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File metadata and controls

261 lines (193 loc) · 7.19 KB

Style Guide

This document attempts to codify the JavaScript, HTML and CSS style rules for Fauxton. This has been patched together from a few sources, including Pootle's style guide, Google JS style guide, and from reverse-engineering our own codebase.

This is intended to be a living document: any disagreements about style should be brought to the community via the mailing list, discussed, agreed upon and documented here.

Note: We have JSHint running as a grunt task which will catch the more egregious errors (missing vars, missing semicolons etc). See the Gruntfile.js for the settings being used.

Programming Style


  • 2-space indentation. Don't use tabs. JSHint will whine if you have mixed tabs and spaces.
  • Avoid lines longer than 120 characters.


  • For anonymous function calls there should be one space between the word function and the ( (left parenthesis). Similarly, for named functions there should be a space between the function name myFunction and the opening parenthesis.
  • Control statements should have one space between the control keyword and opening parenthesis.
  • Each ; (semicolon) in the control part of a for statement should be followed with a space.
  • Every , (comma) should be followed with whitespace.


Use ' single quote character for strings, because HTML markup uses ". Eg. var greeting = 'Hello World!';


When using parseInt always explicitly include the second radix argument (usually 10).


  • use camel case for variables and methods: myVariable, myMethod
  • use upper camel case (Pascal) for classes / uninstantiated objects: MyModel, MyView
  • If a variable holds a jQuery object, prefix it by a dollar sign $. For example:
var $ul = $('#myList');


  • Prefix selectors that deal with JavaScript with js-. This way it’s clear the separation between class selectors that deal with presentation (CSS) and functionality (JavaScript).
  • Use the same naming criterion as with CSS selector names, ie, lowercase and consequent words separated by dashes.
  • Inside Backbone Views, always use this.$("...") to target elements, even IDs.

Control statements

Use Underscore's more concise looping methods (_.each, _.filter) over plain vanilla for loops.

Control statements such as if, while, switch should follow these rules:

  • The enclosed statements should be indented.
  • The { (left curly brace) should be at the end of the line that begins the compound statement.
  • The } (right curly brace) should begin a line and be indented to align with the beginning of the line containing the matching { (left curly brace).
  • Braces should be used around all statements, even single statements, when they are part of a control structure, such as an if or while statement. This makes it easier to add statements without accidentally introducing bugs.

expr ? yay : nay ternary operator

  • use only for simple logic; anything more complex can become difficult to read.

Avoid changing a variable's type

Once you have create a variable and assigned a value, it is set as a type, stick with that type for that variable. This has performance benefits as well as making it easier for someone to understand your code.


var greeting = 'Hello World!';
greeting = function () {
  return 'Goodbye World';

Special cases for null and undefined since they're their own type. It's fine to assign a new value to an undefined or null var.


To maintain calling context, favour _.bind over storing a reference to this. If you do, use that as a var name (var that = this;)

Object Prototypes

Do not modify any native objects' prototype. eg. Array.prototype.

Object Constructors

Avoid using constructors for the built-in object types: Number, String, Boolean, Array, Object.


var x = 10; // good
var x = new Number(10); // bad


var greeting = 'Hello'; // good
var greeting = new String('Hello'); // bad


var yes = true; // good
var yes = new Boolean(1); // bad


var myList = new Array(1, 2, 3); // nope
var myList = [1, 2, 3]; // yay!


var myObj = { size: 10 }; // hurrah!
var myObj = new Object(); // boooo!

Associative Arrays

Use object literal notation for map/hash/associative arrays.


if statements

if (condition) {

if (condition) {
} else {

if (condition) {
} else if (condition) {
} else {

for statements

As mentioned above, using Underscore's looping methods is favoured here.

for (initialization; condition; update) {

for (variable in object) {
  if (condition) {

switch statements

switch (condition) {
  case 1:

  case 2:



function myFunction () {
  // stuff!

function anotherFunction (firstParam, secondParam, thirdParam) {
  // stuff!

var yetAnotherFunction = function (firstParam) {
  // stuff!

var anonymousFunction = function () {
  // more stuff!

In Fauxton, all our HTML documents are all Underscore templates so this section contains a few Underscore-related style recommendations as well.


  • 2-space indentation using spaces, not tabs.
  • Avoid lines longer than 120 characters.


  • IDs and class names with multiple words should be lowercase and separated with hyphens (-), like my-class and fixed-header.
  • Please try to name your classes and IDs something that makes sense for the current component and won't conflict with other markup in the page.
  • IDs or classes that are to be used for javascript only should be named with a js- prefix. Note: these should NOT be styled; they should be used for JS hooks only.


  • Always use double quotes for attribute strings.


  • If a template name consists of multiple words, separate it with underscores, like my_template.html.
  • Unless they're explicitly needed, always use <%- %> over <%= %>.

We use SCSS to generate our CSS.

Indentation / Whitespace

  • Indent using 2 spaces. Don’t use tabs.
  • Put selectors and braces on their own lines.
  • One space between the end of the selector and the opening brace, e.g.
.my-class {
    /* rules here */


  • As noted in the HTML section above, selectors should be lowercase.
  • Selectors with multiple words should be separated with hyphens (-), like .my-class and .fixed-header.


  • Avoid deep-nesting of rules. Always try to style an element with the minimum specificity required.