The test suite is based on the open source framework JCStress (
Test harness provided "as is" and designed to support development of various dxLib components. Failure of a test may not indicate an issue in the production code.
JCStress test package will be built along with other modules during Maven package
A self-contained jar is provided for convenience: dxlib-jcstress/target/dxlib-jcstress.jar
To run all available tests just launch provided self-contained jar (use -h
to discover available options):
java -jar dxlib-jcstress/target/dxlib-jcstress.jar [opts]
List of all available tests: ... dxlib-jcstress.jar -l
Individual tests may be launched by providing options to dxlib-jcstress.jar
(... dxlib-jcstress.jar <benchmark-name-regex>