is a step indicator loading animation built using CABasicAnimation
, where the user can nearly customize everything in it:
inspired from:
- light weight easy to setup.
- completely customizable.
- dynamic number of items can be set .
- capability of setting custom locations of the items in the circumference .
- ability to set different image for every item.
- capability of setting different attributes regarding the colors, fonts and the speed of the progress.
Predfined locations in circumference | Setting variable number of items (8) |
![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() |
is available on CocoaPods.
Add the following to your Podfile
pod 'ProcessLoadingView', '~> 0.1.2'
Just add the processView folder to your project.
(see sample Xcode project Demo) create a view in the storyboard and give it's class 'ProcessLoadingView' then connect an outlet to it.
can have variable number of items based on your need, you only need the following steps to get it runing:
1- put a UIView
in your storyboard and give it a class ProcessLoadingView
2- connect an outlet to it, call it viewProcess
3- create options object and assign it to viewProcess
let stepComplete = 3
let totalSteps = 4
var options = ProcessOptions()
options.setNumberOfItems(number: totalSteps)
options.images = [(img1, nil), (img2, nil), (img3, nil), (img4, nil)]
options.stepComplete = stepComplete
options.bgColor = bgColor
viewProcess.options = options
- set the number of process steps through options's
method. options.images
should be assigned an array it's count equals to the total number of steps.
//totalSteps: adding 8 process items, this number can be increased or decreased ;)
let totalSteps = 8
var options = ProcessOptions()
options.setNumberOfItems(number: totalSteps)
options.stepComplete = 3
options.inSpeed = 1.2
options.images = imageOpts(of: step, totalSteps: totalSteps)
options.mainTextfont = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 22)
options.subTextfont = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 16)
options.ItemSize = 30
options.radius = 120
options.bgColor = bgColor
options.completedPathColor = colorBlue
options.mainTextColor = .white
options.subTextColor = colorOrange
viewProcessOutlet.options = options
If you want a custom places on the circle shape, do not use this method :
options.setNumberOfItems(number: totalSteps)
and use:
var options = ProcessOptions()
let curvesStartRadians = [(3 * CGFloat.pi)/2, (23 * CGFloat.pi) / 12, (CGFloat.pi / 3), ((2 * CGFloat.pi) / 3), (13 * CGFloat.pi) / 12]
let curvesEndRadians = [(23 * CGFloat.pi) / 12, (CGFloat.pi) / 3, (2 * CGFloat.pi) / 3, (13 * CGFloat.pi) / 12, (3 * CGFloat.pi)/2]
options.curvesStartRadians = curvesStartRadians
options.curvesEndRadians = curvesEndRadians
options.stepComplete = 3
options.inSpeed = 1.2
options.images = imageOpts(of: step, totalSteps: curvesStartRadians.count)
options.mainTextfont = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 22)
options.subTextfont = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 16)
options.ItemSize = 30
options.radius = 120
options.bgColor = bgColor
options.completedPathColor = colorBlue
options.mainTextColor = .white
options.subTextColor = colorOrange
viewProcessOutlet.options = options
To start Animation:
//code to run after finishing
Reverse animation without removing the items:
viewProcess.reset(removeItems: false)
//code to run after finishing
Reverse animation then removing the items:
viewProcess.reset(removeItems: true)
//code to run after finishing
This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the MIT license.