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This Ash resource extension adds configuration for exposing a resource in a graphql.


Configuration for a given resource in graphql

Nested DSLs


graphql do
  type :post

  queries do
    get :get_post, :read
    list :list_posts, :read

  mutations do
    create :create_post, :create
    update :update_post, :update
    destroy :destroy_post, :destroy


Name Type Default Docs
type{: #graphql-type } atom The type to use for this entity in the graphql schema. If the resource doesn't have a type, it also needs to have generate_object? false and can only expose generic action queries.
derive_filter?{: #graphql-derive_filter? } boolean true Set to false to disable the automatic generation of a filter input for read actions.
derive_sort?{: #graphql-derive_sort? } boolean true Set to false to disable the automatic generation of a sort input for read actions.
encode_primary_key?{: #graphql-encode_primary_key? } boolean true For resources with composite primary keys, or primary keys not called :id, this will cause the id to be encoded as a single id attribute, both in the representation of the resource and in get requests
relationships{: #graphql-relationships } list(atom) A list of relationships to include on the created type. Defaults to all public relationships where the destination defines a graphql type.
paginate_relationship_with{: #graphql-paginate_relationship_with } keyword [] A keyword list indicating which kind of pagination should be used for each has_many and many_to_many relationships, e.g. related_things: :keyset, other_related_things: :offset. Valid pagination values are nil, :offset, :keyset and :relay.
field_names{: #graphql-field_names } keyword A keyword list of name overrides for attributes.
hide_fields{: #graphql-hide_fields } list(atom) A list of attributes to hide from the domain
show_fields{: #graphql-show_fields } list(atom) A list of attributes to show in the domain. If not specified includes all (excluding hide_fiels).
argument_names{: #graphql-argument_names } keyword A nested keyword list of action names, to argument name remappings. i.e create: [arg_name: :new_name]
keyset_field{: #graphql-keyset_field } atom If set, the keyset will be displayed on all read actions in this field. It will be nil unless at least one of the read actions on a resource uses keyset pagination or it is the result of a mutation
attribute_types{: #graphql-attribute_types } keyword A keyword list of type overrides for attributes. The type overrides should refer to types available in the graphql (absinthe) schema. list_of/1 and non_null/1 helpers can be used.
attribute_input_types{: #graphql-attribute_input_types } keyword A keyword list of input type overrides for attributes. The type overrides should refer to types available in the graphql (absinthe) schema. list_of/1 and non_null/1 helpers can be used.
argument_input_types{: #graphql-argument_input_types } keyword A keyword list of actions and their input type overrides for arguments. The type overrides should refer to types available in the graphql (absinthe) schema. list_of/1 and non_null/1 helpers can be used.
primary_key_delimiter{: #graphql-primary_key_delimiter } String.t "~" If a composite primary key exists, this can be set to determine delimiter used in the id field value.
depth_limit{: #graphql-depth_limit } integer A simple way to prevent massive queries.
complexity{: #graphql-complexity } {module, list(any)} An {module, function} that will be called with the arguments and complexity value of the child fields query. It should return the complexity of this query.
generate_object?{: #graphql-generate_object? } boolean true Whether or not to create the GraphQL object, this allows you to manually create the GraphQL object.
filterable_fields{: #graphql-filterable_fields } list(atom) A list of fields that are allowed to be filtered on. Defaults to all filterable fields for which a GraphQL type can be created.
nullable_fields{: #graphql-nullable_fields } atom | list(atom) Mark fields as nullable even if they are required. This is useful when using field policies. See the authorization guide for more.
error_handler{: #graphql-error_handler } mfa Set an MFA to intercept/handle any errors that are generated.


Queries (read actions) to expose for the resource.

Nested DSLs


queries do
  get :get_post, :read
  read_one :current_user, :current_user
  list :list_posts, :read


get name, action

A query to fetch a record by primary key


get :get_post, :read


Name Type Default Docs
name{: #graphql-queries-get-name } atom :get The name to use for the query.
action{: #graphql-queries-get-action .spark-required} atom The action to use for the query.


