Tag 1', 'Tag 2', 'Tag 3', 'Tag 4']"
import handyUploader from 'handy-uploader/src/components/handyUploader';
export default {
components: {
data: () => ({
handyAttachments: [],
The Array you define for file uploader