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Upload and download files as mysql blobs with Spring MVC. Status: IN PROGRESS

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Upload, download files as mysql blobs with Spring tests

Spring boot app based on Spring MVC, Spring Data JPA, MySQL and Liquibase which can store (download) file content in MySQL database as blobs and upload them and their metadata back


This app stores data as a kotlin byte-array, but mysql longblob

@Table(name = "report_items")
data class ReportItem(

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = IDENTITY)
    @Column(nullable = false, updatable = false)
    val id: Long? = null,

    // @Lob // Use columnDefinition if you want string
    // @Column(nullable = false, updatable = true, columnDefinition="LONGBLOB NOT NULL")
    // val content: String = "",

    @Lob // No needs to use columnDefinition when using byte array
    @Column(nullable = false, updatable = true)
    val content: ByteArray = ByteArray(0),
    // skipped...

test and build


run and verify

if [[ "" != `docker ps -aq` ]] ; then docker rm -f -v `docker ps -aq` ; fi
docker run --rm --name mysql --platform linux/x86_64 \
           --health-cmd='mysqladmin ping -h -u $MYSQL_USER --password=$MYSQL_PASSWORD || exit 1' \
           --health-start-period=1s --health-retries=1111 --health-interval=1s --health-timeout=5s \
           -e MYSQL_USER=user -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=password \
           -e MYSQL_DATABASE=database -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password \
           -p 3306:3306 \
           -d mysql:8.0.24
while [[ $(docker ps -n 1 -q -f health=healthy -f status=running | wc -l) -lt 1 ]] ; do sleep 3 ; echo -n '.' ; done ; sleep 15; echo 'MySQL is ready.'
docker logs -f mysql &

./mvnw -f apps/app-0-content-as-byte-array compile spring-boot:start

http :8000 content=$content
http :8000

./mvnw -f apps/app-0-content-as-byte-array spring-boot:stop
docker stop mysql


This app stores data as a kotlin text (string), but mysql longblob

@Table(name = "report_items")
data class ReportItem(

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = IDENTITY)
    @Column(nullable = false, updatable = false)
    val id: Long? = null,

    @Lob // Use columnDefinition if you want to serialize mysql blob as kotlin string
    @Column(nullable = false, updatable = true, columnDefinition="LONGBLOB NOT NULL")
    val content: String = "",

    // @Lob // No needs to use columnDefinition with bytes
    // @Suppress("ArrayInDataClass")
    // @Column(nullable = false, updatable = true)
    // val content: ByteArray = ByteArray(0),

    // skipped..

test and build


run and verify

if [[ "" != `docker ps -aq` ]] ; then docker rm -f -v `docker ps -aq` ; fi
./mvnw -f docker -P down ; ./mvnw -f docker -P up ; ./mvnw -f docker -P logs &
while [[ $(docker ps -n 1 -q -f health=healthy -f status=running | wc -l) -lt 1 ]] ; do sleep 3 ; echo -n '.' ; done ; sleep 15; echo 'MySQL is ready.'

./mvnw -f apps/app-1-content-as-string compile spring-boot:start

http :8001
content=`cat` ; http :8001 content=$content
http :8001

./mvnw -f apps/app-1-content-as-string spring-boot:stop
docker rm -f -v `docker ps -aq`


This app implements upload functionality

test and build


run and verify

if [[ "" != `docker ps -aq` ]] ; then docker rm -f -v `docker ps -aq` ; fi
./mvnw -f docker -P down ; ./mvnw -f docker -P up ; ./mvnw -f docker -P logs &
while [[ $(docker ps -n 1 -q -f health=healthy -f status=running | wc -l) -lt 1 ]] ; do sleep 3 ; echo -n '.' ; done ; sleep 15; echo 'MySQL is ready.'

./mvnw -f apps/app-2-upload-file compile spring-boot:start

http -f post :8002/upload
http -f post :8002/upload file@$PWD/
http -f post :8002/upload file@`pwd`/
http     get :8002

./mvnw -f apps/app-2-upload-file spring-boot:stop
docker rm -f -v `docker ps -aq`


This app implements download functionality

test and build


run and verify

if [[ "" != `docker ps -aq` ]] ; then docker rm -f -v `docker ps -aq` ; fi
./mvnw -f docker -P down ; ./mvnw -f docker -P up ; ./mvnw -f docker -P logs &
while [[ $(docker ps -n 1 -q -f health=healthy -f status=running | wc -l) -lt 1 ]] ; do sleep 3 ; echo -n '.' ; done ; sleep 15; echo 'MySQL is ready.'

