You are given a binary tree as a sequence of parent-child pairs.
For example, the tree represented by the node pairs below:
(A,B) (A,C) (B,G) (C,H) (E,F) (B,D) (C,E)
may be illustrated in many ways, with two possible representations below:
A / \ B C / \ / \G D E H \ F
A / \ B C / \ / \D G H E / F
Below is the recursive definition for the S-expression of a tree:
S-exp(node) = ( node->val
(S-exp(node->first_child))(S-exp(node->second_child))), if node != NULL
= "", node == NULL
where, first_child->val < second_child->val (lexicographically smaller)
This tree can be represented in a S-expression in multiple ways.
The lexicographically smallest way of expressing this is as follows:
We need to translate the node-pair representation into an S-expression
(lexicographically smallest one), and report any errors that do not conform to the definition of a binary tree.
The list of errors with their codes is as follows:
Error Code Type of error
E1 More than 2 children
E2 Duplicate Edges
E3 Cycle present
E4 Multiple roots
E5 Any other error
Input Format:
Input must be read from standard input.
Input will consist of on line of parent-child pairs. Each pair consists of two node names separated by a single comma and enclosed in parentheses. A single space separates the pairs.
The function must write to standard output.
Output the given tree in the S-expression representation described above.
There should be no spaces in the output.
There is no specific sequence in which the input (parent,child) pairs are represented.
The name space is composed of upper case single letter (A-Z) so the maximum size is 26 nodes.
Error cases are to be tagged in the order they appear on the list. For example,
if one input pair raises both error cases 1 and 2, the output must be E1.
Sample Input #00
(B,D) (D,E) (A,B) (C,F) (E,G) (A,C)
Sample Output #00
Sample Input #01
(A,B) (A,C) (B,D) (D,C)
Sample Output #01
Node D is both a child of B and a parent of C, but C and B are both child nodes of A.
Since D tries to attach itself as parent to a node already above it in the tree, this forms a cycle.
Use a 26*26 graph to represent the input tree. Then check for each error in the order, finally use
a recursive DFS to form the tree and the output SExpression.
E1: More than 2 children. Check if graph[i][j], j from 0 to 25 has more than two cell that is true.
E2: Duplicate Edge. Check when constructing the graph, if graph[x][y] is already true, E2=true.
E3: Cycle Present: Check when looking for the root, starting from each root, use recursive DFS to check if there is
a cycle in the graph.
E4: Multiple roots: traverse all nodes in the HashSet, if no edge connected TO this node, then it must be a root.
即这个顶点没有入度,没有其他的点指向这个点,那么这个点必然是root. If number of roots > 1, return "E4".
Note: if number of roots == 0, then there must also be a cycle, return "E3".
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Test
public static string GetSExpression(string s){
bool[,] graph = new bool [26,26];
HashSet<char> nodes = new HashSet<char>();
//construct graph and check error E2: duplicate edges
bool E2 = false;
for(int i=1;i<s.Length;i+=6){
int x = s[i]-'A', y = s[i+2]-'A';
if(graph[x,y]) //duplicate edge
E2 = true;
graph[x,y] = true;
//check error E1: more than 2 children
bool E1 = false;
for(int i=0;i<26;i++){
int count = 0; //number of child
for(int j=0;j<26;j++){
return "E1";
if(E2) return "E2"; //return E2 after checking E1
//check E3: cycle present and E4: multiple roots
int numOfRoots = 0;
char root =' ';
foreach(char node in nodes){ //only check char that in the tree
for(int i=0;i<26;i++){
root = node;
bool[] visited = new bool[26];
if(IsCycle(node, graph, visited))
return "E3";
if(numOfRoots==0) return "E3"; //if no root, must be a cycle
if(numOfRoots>1) return "E4"; //if more than one roots
if(root==' ') return "E5"; //if no edge in input string, invalid input error
return GetExpressionHelper(root, graph);
//true means there is a cycle, false means no cycle
private static bool IsCycle(char node, bool[,] graph, bool[] visited){
if(visited[node-'A']) //node has already been visited, must has a cycle
