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Regression-tool is an automation tool to do regression testing based on proposed patch(Pull Request) of checkstyle project. The tool could generate configuration based on Git changes, which is used to generate diff report between the base and the patch branch.



  • Checkstyle repository which including both master and patch branch need to be cloned. In most case, it should be your forked repository.
  • Contribution repository need to be cloned.
  • Regression-tool uses environment variable M2_HOME or system property maven.home to find the maven binary files. You need to specify either M2_HOME or maven.home in advance. You could get the path of maven home by running mvn -v.


Just clone this repository to your local.

$ git clone

Or use HTTPS mode.

$ git clone

Generate Jar

Generate a regression-tool-XX-all.jar(XX means the version of regression-tool) in the target folder.

$ cd /path/to/regression-tool
$ mvn clean package -Passembly


$ java -jar regression-tool-XX-all.jar -r <arg> -p <arg> [-t <arg>] [--stopAfterConfigGeneration]


checkstyleRepoPath (r)

The path of the checkstyle repository. Required, one argument.

patchBranch (p)

The name of the PR branch, which would be compared with the master. Required, one argument.


Indicates that regression-tool would stop after generating config. By default, the tool would generate the diff report after generating config. Optional, no argument.

The report generation might requires network and be time-consuming. If you are not able to connect to network or just don't want to do the generation right now, you could use this mode.

checkstyleTesterPath (t)

The path of the checkstyle-tester directory. If you are NOT using --stopAfterConfigGeneration mode, this option is required, otherwise this could be absent. Optional, one argument.


Here is an example in CI.

Generate regression report for branch issue1234.

$ java -jar target/regression-tool-XX-all.jar -r /path/to/checkstyle/ -p issue1234 -t /path/to/contribution/checkstyle-tester/

You could also use long options.

$ java -jar target/regression-tool-XX-all.jar --checkstyleRepoPath /path/to/checkstyle/ --patchBranch issue1234 --checkstyleTesterPath /path/to/contribution/checkstyle-tester/

Generate only the config file and don't generate the report.

$ java -jar target/regression-tool-XX-all.jar -r /path/to/checkstyle/ -p issue1234 --stopAfterConfigGeneration


The config file would be generated in current working directory.

The report would be generated somewhere in TBD.