Name Type Default Docs
identity{: #graphql-queries-get-identity } atom The identity to use for looking up the record. Pass false to not use an identity.
allow_nil?{: #graphql-queries-get-allow_nil? } boolean true Whether or not the action can return nil.
modify_resolution{: #graphql-queries-get-modify_resolution } mfa An MFA that will be called with the resolution, the query, and the result of the action as the first three arguments. See the the guide for more.
type_name{: #graphql-queries-get-type_name } atom Override the type name returned by this query. Must be set if the read action has metadata that is not hidden via the show_metadata key.
description{: #graphql-queries-get-description } String.t The query description that gets shown in the Graphql schema. If not provided, the action description will be used.
metadata_names{: #graphql-queries-get-metadata_names } keyword [] Name overrides for metadata fields on the read action.
metadata_types{: #graphql-queries-get-metadata_types } keyword [] Type overrides for metadata fields on the read action.
show_metadata{: #graphql-queries-get-show_metadata } list(atom) The metadata attributes to show. Defaults to all.
as_mutation?{: #graphql-queries-get-as_mutation? } boolean false Places the query in the mutations key instead. Not typically necessary, but is often paired with as_mutation?. See the the guide for more.
relay_id_translations{: #graphql-queries-get-relay_id_translations } keyword [] A keyword list indicating arguments or attributes that have to be translated from global Relay IDs to internal IDs. See the Relay guide for more.
hide_inputs{: #graphql-queries-get-hide_inputs } list(atom) [] A list of inputs to hide from the mutation.
complexity{: #graphql-queries-get-complexity } {module, list(any)} {AshGraphql.Graphql.Resolver, :query_complexity} An {module, function} that will be called with the arguments and complexity value of the child fields query. It should return the complexity of this query.


Target: AshGraphql.Resource.Query


read_one name, action

A query to fetch a record


read_one :current_user, :current_user


Name Type Default Docs
name{: #graphql-queries-read_one-name } atom :get The name to use for the query.
action{: #graphql-queries-read_one-action .spark-required} atom The action to use for the query.


Name Type Default Docs
allow_nil?{: #graphql-queries-read_one-allow_nil? } boolean true Whether or not the action can return nil.
type_name{: #graphql-queries-read_one-type_name } atom Override the type name returned by this query. Must be set if the read action has metadata that is not hidden via the show_metadata key.
description{: #graphql-queries-read_one-description } String.t The query description that gets shown in the Graphql schema. If not provided, the action description will be used.
metadata_names{: #graphql-queries-read_one-metadata_names } keyword [] Name overrides for metadata fields on the read action.
metadata_types{: #graphql-queries-read_one-metadata_types } keyword [] Type overrides for metadata fields on the read action.
show_metadata{: #graphql-queries-read_one-show_metadata } list(atom) The metadata attributes to show. Defaults to all.
as_mutation?{: #graphql-queries-read_one-as_mutation? } boolean false Places the query in the mutations key instead. Not typically necessary, but is often paired with as_mutation?. See the the guide for more.
relay_id_translations{: #graphql-queries-read_one-relay_id_translations } keyword [] A keyword list indicating arguments or attributes that have to be translated from global Relay IDs to internal IDs. See the Relay guide for more.
hide_inputs{: #graphql-queries-read_one-hide_inputs } list(atom) [] A list of inputs to hide from the mutation.
complexity{: #graphql-queries-read_one-complexity } {module, list(any)} {AshGraphql.Graphql.Resolver, :query_complexity} An {module, function} that will be called with the arguments and complexity value of the child fields query. It should return the complexity of this query.


Target: AshGraphql.Resource.Query


list name, action

A query to fetch a list of records


list :list_posts, :read
list :list_posts_paginated, :read, relay?: true


Name Type Default Docs
name{: #graphql-queries-list-name } atom :get The name to use for the query.
action{: #graphql-queries-list-action .spark-required} atom The action to use for the query.


Name Type Default Docs
relay?{: #graphql-queries-list-relay? } boolean false If true, the graphql queries/resolvers for this resource will be built to honor the relay specification. See the relay guide for more.
paginate_with{: #graphql-queries-list-paginate_with } :keyset | :offset | nil :keyset Determine the pagination strategy to use, if multiple are available. If nil, no pagination is applied, otherwise the given strategy is used.
type_name{: #graphql-queries-list-type_name } atom Override the type name returned by this query. Must be set if the read action has metadata that is not hidden via the show_metadata key.
description{: #graphql-queries-list-description } String.t The query description that gets shown in the Graphql schema. If not provided, the action description will be used.
metadata_names{: #graphql-queries-list-metadata_names } keyword [] Name overrides for metadata fields on the read action.
metadata_types{: #graphql-queries-list-metadata_types } keyword [] Type overrides for metadata fields on the read action.
show_metadata{: #graphql-queries-list-show_metadata } list(atom) The metadata attributes to show. Defaults to all.
as_mutation?{: #graphql-queries-list-as_mutation? } boolean false Places the query in the mutations key instead. Not typically necessary, but is often paired with as_mutation?. See the the guide for more.
relay_id_translations{: #graphql-queries-list-relay_id_translations } keyword [] A keyword list indicating arguments or attributes that have to be translated from global Relay IDs to internal IDs. See the Relay guide for more.
hide_inputs{: #graphql-queries-list-hide_inputs } list(atom) [] A list of inputs to hide from the mutation.
complexity{: #graphql-queries-list-complexity } {module, list(any)} {AshGraphql.Graphql.Resolver, :query_complexity} An {module, function} that will be called with the arguments and complexity value of the child fields query. It should return the complexity of this query.


