Releases: dpkp/kafka-python
Releases · dpkp/kafka-python
2.1.3 (Mar 25, 2025)
- Fix crash when switching to closest compatible api_version in KafkaClient (#2567)
- Fix maximum version to send an OffsetFetchRequest in KafkaAdminClient (#2563)
- Return empty set from consumer.partitions_for_topic when topic not found (#2556)
- KIP-511: Use ApiVersions v4 on initial connect w/ client_software_name + version (#2558)
- KIP-74: Manage assigned partition order in consumer (#2562)
- KIP-70: Auto-commit offsets on consumer.unsubscribe(), defer assignment changes to rejoin (#2560)
- Use SubscriptionType to track topics/pattern/user assignment (#2565)
- Add optional timeout_ms kwarg to consumer.close() (#2564)
- Move ensure_valid_topic_name to kafka.util; use in client and producer (#2561)
- Support KRaft / 4.0 brokers in tests (#2559)
- Test older pythons against 4.0 broker
- Add python 3.13 to compatibility list
2.1.2 (Mar 17, 2025)
- Simplify consumer.poll send fetches logic
- Fix crc validation in consumer / fetcher
- Lazy
in PartitionRecords to fix premature fetch offset advance in consumer.poll() (#2555) - Debug log fetch records return; separate offsets update log
- Fix Fetcher retriable error handling (#2554)
- Use six.add_metaclass for py2/py3 compatible abc (#2551)
- Add FetchMetrics class; move topic_fetch_metrics inside aggregator
- DefaultRecordsBatchBuilder: support empty batch
- MemoryRecordsBuilder: support arbitrary offset, skipping offsets
- Add record.validate_crc() for v0/v1 crc checks
- Remove fetcher message_generator / iterator interface
- Add size_in_bytes to ABCRecordBatch and implement for Legacy and Default
- Add magic property to ABCRecord and implement for LegacyRecord
2.1.0 (Mar 15, 2025)
Support Kafka Broker 2.1 API Baseline
- Add baseline leader_epoch support for ListOffsets v4 / FetchRequest v10 (#2511)
- Support OffsetFetch v5 / OffsetCommit v6 (2.1 baseline) (#2505)
- Support 2.1 baseline consumer group apis (#2503)
- Support FindCoordinatorRequest v2 in consumer and admin client (#2502)
- Support ListOffsets v3 in consumer (#2501)
- Support Fetch Request/Response v6 in consumer (#2500)
- Add support for Metadata Request/Response v7 (#2497)
- Implement Incremental Fetch Sessions / KIP-227 (#2508)
- Implement client-side connection throttling / KIP-219 (#2510)
- Add KafkaClient.api_version(operation) for best available from api_versions (#2495)
- Timeout coordinator poll / ensure_coordinator_ready / ensure_active_group (#2526)
- Add optional timeout_ms kwarg to remaining consumer/coordinator methods (#2544)
- Check for coordinator.poll failure in KafkaConsumer
- Only mark coordinator dead if connection_delay > 0 (#2530)
- Delay group coordinator until after bootstrap (#2539)
- KAFKA-4160: Ensure rebalance listener not called with coordinator lock (#1438)
- Call default_offset_commit_callback after
(#2546) - Remove legacy/v1 consumer message iterator (#2543)
- Log warning when attempting to list offsets for unknown topic/partition (#2540)
- Add heartbeat thread id to debug logs on start
- Add inner_timeout_ms handler to fetcher; add fallback (#2529)
- KafkaProducer: Flush pending records before close() (#2537)
- Raise immediate error on producer.send after close (#2542)
- Limit producer close timeout to 1sec in del; use context managers to close in test_producer
- Use NullLogger in producer atexit cleanup
- Attempt to fix metadata race condition when partitioning in producer.send (#2523)
- Remove unused partial KIP-467 implementation (ProduceResponse batch error details) (#2524)
- Call ApiVersionsRequest during connection, prior to Sasl Handshake (#2493)
- Fake api_versions for old brokers, rename to ApiVersionsRequest, and handle error decoding (#2494)
- Debug log when skipping api_versions request with pre-configured api_version
- Only refresh metadata if connection fails all dns records (#2532)
- Support connections through SOCKS5 proxies (#2531)
- Fix OverflowError when connection_max_idle_ms is 0 or inf (#2538)