./mvnw -f apps/app-3-download-file compile spring-boot:start

http --form --multipart --boundary=xoxo post :8003/upload
http -f                                 post :8003/upload file@$PWD/pom.xml
http                                     get :8003

cd /tmp ; http --download get :8003/download\?id=2 ; ls -lah . | grep pom.xml
cd /tmp ; http -f         get :8003/download\?id=1 > ; ls -lah . | grep

./mvnw -f apps/app-3-download-file spring-boot:stop
docker rm -f -v `docker ps -aq`


test and build


run and verify

if [[ "" != `docker ps -aq` ]] ; then docker rm -f -v `docker ps -aq` ; fi
./mvnw -f docker -P down ; ./mvnw -f docker -P up ; ./mvnw -f docker -P logs &
while [[ $(docker ps -n 1 -q -f health=healthy -f status=running | wc -l) -lt 1 ]] ; do sleep 3 ; echo -n '.' ; done ; sleep 15; echo 'MySQL is ready.'

./mvnw -f apps/app-4-binary-files compile spring-boot:start

http --form --multipart --boundary=xoxo post :8004/upload
http -f                                 post :8004/upload file@$PWD/pom.xml
http                                     get :8004

cd /tmp ; http --download get :8004/download\?id=2 ; ls -lah . | grep pom.xml
cd /tmp ; http -f         get :8004/download\?id=1 > ; ls -lah . | grep

./mvnw -f apps/app-4-binary-files spring-boot:stop
docker rm -f -v `docker ps -aq`


test and build


run and verify

if [[ "" != `docker ps -aq` ]] ; then docker rm -f -v `docker ps -aq` ; fi
./mvnw -f docker -P down ; ./mvnw -f docker -P up ; ./mvnw -f docker -P logs &
while [[ $(docker ps -n 1 -q -f health=healthy -f status=running | wc -l) -lt 1 ]] ; do sleep 3 ; echo -n '.' ; done ; sleep 15; echo 'MySQL is ready.'

./mvnw -f apps/app compile spring-boot:start

http --form --multipart --boundary=xoxo post :8080/upload
http -f                                 post :8080/upload file@$PWD/pom.xml
http                                     get :8080

cd /tmp ; http --download get :8080/download\?id=2 ; ls -lah . | grep pom.xml
cd /tmp ; http -f         get :8080/download\?id=1 > ; ls -lah . | grep

./mvnw -f apps/app spring-boot:stop
docker rm -f -v `docker ps -aq`


test and build


run and verify

if [[ "" != `docker ps -aq` ]] ; then docker rm -f -v `docker ps -aq` ; fi
./mvnw -f docker -P down ; ./mvnw -f docker -P up ; ./mvnw -f docker -P logs &

while [[ $(docker ps -n 1 -q -f health=healthy -f status=running | wc -l) -lt 1 ]] ; do sleep 3 ; echo -n '.' ; done ; sleep 15; echo 'MySQL is ready.'
./mvnw -f apps/reactive-app-0-content-as-byte-array clean compile \
  liquibase:update \
    -Dliquibase.url='jdbc:mysql://' \
    -Dliquibase.username=user \

./mvnw -f apps/reactive-app-0-content-as-byte-array compile spring-boot:start

http get :8000
content=`cat` ; http post :8000 content=$content
http get :8000

./mvnw -f apps/reactive-app-0-content-as-byte-array spring-boot:stop
docker rm -f -v `docker ps -aq`


test and build


run and verify

if [[ "" != `docker ps -aq` ]] ; then docker rm -f -v `docker ps -aq` ; fi
./mvnw -f docker -P down ; ./mvnw -f docker -P up ; ./mvnw -f docker -P logs &

while [[ $(docker ps -n 1 -q -f health=healthy -f status=running | wc -l) -lt 1 ]] ; do sleep 3 ; echo -n '.' ; done ; sleep 15; echo 'MySQL is ready.'
./mvnw -f apps/reactive-app-1-content-as-string clean compile \
  liquibase:update \
    -Dliquibase.url='jdbc:mysql://' \
    -Dliquibase.username=user \

