FeaturedRecyclerView is a custom ViewGroup which is made by extending ReyclerView. As name suggest FeaturedRecyclerView, it features the first item which is at top (by setting its height to featuredItemHeight).
I have written article on this library (How's it working) https://blog.mindorks.com/hack-that-recyclerview-f6b8238e68ec
- featuredItemHeight: Height of first item.
- defaultItemHeight : Height of other items.
- offset : It is not a xml attribute but a parameter which is received in FeaturedRecyclerViewAdapter's method to animate the property of childs widget.
- Horizontal Orientation support would be added.
- Reference Points would be changed.
Add below lines in build.gradle at app level.
compile 'com.github.developer-shivam:FeaturedRecyclerView:1.0.0'
For a working implementation, see /app
FeaturedRecyclerView featuredRecyclerView = (FeaturedRecyclerView) findViewById(R.id.featured_recycler_view);
FeatureLinearLayoutManager layoutManager = new FeatureLinearLayoutManager(this);
CustomRecyclerViewAdapter adapter = new CustomRecyclerViewAdapter(this, dummyData);featuredRecyclerView.setAdapter(adapter);
You must use FeaturedLinearLayoutManager to avoid flickering.
<developer.shivam.featuredrecyclerview.FeaturedRecyclerView android:id="@+id/featured_recycler_view"
android:defaultItemHeight="200dp" />
Adavantages of using FeaturedRecyclerViewAdapter is that it contains two more methods which can be used to animate the properties of childs attribute (like textView fading).
public void onSmallItemResize(CustomRecyclerViewHolder holder, int position, float offset) {
holder.tvHeading.setAlpha(offset / 100f);
public void onBigItemResize(CustomRecyclerViewHolder holder, int position, float offset) {
holder.tvHeading.setAlpha(offset / 100f);
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Shivam Satija (droidsergeant) I love making new friends, please feel free to connect with me.

Please feel free to ping me at dr.droid27@gmail.com. Expected package would be 6 lpa.
Copyright 2017 Shivam Satija
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