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A step-by-step on-boarding process for a new macOS device for web application development.


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macOS Setup


Getting a new device; it is a day that developers look forward to and dread in equal measure. Why you ask?

Don't misunderstand, we love getting a new device. It gives us a clean slate to start fresh and, usually, a new device means a hardware upgrade to some degree.

But, this new device brings with it a problem. For most of us, we will spend the better part of a day setting it up. From downloading countless applications, to updating countless config files; it is a chore to set up a new device to make it conducive for development.

I was convinced there had to be a better way. Luckily, I am not the first developer who wished they could simplify their on-boarding process.


This repository walks you through the steps (including terminal commands and config files) I use when on-boarding a new macOS device for web application development.


  1. Clone this repo

    git clone
    cd macOS_Setup/
  2. Sign in to iCloud account

  3. Sign in to App Store

  4. Download Xcode command line tools

    • Needed by many npm packages

      xcode-select --install
  5. Set user execution permissions to run config scripts in this repo

    chmod -R u+x config
  6. Run script to handle general configuration details


Zsh Configuration

  • Run script to configure Zsh


Git Configuration

  • Run script to configure git globals


SSH Key Configuration

I configure Github with an ssh key to avoid entering my Github credentials each time I interact with a remote and to avoid adding my Github credentials to iCloud Keychain.

  • Run script to generate ssh key for Github and add it to ssh-agent

  • Copy public key to clipboard and add it to Github here

    cat ~/.ssh/ | pbcopy
  • Restart device

  • Confirm ssh authentication is set up correctly and key is being loaded after restart

    ssh -T


I use Homebrew to install and manage the majority of my applications.

  • Run script to install Homebrew

  • Alfred is my quick launcher of choice. Re-map CMD + space from Spotlight to Alfred.

App Store Apps

There are a few apps that I have to get directly from the app store.

  • Run script to install app store apps

    • NOTE: Please review this script before executing because some of the apps are not free.


NVM (Node Version Manager)

I use nvm to easily manage and switch between versions of Node.js

  • Install nvm and latest stable version of Node.js

    curl -o- | bash
    nvm install stable
  • Run script to configure npm


VS Code

  • Run script to install VS Code extensions

    • If the above command fails
      1. Open VS Code
      2. Use CMD + Shift + P to open the command palette
      3. Type install
      4. Choose Shell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH
      5. Restart terminal and re-run the command

Browser Extensions

I am using the following browser extenions for Google Chrome.

  1. 1Password X - Password Manager
  2. HTTPS Everywhere
  3. JSON Formatter
  4. OneTab
  5. Privacy Badger
  6. React Developer Tools
  7. Redux DevTools
  8. Tabliss
  9. uBlock Origin


Unfortunatley, this setup does not include "auto-magically" signing in to all of the accounts for the applications installed. Maybe in a future update. 🤞🏻 😁


I have to give credit to w3cj and nikhilgorantla for the inspiration and several of the code snippets/methods used within this repo.