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File metadata and controls

111 lines (78 loc) · 3.36 KB

Singleton Design Pattern

Singleton is a creational design pattern that restricts instantiation of a class to one object.

In order to implement this pattern we need to mark the initializers as private and create a static property that contains the instance of self:

public class Singleton {
    // MARK: - Singleton property
    public static let instance = Singleton()
    // MARK: - Properties
    public private(set) var counter: Int
    // MARK: - Private initializer
    private init() {
        // Private initializer ensures that there will not access it from the outside, so instances can only be created inside the class
        counter = 0
    // MARK: - Methods
    public func foo() {
        print(#function + " foo")
    public func bar() {
        print(#function + " bar")
    public func increment() {
        counter += 1
    public func decrement() {
        counter -= 1

This implementation is valid in modern Swift development and is pretty popular way to implement singletons.

let singleton = Singleton.instance
// 0
// incremented using the first shared instance
// 1

let anotherSingleton = Singleton.instance
// 1
// incremented using the second shared instance
// 2

The Struct way

In Swift 1.0 classes didn't support static class variables. However, structs did static variables! The restrictions forced the developers to use this pretty strange approach to create singletons:

public class StructSignleton {
    // MARK: - Shared instance class property
    public class var sharedInstance: StructSignleton {
        struct Static {
            static let instance = StructSignleton()
        return Static.instance
    // MARK: - Properties
    public private(set) var counter: Int = 0
    // MARK: - Methods
    public func foo() {
        print(#function + " foo")
    public func bar() {
        print(#function + " bar")
    public func increment() {
        counter += 1
    public func decrement() {
        counter -= 1

This approached was quite popular back then. Swift didn't support access control modifiers until 1.2 version, so we were not able to create private initializer as well. However in modern Swift we can eliminate that boilerplate construction with nested class and struct and use more elegant way of creating singletons.


If misused, Singleton may become anti-pattern since the data may be mutated concurrently from different places of an application using the same shared instance. It will lead to unexpected results that are hard to diagnose and fix. It may be resolved by using some sort of locking mechanism in order to prevent the access to the critical section from several threads at the same time. However concurrency and multithreading are pretty advanced topics and they bring another class of possible issues, just beware of that.

Another issue with the pattern is that the access to the state of the objects is shared, which not only leads to concurrency and data corruption issues, but just unexpected behavior when working with such an object.