The benchmark suite is based on the open source framework JMH (
Benchmarks are provided "as is" and designed to support development of various components and not intended for "official" measurement of the project components performance.
Benchmarks package will be built along with other modules during Maven package
A self-contained jar is provided for convenience: benchmarks/target/benchmarks.jar
To run all available benchmarks jast launch provided self-contained jar (use -h
to discover available options):
java -jar benchmarks/target/benchmarks.jar [opts]
List of all available benchmarks: ... benchmarks.jar -l
Individual benchmarks may be launched either by providing options to bookmarks.jar
(... benchmarks.jar <benchmark-name-regex>
) or by launching starter method of individual benchmark class
(java -cp benchmarks.jar <benchmark-class>
). The latter way is less flexible and may be useful to run a
benchmark set from an IDE.