Target: AshGraphql.Resource.Query


action name, action

Runs a generic action


action :check_status, :check_status


Name Type Default Docs
name{: #graphql-queries-action-name } atom :get The name to use for the query.
action{: #graphql-queries-action-action .spark-required} atom The action to use for the query.


Name Type Default Docs
description{: #graphql-queries-action-description } String.t The description that gets shown in the Graphql schema. If not provided, the action description will be used.
hide_inputs{: #graphql-queries-action-hide_inputs } list(atom) [] Inputs to hide in the mutation/query
error_location{: #graphql-queries-action-error_location } :in_result | :top_level :top_level If the result should have an errors and a result key (like create/update/destroy mutations), or if errors should be shown in the top level errors key
modify_resolution{: #graphql-queries-action-modify_resolution } mfa An MFA that will be called with the resolution, the query, and the result of the action as the first three arguments. See the the guide for more.
relay_id_translations{: #graphql-queries-action-relay_id_translations } keyword [] A keyword list indicating arguments or attributes that have to be translated from global Relay IDs to internal IDs. See the Relay guide for more.


Target: AshGraphql.Resource.Action


Mutations (create/update/destroy actions) to expose for the resource.

Nested DSLs


mutations do
  create :create_post, :create
  update :update_post, :update
  destroy :destroy_post, :destroy


create name, action

A mutation to create a record


create :create_post, :create


Name Type Default Docs
name{: #graphql-mutations-create-name } atom :get The name to use for the mutation.
action{: #graphql-mutations-create-action .spark-required} atom The action to use for the mutation.


Name Type Default Docs
description{: #graphql-mutations-create-description } String.t The mutation description that gets shown in the Graphql schema. If not provided, the action description will be used.
upsert?{: #graphql-mutations-create-upsert? } boolean false Whether or not to use the upsert?: true option when calling YourDomain.create/2.
upsert_identity{: #graphql-mutations-create-upsert_identity } atom false Which identity to use for the upsert
modify_resolution{: #graphql-mutations-create-modify_resolution } mfa An MFA that will be called with the resolution, the query, and the result of the action as the first three arguments. See the the guide for more.
hide_inputs{: #graphql-mutations-create-hide_inputs } list(atom) [] A list of inputs to hide from the mutation.
relay_id_translations{: #graphql-mutations-create-relay_id_translations } keyword [] A keyword list indicating arguments or attributes that have to be translated from global Relay IDs to internal IDs. See the Relay guide for more.


Target: AshGraphql.Resource.Mutation


update name, action

A mutation to update a record


update :update_post, :update


Name Type Default Docs
name{: #graphql-mutations-update-name } atom :get The name to use for the mutation.
action{: #graphql-mutations-update-action .spark-required} atom The action to use for the mutation.


Name Type Default Docs
description{: #graphql-mutations-update-description } String.t The mutation description that gets shown in the Graphql schema. If not provided, the action description will be used.
identity{: #graphql-mutations-update-identity } atom The identity to use to fetch the record to be updated. Use false if no identity is required.
read_action{: #graphql-mutations-update-read_action } atom The read action to use to fetch the record to be updated. Defaults to the primary read action.
hide_inputs{: #graphql-mutations-update-hide_inputs } list(atom) A list of inputs to hide from the mutation.
relay_id_translations{: #graphql-mutations-update-relay_id_translations } keyword [] A keyword list indicating arguments or attributes that have to be translated from global Relay IDs to internal IDs. See the Relay guide for more.


Target: AshGraphql.Resource.Mutation


destroy name, action

A mutation to destroy a record


destroy :destroy_post, :destroy


Name Type Default Docs
name{: #graphql-mutations-destroy-name } atom :get The name to use for the mutation.
action{: #graphql-mutations-destroy-action .spark-required} atom The action to use for the mutation.


Name Type Default Docs
description{: #graphql-mutations-destroy-description } String.t The mutation description that gets shown in the Graphql schema. If not provided, the action description will be used.
read_action{: #graphql-mutations-destroy-read_action } atom The read action to use to fetch the record to be destroyed. Defaults to the primary read action.
identity{: #graphql-mutations-destroy-identity } atom The identity to use to fetch the record to be destroyed. Use false if no identity is required.
hide_inputs{: #graphql-mutations-destroy-hide_inputs } list(atom) A list of inputs to hide from the mutation.
relay_id_translations{: #graphql-mutations-destroy-relay_id_translations } keyword [] A keyword list indicating arguments or attributes that have to be translated from global Relay IDs to internal IDs. See the Relay guide for more.