- socket.setblocking for eventlet/gevent compatibility
- Support custom per-request timeouts (#2498)
- Include request_timeout_ms in request debug log
- Support client.poll with future and timeout_ms
- mask unused afi var
- Debug log if check_version connection attempt fails
SASL Modules
- Refactor Sasl authentication with SaslMechanism abstract base class; support SaslAuthenticate (#2515)
- Add SSPI (Kerberos for Windows) authentication mechanism (#2521)
- Support AWS_MSK_IAM authentication (#2519)
- Cleanup sasl mechanism configuration checks; fix gssapi bugs; add sasl_kerberos_name config (#2520)
- Move kafka.oauth.AbstractTokenProvider -> kafka.sasl.oauth.AbstractTokenProvider (#2525)
- Bump default python to 3.13 in CI tests (#2541)
- Update pytest log_format: use logger instead of filename; add thread id
- Improve test_consumer_group::test_group logging before group stabilized (#2534)
- Limit test duration to 5mins w/ pytest-timeout
- Fix external kafka/zk fixtures for testing (#2533)
- Disable zookeeper admin server to avoid port conflicts
- Set default pytest log level to debug
- test_group: shorter timeout, more logging, more sleep
- Cache servers/dist in github actions workflow (#2527)
- Remove tox.ini; update testing docs
- Use thread-specific client_id in test_group
- Fix subprocess log warning; specify timeout_ms kwarg in consumer.poll tests
- Only set KAFKA_JVM_PERFORMANCE_OPTS in makefile if unset; add note re: 2.0-2.3 broker testing
- Add kafka command to test.fixtures; raise FileNotFoundError if version not installed
- Improve ClusterMetadata docs re: node_id/broker_id str/int types
- Document api_version_auto_timeout_ms default; override in group tests
2.0.6 (Mar 4, 2025)
- Improve error handling in
(#2504) - Client connection /
changes (#2507) - Improve too-large timeout handling in client poll
- Default
timeout toapi_version_auto_timeout_ms
- Decode and skip transactional control records in consumer (#2499)
- try / except in consumer coordinator
- test_conn fixup for py2
Project Maintenance
- Add 2.0 branch for backports
2.0.5 (Feb 25, 2025)
- Remove unused client bootstrap backoff code
- 200ms timeout for client.poll in ensure_active_group and admin client
- Admin client: check_version only if needed, use node_id kwarg for controller
- Check for -1 controller_id in admin client
- Only acquire coordinator lock in heartbeat thread close if not self thread
- Also sleep when waiting for consumers in test_describe_consumer_group_exists
- Refactor sasl_integration test_client - wait for node ready; use send future
- Add timeout to test_kafka_consumer
- Add error str to assert_message_count checks
- Retry on error in test fixture create_topic_via_metadata
- Fixup variable interpolation in test fixture error
- Update compatibility docs
- Include client_id in BrokerConnection str output
Project Maintenance
- Add make targets
2.0.4 (Feb 21, 2025)
- Check for wakeup socket errors on read and close and reinit to reset (#2482)
- Improve client networking backoff / retry (#2480)
- Check for socket and unresolved futures before creating selector in conn.check_version (#2477)
- Handle socket init errors, e.g., when IPv6 is disabled (#2476)
- Avoid self-join in heartbeat thread close (#2488)
Error Handling
- Always log broker errors in producer.send (#2478)
- Retain unrecognized broker response error codes with dynamic error class (#2481)
- Update kafka.errors with latest types (#2485)
- Do not validate snappy xerial header version and compat fields (for redpanda) (#2483)
- Added missing docstrings in admin/ (#2487)
- Update kafka broker test matrix; test against 3.9.0 (#2486)
- Add default resources for new kafka server fixtures (#2484)
- Drop make test-local; add PYTESTS configuration var
- Fix pytest runs when KAFKA_VERSION is not set
Project Maintenance
- Migrate to pyproject.toml / PEP-621
- Remove old travis files; update compatibility tests link to gha
2.0.3 (Feb 12, 2025)