return true;
visited[node-'A'] = true;
for(int i=0;i<26;i++){
if(IsCycle((char)(i+'A'), graph, visited))
return true;
return false;
//Recursive DFS to get the expression/construct the tree
private static string GetExpressionHelper(char root, bool[,] graph){
string left = "", right = ""; //if no children, left and right should be empty
for(int i=0;i<26;i++){
left = GetExpressionHelper((char)(i+'A'), graph);
for(int j=i+1;j<26;j++){
right = GetExpressionHelper((char)(j+'A') ,graph);
return "("+root+left+right+")";
public static void Main()
public String constructSExpression(String s) {
boolean[][] graph = new boolean[26][26];
Set<Character> set = new HashSet<Character>();
boolean E2 = false;
int numOfEdges = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < s.length(); i += 6) {
int x = s.charAt(i) - 'A';
int y = s.charAt(i + 2) - 'A';
if (graph[x][y]) {
E2 = true;
graph[x][y] = true;
set.add(s.charAt(i + 2));
boolean E1 = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
int count = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 26; j++) {
if (graph[i][j]) {
if (count > 2) {
return "E1";
if (E2) return "E2";
int numOfRoots = 0;
char root = ' ';
for (Character c : set) {
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
if (graph[i][c - 'A']) {
if (i == 25) {
root = c;
boolean[] visited = new boolean[26];
if (detectCycle(c, graph, visited)) {
return "E3";
if (numOfRoots == 0) return "E3";
if (numOfRoots > 1) return "E4";
return getSexpression(root, graph);
private boolean detectCycle(char c, boolean[][] graph, boolean[] visited) {
if (visited[c - 'A']) return true;
visited[c - 'A'] = true;
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
if (graph[c -'A'][i]) {
if (detectCycle((char)('A' + i), graph, visited)) {
return true;
return false;
private String getSexpression(char root, boolean[][] graph) {
String left = "";
String right = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
if (graph[root - 'A'][i]) {
left = getSexpression((char)('A' + i), graph);
for (int j = i + 1; j < 26; j++) {
if (graph[root - 'A'][j]) {
right = getSexpression((char)('A' + j), graph);
return "(" + root + left + right + ")";
// "static void main" must be defined in a public class.
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String s = "(A,B) (A,C) (B,D) (D,C)";
public static String GetSExpression(String s){
boolean graph[][] = new boolean[26][26];
HashSet<Character> nodes = new HashSet<>();
//construct graph and check error E2: duplicate edges
boolean E2 = false;
for(int i=1;i<s.length();i+=6){
int x = s.charAt(i)-'A', y = s.charAt(i+2)-'A';
if(graph[x][y]) //duplicate edge
E2 = true;
graph[x][y] = true;
//check error E1: more than 2 children
boolean E1 = false;
for(int i=0;i<26;i++){
int count = 0; //number of child
for(int j=0;j<26;j++){
return "E1";
if(E2) return "E2"; //return E2 after checking E1
//check E3: cycle present and E4: multiple roots
int numOfRoots = 0;
char root =' ';
for(char node : nodes){ //only check char that in the tree
for(int i=0;i<26;i++){
root = node;
boolean[] visited = new boolean[26];
if(IsCycle(node, graph, visited))
return "E3";
if(numOfRoots==0) return "E3"; //if no root, must be a cycle
if(numOfRoots>1) return "E4"; //if more than one roots
if(root==' ') return "E5"; //if no edge in input string, invalid input error
return GetExpressionHelper(root, graph);
//true means there is a cycle, false means no cycle
private static boolean IsCycle(char node, boolean[][] graph, boolean[] visited){
if(visited[node-'A']) //node has already been visited, must has a cycle
return true;
visited[node-'A'] = true;
for(int i=0;i<26;i++){
if(IsCycle((char)(i+'A'), graph, visited))
return true;
return false;
//Recursive DFS to get the expression/construct the tree
private static String GetExpressionHelper(char root, boolean[][] graph){
String left = "", right = ""; //if no children, left and right should be empty
for(int i=0;i<26;i++){
left = GetExpressionHelper((char)(i+'A'), graph);
for(int j=i+1;j<26;j++){
right = GetExpressionHelper((char)(j+'A') ,graph);
return "("+root+left+right+")";