Target: AshGraphql.Resource.Mutation


action name, action

Runs a generic action


action :check_status, :check_status


Name Type Default Docs
name{: #graphql-mutations-action-name } atom :get The name to use for the query.
action{: #graphql-mutations-action-action .spark-required} atom The action to use for the query.


Name Type Default Docs
description{: #graphql-mutations-action-description } String.t The description that gets shown in the Graphql schema. If not provided, the action description will be used.
hide_inputs{: #graphql-mutations-action-hide_inputs } list(atom) [] Inputs to hide in the mutation/query
error_location{: #graphql-mutations-action-error_location } :in_result | :top_level :top_level If the result should have an errors and a result key (like create/update/destroy mutations), or if errors should be shown in the top level errors key
modify_resolution{: #graphql-mutations-action-modify_resolution } mfa An MFA that will be called with the resolution, the query, and the result of the action as the first three arguments. See the the guide for more.
relay_id_translations{: #graphql-mutations-action-relay_id_translations } keyword [] A keyword list indicating arguments or attributes that have to be translated from global Relay IDs to internal IDs. See the Relay guide for more.


Target: AshGraphql.Resource.Action


Subscriptions (notifications) to expose for the resource.

Nested DSLs


subscriptions do
  subscribe :bucket_created do
    actions :create
    read_action :read


Name Type Default Docs
pubsub{: #graphql-subscriptions-pubsub .spark-required} module The pubsub module to use for the subscription


subscribe name

A subscription to listen for changes on the resource


subscribe :post_created do


Name Type Default Docs
name{: #graphql-subscriptions-subscribe-name } atom The name to use for the subscription.


Name Type Default Docs
actor{: #graphql-subscriptions-subscribe-actor } (any -> any) | module The actor to use for authorization.
actions{: #graphql-subscriptions-subscribe-actions } list(atom) | atom The create/update/destroy actions the subsciption should listen to.
action_types{: #graphql-subscriptions-subscribe-action_types } list(atom) | atom The type of actions the subsciption should listen to.
read_action{: #graphql-subscriptions-subscribe-read_action } atom The read action to use for reading data
hide_inputs{: #graphql-subscriptions-subscribe-hide_inputs } list(atom) [] A list of inputs to hide from the subscription, usable if the read action has arguments.


Target: AshGraphql.Resource.Subscription


Generates input objects for manage_relationship arguments on resource actions.

Nested DSLs


managed_relationships do
  managed_relationship :create_post, :comments


Name Type Default Docs
auto?{: #graphql-managed_relationships-auto? } boolean true Automatically derive types for all arguments that have a manage_relationship call change.


managed_relationship action, argument

Configures the behavior of a given managed_relationship for a given action.

If there are type conflicts (for example, if the input could create or update a record, and the create and update actions have an argument of the same name but with a different type), a warning is emitted at compile time and the first one is used. If that is insufficient, you will need to do one of the following:

1.) provide the :types option to the managed_relationship constructor (see that option for more) 2.) define a custom type, with a custom input object (see the custom types guide), and use that custom type instead of :map 3.) change your actions to not have overlapping inputs with different types

Since managed relationships can ultimately call multiple actions, there is the possibility of field type conflicts. Use the types option to determine the type of fields and remove the conflict warnings.

For non_null use {:non_null, type}, and for a list, use {:array, type}, for example:

{:non_null, {:array, {:non_null, :string}}} for a non null list of non null strings.

To remove a key from the input object, simply pass nil as the type.

Use ignore?: true to skip this type generation.


Name Type Default Docs
action{: #graphql-managed_relationships-managed_relationship-action } atom The action that accepts the argument
argument{: #graphql-managed_relationships-managed_relationship-argument .spark-required} atom The argument for which an input object should be derived.


Name Type Default Docs
lookup_with_primary_key?{: #graphql-managed_relationships-managed_relationship-lookup_with_primary_key? } boolean If the managed_relationship has on_lookup behavior, this option determines whether or not the primary key is provided in the input object for looking up.
lookup_identities{: #graphql-managed_relationships-managed_relationship-lookup_identities } list(atom) Determines which identities are provided in the input object for looking up, if there is on_lookup behavior. Defalts to the use_identities option.
type_name{: #graphql-managed_relationships-managed_relationship-type_name } atom The name of the input object that will be derived. Defaults to <action_type>_<resource>_<argument_name>_input
types{: #graphql-managed_relationships-managed_relationship-types } any A keyword list of field names to their graphql type identifiers.
ignore?{: #graphql-managed_relationships-managed_relationship-ignore? } boolean false Use this to ignore a given managed relationship, preventing auto? true from deriving a type for it.


Target: AshGraphql.Resource.ManagedRelationship

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