- Add optional compression libs to extras_require (#2123, #2387)
- KafkaConsumer: Exit poll if consumer is closed (#2152)
- Support configuration of custom kafka client for Admin/Consumer/Producer (#2144)
- Core Protocol: Add support for flexible versions (#2151)
- (Internal) Allow disabling thread wakeup in _send_request_to_node (#2335)
- Change loglevel of cancelled errors to info (#2467)
- Strip trailing dot off hostname for SSL validation. (#2472)
- Log connection close(error) at ERROR level (#2473)
- Support DescribeLogDirs admin api (#2475)
- Support for python 3.12 (#2379, #2382)
- Kafka 2.5 / 2.6 (#2162)
- Try imports in vendored selectors34 (#2394)
- Catch OSError when checking for gssapi import for windows compatibility (#2407)
- Update vendored six to 1.16.0 (#2398)
- Update usage.rst (#2308, #2334)
- Fix typos (#2319, #2207, #2178)
- Fix links to the compatibility page (#2295, #2226)
- Cleanup install instructions for optional libs (#2139)
- Update license_file to license_files (#2462)
- Update some RST documentation syntax (#2463)
- Add .readthedocs.yaml; update copyright date (#2474)
- Use isinstance in builtin crc32 (#2329)
- Use six.viewitems instead of six.iteritems to avoid encoding problems in StickyPartitionAssignor (#2154)
- Fix array encoding TypeError: object of type 'dict_itemiterator' has no len() (#2167)
- Only try to update sensors fetch lag if the unpacked list contains elements (#2158)
- Avoid logging errors during test fixture cleanup (#2458)
- Release coordinator lock before calling maybe_leave_group (#2460)
- Dont raise RuntimeError for dead process in SpawnedService.wait_for() (#2461)
- Cast the size of a MemoryRecordsBuilder object (#2438)
- Fix DescribeConfigsResponse_v1 config_source (#2464)
- Fix base class of DescribeClientQuotasResponse_v0 (#2465)
- Update socketpair w/ CVE-2024-3219 fix (#2468)
- Transition CI/CD to GitHub Workflows (#2378, #2392, #2381, #2406, #2419, #2418, #2417, #2456)
- Refactor Makefile (#2457)
- Use assert_called_with in client_async tests (#2375)
- Cover sticky assignor's metadata method with tests (#2161)
- Update to check "" for auto port assignment (#2384)
- Use for Java 23 sasl tests (#2469)
- Test with Java 23 (#2470)
- Update kafka properties template; disable group rebalance delay (#2471)
2.0.2 (Sep 29, 2020)
- KIP-54: Implement sticky partition assignment strategy (aynroot / PR #2057)
- Fix consumer deadlock when heartbeat thread request timeout (huangcuiyang / PR #2064)
- Python 3.8 support (Photonios / PR #2088)
- Bump dev requirements (jeffwidman / PR #2129)
- Fix crc32c deprecation warning (crc32c==2.1) (jeffwidman / PR #2128)
- Lint cleanup (jeffwidman / PR #2126)
- Fix initialization order in KafkaClient (pecalleja / PR #2119)
- Allow installing crc32c via extras (mishas / PR #2069)
- Remove unused imports (jameslamb / PR #2046)
Admin Client
- Merge _find_coordinator_id methods (jeffwidman / PR #2127)
- Feature: delete consumergroups (swenzel / PR #2040)
- Allow configurable timeouts in admin client check version (sunnyakaxd / PR #2107)
- Enhancement for Kafka Admin Client's "Describe Consumer Group" (Apurva007 / PR #2035)
- Add support for zstd compression (gabriel-tincu / PR #2021)
- Add protocol support for brokers 1.1.0 - 2.5.0 (gabriel-tincu / PR #2038)
- Add ProduceRequest/ProduceResponse v6/v7/v8 (gabriel-tincu / PR #2020)
- Fix parsing NULL header values (kvfi / PR #2024)
- Add 2.5.0 to automated CI tests (gabriel-tincu / PR #2038)
- Add 2.1.1 to build_integration (gabriel-tincu / PR #2019)
Documentation / Logging / Errors
- Disable logging during producer object gc (gioele / PR #2043)
- Update; use threading instead of multiprocessing (Mostafa-Elmenbawy / PR #2081)
- Fix typo in exception message (haracejacob / PR #2096)
- Add kafka.structs docstrings (Mostafa-Elmenbawy / PR #2080)
- Fix broken compatibility page link (anuragrana / PR #2045)
- Rename README to (qhzxc0015 / PR #2055)
- Fix docs by adding SASL mention (jeffwidman / #1990)