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File metadata and controls

174 lines (110 loc) · 4.07 KB


  • Context is the value of this in each part of your code.

  • Function context depends on how the function is called, this is called the invocation pattern.

All cases of this context:

  1. Global context: this is bound to global object when used globally.

  2. Function Context:

  • As Function: function is just called , this is bound to global window object.

  • As Method: function is called under object, this is bound to that object.

  1. Special case functions like , bind,call,apply can change this context to any passed object.

  2. Construction of new Object: when we use new keyword to construct a new object, this is bound to the new created object.

Example 6.0:

this is bound to global object.

console.log(this); //global window object if in browser

Example 6.1:

this inside a function is bound to the object that called the function

function globalFunction(){
	console.log(this); //this = window --> because called by global window object
globalFunction(); //this line is equivalent to window.globalFunction();

var myObject = {
  myFunc : function(){

myObject.myFunc(); //this = MyObject --> because the function is called on myObject

var temp = myObject.myFunc;
temp(); //this = window --> because the function is called and executed from global window object

bind,call and apply methods:

These three methods can be used to change this context value inside any function to any required object.

bind : creates a new function that, when called, has its this keyword set to the provided value, it also accept optional arguments that will be prepended to the argument list of the new returned function.

Example 6.2:

var obj= {
	first: "Amr",
	last: "Labib"

function printName(){
	console.log(this.first +  " " + this.last , arguments[0] , arguments[1]);

printName(); // undefined undefined undefined undefined  --> because `this` is bound to global window object, also we don't have any argument passed to the function

var boundPrintName = printName.bind(obj); // will return a new function with `this` bound to obj

boundPrintName(); // Amr Labib undefined undefined

var boundPrintNameWithArgument = printName.bind(obj , "argument 1"); //will return new function with `this` bound to obj and first argument set to "argument 1"

boundPrintNameWithArgument("argument 2"); //Amr Labib argument 1 argument 2

call: calls a function with a given this value and arguments provided individually.

apply: calls a function with a given this value, and arguments provided as an array

Example 6.3:

Notice the difference between call and apply is just how they accept arguments after passed this object.

var obj= {
  first: "Amr",
  last: "Labib"

function printName(){
  console.log(this.first +  " " + this.last , arguments[0] , arguments[1] );

printName(); // undefined undefined undefined undefined  --> because this is bound to global window object, also we don't have any argument passed to the function; // Amr Labib undefined undefined , "argument 1" , "argument 2");    //Amr Labib argument 1 argument 2

printName.apply(obj); // Amr Labib undefined undefined
printName.apply(obj , ["argument 1" , "argument 2"]); //Amr Labib argument 1 argument 2

Example 6.4:

Construction of new object

var Name = function(){
	this.first = "Amr";
	this.last = "Labib";

var obj1 = new Name(); //this == Name Object


Hint: By Convention we capitalize the first letter in function when we use it as Object constructor.

Example 6.5:

Use call with self invoked function to set this context inside each loop iteration

var numbers = [{
  number : {
  	value : 1
  number : {
  	value : 2
  number : {
  	value : 3

for (var i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
  (function () {

// {value: 1}
// {value: 2}
// {value: 3}