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High-performance distributed video transcoding with CPU/GPU support

Codacy Security Scan


  • Distributed transcoding across multiple nodes using SSH
  • CPU and GPU (NVIDIA CUDA) support
  • Multi-resolution output (e.g. 240p, 480p, 720p)
  • Audio track preservation
  • HLS output support
  • Segment-based processing


Usage: gpff.bash [options]

  -d | --work-dir <path>          Set working directory (default: /mnt/data/)
  -i | --input <file>             Input file (must be .mkv or .mp4)
  -b | --ffmpeg-bin-dir <path>    Directory containing ffmpeg binaries
  -l | --local-only               Run locally only
  -g | --with-gpu                 Use GPU acceleration
  -r | --resolutions <list>       Comma-separated resolutions (default: 240,480,720)
  -a | --audio-duration <secs>    Audio segment duration (default: 600)
  -v | --video-duration <secs>    Video segment duration (default: 60)
  -s | --hls-duration <secs>      HLS segment duration (default: 10)
  -V | --version                  Show version information
  -h | --help                     Show help message

  # Basic distributed CPU transcoding
  gpff.bash -i video.mkv

  # Local CPU transcoding
  gpff.bash -i video.mkv -l

  # Custom resolutions
  gpff.bash -i video.mkv -r 480,720,1080

  # GPU acceleration with SSD path and custom FFmpeg build
  gpff.bash -i "./Akira.1988.mkv" -g -d "/mnt/data/" -b "/mnt/data/ffmpeg-n7.1-latest-linux64-gpl-7.1/bin/ffmpeg/"

Tip: Always run inside tmux for long transcoding jobs inside the servers

Requirements & Setup

Master Node

  1. FFmpeg
    • CPU mode: Any recent build
    • GPU mode: Must have CUDA support (see FFmpeg Setup)
  2. GNU Parallel (Installation Guide)
  3. OpenSSH Client
  4. tmux (recommended)

Worker Nodes

  1. FFmpeg (same version/capabilities as master)
  2. OpenSSH Server
  3. For GPU mode:
    • NVIDIA drivers
    • CUDA Toolkit
    • FFmpeg with CUDA support

FFmpeg Setup

Choose one:

  1. BtbN's FFmpeg Builds (GPL with CUDA)
  2. Custom build with CUDA
  3. Official static builds (verify CUDA support)

⚠️ Package manager versions typically lack CUDA support

Installation Steps

  1. Install base packages:
# Master node (Debian/Ubuntu)
sudo apt install parallel tmux openssh-client   # Debian/Ubuntu

# Worker nodes
sudo apt install openssh-server                 # Debian/Ubuntu

# For GPU in Master and Workers: 
sudo apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit            # Debian/Ubuntu
sudo dnf install cuda-toolkit                   # RHEL/Fedora
  1. Setup SSH:
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "transcode-cluster"
ssh-copy-id user@worker123
ssh-copy-id resu@
  1. Configure GNU Parallel (master only):
parallel --will-cite  # Acknowledge citation
echo "user@worker1" >> ~/.parallel/sshloginfile
echo "user@worker2" >> ~/.parallel/sshloginfile
echo "resu@" >> ~/.parallel/sshloginfile
  1. Prepare storage (all nodes):
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/data
sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1 /mnt/data    # Example for NVMe drive


Test your setup:

# Basic connectivity
parallel --nonall -S '..' hostname

# FFmpeg availability & version
parallel --nonall -S '..' ffmpeg -version

# GPU support (if using)
parallel --nonall -S '..' '
    if command -v nvidia-smi >/dev/null; then
        echo "=== $(hostname) ==="
        ffmpeg -hide_banner -filters | grep cuda

Advanced Usage

Performance Tuning

# Adjust segment durations
gpff.bash -i video.mkv -a 300 -v 30

# Custom resolutions
gpff.bash -i video.mkv -r 360,720,1080

Output Types

  • Resolution-specific files (MP4/MKV)
  • HLS playlist with all qualities
  • Original container format preserved
  • All audio tracks included


  1. GPU Issues

    • Verify CUDA in FFmpeg: ffmpeg -filters | grep cuda
    • Check GPU access: nvidia-smi
    • Confirm matching FFmpeg versions
  2. Node Issues

    • Test SSH access
    • Verify work directory exists
    • Check file permissions
  3. Processing Issues

    • Segment duration adjustments
    • Audio sync (-fps_mode passthrough)
    • Work directory space


  • This is a proof-of-concept (POC) implementation. Expect potential changes and instability.
  • Tested: FFmpeg n7.1+ (GPL build)
  • Formats: MKV, MP4
  • Subtitles are not handled in this script