./mvnw -f apps/reactive-app-1-content-as-string compile spring-boot:start

http get :8001
content=`cat` ; http post :8001 content=$content
http get :8001

./mvnw -f apps/reactive-app-1-content-as-string spring-boot:stop
docker rm -f -v `docker ps -aq`


test and build


run and verify

if [[ "" != `docker ps -aq` ]] ; then docker rm -f -v `docker ps -aq` ; fi
./mvnw -f docker -P down ; ./mvnw -f docker -P up ; ./mvnw -f docker -P logs &

while [[ $(docker ps -n 1 -q -f health=healthy -f status=running | wc -l) -lt 1 ]] ; do sleep 3 ; echo -n '.' ; done ; sleep 15; echo 'MySQL is ready.'
./mvnw -f apps/reactive-app-2-upload-file clean compile \
  liquibase:update \
    -Dliquibase.url='jdbc:mysql://' \
    -Dliquibase.username=user \

./mvnw -f apps/reactive-app-2-upload-file compile spring-boot:start

http get :8002
http --form --multipart --boundary=xoxo post :8002/upload
http get :8002

./mvnw -f apps/reactive-app-2-upload-file spring-boot:stop
docker rm -f -v `docker ps -aq`


test and build


run and verify

if [[ "" != `docker ps -aq` ]] ; then docker rm -f -v `docker ps -aq` ; fi
./mvnw -f docker -P down ; ./mvnw -f docker -P up ; ./mvnw -f docker -P logs &

while [[ $(docker ps -n 1 -q -f health=healthy -f status=running | wc -l) -lt 1 ]] ; do sleep 3 ; echo -n '.' ; done ; sleep 15; echo 'MySQL is ready.'
./mvnw -f apps/reactive-app-3-download-file clean compile \
  liquibase:update \
    -Dliquibase.url='jdbc:mysql://' \
    -Dliquibase.username=user \

./mvnw -f apps/reactive-app-3-download-file compile spring-boot:start

http get :8003
http --form --multipart --boundary=xoxo post :8003/upload

mkdir target
id=$(http get :8003 | jq '.[0].id')
http get :8080/download/$id > target/

cat target/ 

./mvnw -f apps/reactive-app-3-download-file spring-boot:stop
docker rm -f -v `docker ps -aq`


test and build


run and verify

if [[ "" != `docker ps -aq` ]] ; then docker rm -f -v `docker ps -aq` ; fi
./mvnw -f docker -P down ; ./mvnw -f docker -P up ; ./mvnw -f docker -P logs &

while [[ $(docker ps -n 1 -q -f health=healthy -f status=running | wc -l) -lt 1 ]] ; do sleep 3 ; echo -n '.' ; done ; sleep 15; echo 'MySQL is ready.'
./mvnw -f apps/reactive-app clean compile \
  liquibase:update \
    -Dliquibase.url='jdbc:mysql://' \
    -Dliquibase.username=user \

./mvnw -f apps/reactive-app-4-binary-files compile spring-boot:start

http get :8004
http --form --multipart --boundary=xoxo post :8004/upload

mkdir target
id=$(http get :8004 | jq '.[0].id')
http get :8004/download/$id > target/

cat target/ 

./mvnw -f apps/reactive-app-4-binary-files spring-boot:stop
docker rm -f -v `docker ps -aq`


test and build


run and verify

if [[ "" != `docker ps -aq` ]] ; then docker rm -f -v `docker ps -aq` ; fi
./mvnw -f docker -P down ; ./mvnw -f docker -P up ; ./mvnw -f docker -P logs &

while [[ $(docker ps -n 1 -q -f health=healthy -f status=running | wc -l) -lt 1 ]] ; do sleep 3 ; echo -n '.' ; done ; sleep 15; echo 'MySQL is ready.'
./mvnw -f apps/reactive-app clean compile \
  liquibase:update \
    -Dliquibase.url='jdbc:mysql://' \
    -Dliquibase.username=user \

./mvnw -f apps/reactive-app compile spring-boot:start

http get :8080
http --form --multipart --boundary=xoxo post :8080/upload

mkdir target
id=$(http get :8080 | jq '.[0].id')
http get :8080/download/$id > target/

cat target/ 

./mvnw -f apps/reactive-app spring-boot:stop
docker rm -f -v `docker ps -aq`