Francium is an Open-Source Social Networking Platform.
Android & iOS:
Framework: React.js
Programming Language: TypeScript (Progressive Web App), JavaScript (Push Notifications), PHP (iOS Mobile Configuration)
UI Kit: Shadcn, Shadcn Admin
Database: Appwrite
Hosting: Firebase
Here are related side projects:
I got this idea from Google Drive API. The app will ask users to sign in with their own Google Drive. Then, it uploads media, fetches public links, and store them into database.
$0. I used all the free services to build this project.
I did not set up a backend server for this app as I did not want to spend a dime on CPU usage. I tried my best to keep it secure. However, you may contribute or sponsor for better performance and web security.
Feel free to email me via
Founder & Developer: @codejapoe
Co-Founder: @AungKaungMyatNaing