Server component for the Canvas project
! Use the dev branch for now
$ git clone /path/to/canvas-server
$ cd /path/to/canvas-server
$ npm install # or yarn install
$ npm run db:setup # or yarn db:setup
$ npm run start # or yarn start
$ git clone /path/to/canvas-server
$ cd /path/to/canvas-server
$ CANVAS_SERVER_HOME=~/.canvas docker-compose up --build
# or, to ensure you are running the latest and greatest
# $ docker-compose build --no-cache
# $ docker-compose up --force-recreate
# Cleanup
$ docker-compose down --rmi all
Supported ENV vars with their defaults:
CANVAS_SERVER_HOME: ${CANVAS_SERVER_HOME:-/opt/canvas-server/server}
CANVAS_SERVER_CONFIG: ${CANVAS_SERVER_CONFIG:-/opt/canvas-server/server/config}
CANVAS_SERVER_CACHE: ${CANVAS_SERVER_CACHE:-/opt/canvas-server/server/cache}
CANVAS_SERVER_DB: ${CANVAS_SERVER_DB:-/opt/canvas-server/server/db}
CANVAS_SERVER_VAR: ${CANVAS_SERVER_VAR:-/opt/canvas-server/server/var}
CANVAS_SERVER_ROLES: ${CANVAS_SERVER_ROLES:-/opt/canvas-server/server/roles}
CANVAS_SERVER_DATA: ${CANVAS_SERVER_DATA:-/opt/canvas-server/data}
- Rename example-*.json to *.json and amend as needed
- Configuration files can be split into multiple files adhering to the original JSON structure
- config/data.json maybe be split into config/data.backends.json, config/data.sources.json etc
When the Canvas server starts for the first time, it can automatically create an initial admin user if no users exist in the database. This is controlled by environment variables:
- Set
to enable initial admin user creation - Set
to the desired admin email (defaults to 'admin@canvas.local') - Set
to the desired admin password (required if admin creation is enabled)
# In .env file or environment variables
$ cd /path/to/canvas-server
# Stop the canvas server
$ npm run stop # or npm run pm2:stop
$ rm -rf ./node_modules # Ensure we have a clean slate
# Fetch the latest version of canvas-server from Github
$ git pull origin main # or dev if you are feeling adventurous
$ npm install
$ npm start # or npm run pm2:start
This script builds a Docker image for the Canvas Server with a portable configuration.
$ ./scripts/ [-n image_name] [-t image_tag] [-f dockerfile] [-c config_dir]
: Image name (default: canvas-server)-t
: Image tag (default: portable)-f
: Dockerfile to use (default: Dockerfile)-c
: Config directory to copy (default: ./config)
This script installs Docker and Docker Compose on an Ubuntu system. It checks if Docker and Docker Compose are already installed, and if not, installs them.
$ ./scripts/
This script installs and sets up the Canvas Server on an Ubuntu system. It installs Node.js, clones the Canvas Server repository, and sets up the service.
$ ./scripts/ [-r canvas_root] [-u canvas_user] [-g canvas_group] [-b canvas_repo_branch] [-n nodejs_version] [-e web_admin_email] [-f web_fqdn]
: Canvas root directory (default: /opt/canvas-server)-u
: Canvas user (default: canvas)-g
: Canvas group (default: www-data)-b
: Canvas repository branch (default: dev)-n
: Node.js version (default: 20)-e
: Web admin email (default: $(hostname)
: Web FQDN (default:
This script updates Docker containers for the Canvas Server.
$ ./scripts/ [-r canvas_root] [-f docker_compose_file] [-b target_branch] [-l log_file]
: Canvas root directory (default: /opt/canvas-server)-f
: Docker Compose file (default: docker-compose.yml)-b
: Target branch for git pull (default: main)-l
: Log file (default: /var/log/canvas-docker-update.log)
This script updates the Canvas Server by pulling the latest changes from the git repository and restarting the service.
$ ./scripts/