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Mediator Desing Pattern

Mediator is a behavioral design pattern that is aimed to decouple inter-object communications by providing a mediating protocol. The Mediator pattern makes object's communication loosely-coupled by creating an intermediate layer and removing the need to explicitly reference the target message receivers from within the sender. The pattern makes the interaction logic run-time replaceable, meaning that one Mediator can be replaced by another one during the run-time of an application.

Another benefit of using the pattern is that many-to-many relationships can be easily constructed. With some minor modifications we can even extend the pattern and make it one-to-many or many-to-one interactable, depending on the requirements.


Before diving into the Mediator protocol itself, we need to do some preparation. We need to make the Mediator protocol to be loosely coupled from the objects that are going to be used with it. That is why we start off from making a unified protocol called Receivable that will be used in conjunction with the Mediator protocol:

protocol Receivable {
    var id: String { get }
    func receive(message: [String : Any])

The protocol contains only one property and a method. But they are very important and will make the rest of the architecture to be easily implemented.

The id property will be used to compare the receivables and to avoid the need to compare the objects by references, in order to be able to make a search or to filter the receivables.

The receive method will be used to, well, receive messages by the Mediator.

Mediator Protocol

The Mediator protocol will be used to to perform the actual message passing and storing a collection of Receivables that will participate in message passing:

protocol Mediator {

    var receivers: [Receivable] { get set }
    /// Sends the specified message to all the registered receivers except the sender
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - message: is a message that will be delivered to all the receivers
    ///   - sender: is a sender that conforms to Receivable protocol
    func send(message: [String : Any], sender: Receivable)
    /// Sends the specified message to the concrete receiver
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - message: is a message that will be delivered to all the receivers
    ///   - receiver: is a receiver that conforms to Receivable protocol
    func send(message: [String : Any], receiver: Receivable) throws

The protocol defines a property for Receivables and two methods: to make different types of message passing approaches. The first one, send(message: , sender:) which sends a message to all the Receivables except the one that actually sent the message. And send(message: , receiver: ) throws, which sends a message to a concrete receiver.

There is one thing that we do to make the pattern to really shine: we can implement default implementations for our methods that will cover the most common use-cases and eliminate the need to create boilerplate code over and over again.

extension Mediator {
    func send(message: [String : Any], sender: Receivable) {
        for receiver in receivers where != {
            receiver.receive(message: message)
    func send(message: [String : Any], receiver: Receivable) throws {
        guard let actualReceiver = receivers.first(where: { $ == }) else { throw MediatorError.missingReceiver }
        actualReceiver.receive(message: message)

The implementations are quite simple but powerful, since we just implemented a protocol extension that will make the inter-object communication so easily done!

The last peace of work that we need to do is to create a concrete class that will conform to the Mediator protocol:

class CharactersMediator: Mediator {
    var receivers: [Receivable] = []

Since we have the default implementations as protocol extensions we just need to implement all the additional logic, which is quite minimal in our case.

Game Objects

Now we have all the architectural components in order to make a real example!

We are going to implement a number of game objects that will pass messages to each other by using the implemented Mediator and Receivable protocols.

Let's assume that we have two classes: Player and FlyingMob. Both of the classes have quite similar implementations, for the sake of simplicity they will mimic "real" game objects. We assume that Player instance is controlled by a user and various instances of FlyingMob class are controller by artificial intelligence.

class Player: Receivable {
    var id: String = UUID.init().uuidString
    var name: String

    init(name: String) { = name
    func receive(message: [String : Any])  {
        print("Player under id: ", id, " has received a message: ", message)

class FlyingMob: Receivable {
    var id: String = UUID.init().uuidString
    var name: String
    init(name: String) { = name
    func receive(message: [String : Any]) {
        print("FlyingMod under id: ", id, " has received a message: ", message)

The implementation is mostly consists of the conformance to the Receivable prtocol, a name property and a designated initializer.

Let's create a few instances and take a look how it will actually work.


The first thing that need to do is to create actual objects that will participate in message passing. Then we will create CharactersMediator instance, assign the Receivable instances as receivers and send some messages.

// 1
let player = Player(name: "Mario")
let flyingMobBlue = FlyingMob(name: "Blue")
let flyingMobYellow = FlyingMob(name: "Yellow")
let flyingMobBoss = FlyingMob(name: "Boss")

// 2
let mediator = CharactersMediator()

// 3
let characters: [Receivable] = [ player, flyingMobBlue, flyingMobYellow, flyingMobBoss ]
mediator.receivers += characters

// 4
mediator.send(message: ["death note" : "you are going to die soon!😄"], sender: player)

// 5
try? mediator.send(message: ["hitTest" : (x: 10, y: 23)], receiver: player)

Let's break the sample code down:

  1. Here we instantiated a Player instance named Mario and several instances for FlingMob class.
  2. Then we have created CharactersMediator instance that will be used to mediate between the game objects.
  3. However, before actually sending some messages we need to assign the Receivables as receivers in our CharactersMediator class.
  4. Now we are ready to mediate! 😄 Our player has been asked to send a death note to all the AI characters before he will eliminate them! After the all the messages will be passed we will get something like that in our console:
FlyingMod under id:  8D229EF6-5DB9-4DCD-98C9-9D9ABC8C4A01  has received a message:  ["death note": "you are going to die soon!😄"]
FlyingMod under id:  2CDA13EB-2000-4797-9012-E4945F92E646  has received a message:  ["death note": "you are going to die soon!😄"]
FlyingMod under id:  36A7454E-ED2C-4F75-B433-E248CF439DEA  has received a message:  ["death note": "you are going to die soon!😄"]

All the messages have been sent! Great!

  1. You cannot threaten our AI without any consequences. The flyingMobBoss decided to reply:
Player under id:  A00C8478-DFB8-440D-827E-2FF6B15D1842  has received a message:  ["you are going to be slapped at": (x: 10, y: 23)]

Our Mario just has received his first message. We can continue on by sending new messages back and forth and selecting the type of message sender in our Mediator.

One thing to note that the message type and the whole mechanism of message passing can be futher improved. For instance, message passing mechanism can be made type-safe, since right now it's more like what we had in our good old days (hello legacy Objective-C). Another improvement can be done by introducing mechanisms like read receipt or adding more sophisticated send methods where we can add injectable rules that will be used to filter out the receivers in a type-safe way.


As we saw, Mediator pattern is quite simple to implement. Its usage and potential applications are quite intuitive. The pattern does a great job by decoupling the inter-object communications and removing tight coupling, by eliminating the direct access between senders and receivers. The pattern has great extensibility, especially by introducing the protocol-oriented extensions that greatly reduce the amount of code that needs to be written.

It's worth to mention that there are implementations where the senders and receivers have references of a Mediator instance. Be careful if you decide to use such an approach, since you can easily create a retain cycle and, as a result, make the senders and receivers less light-weight and dependent on external objects.