This project delivers to you a complete lean test architecture for your web tests using the best frameworks and practices.
It has a complete solution to run tests in different ways:
- local testing using the browser on your local machine
- parallel (or single) testing using Selenium Docker
- local testing using TestContainers
- Distributed execution using Selenium Grid
This project uses the following languages and frameworks:
- Java 23 as the programming language
- TestNG as the UnitTest framework to support the test creation
- Selenium WebDriver as the web browser automation framework using the Java binding
- AssertJ as the fluent assertion library
- Allure Report as the testing report strategy
- DataFaker as the faker data generation strategy
- Log4J2 as the logging management strategy
- Owner to minimize the code to handle the properties file
- TestContainers Webdriver Containers
We know that any automation project starts with a good test architecture.
This project can be your initial test architecture for a faster start. You will see the following items in this architecture:
- Page Objects pattern
- Execution types
- BaseTest
- TestListener
- Logging
- Configuration files
- Parallel execution
- Test Data Factory
- Profiles executors on pom.xml
- Pipeline as a code
- Test environment abstraction
Do you have any other items to add to this test architecture? Please do a pull request or open an issue to discuss.
I will not explain the Page Object pattern because you can find a lot of good explanations and examples on the internet. Instead, I will explain what exactly about page objects I'm using in this project.
This class has a protected constructor to remove the necessity to init the elements using the Page Factory.
Also, it sets the timeout from the timeout
property value located on
All the Page Object classes should extend the AbstractPageObject
It also tries to remove the driver
object from the Page Object class as much as possible.
Important information
There's a
on thecommon
package inside the Page Objects. Notice that all the pages extend this one instead of theAbstractPageObject
. I implemented this way:
- because the previous and next buttons are fixed on the page (there's no refresh on the page)
- to avoid creating or passing the new reference to the
when we need to hit previous or next buttons
As much as possible avoid this strategy to not get an ElementNotFoundException
or StaleElementReferenceException
Use this approach if you know that the page does not refresh.
There are different execution types:
The TargetFactory
class will resolve the target execution based on the target
property value located
file. Its usage is placed on the BaseWeb
class before each test execution.
This approach is automatically used when you run the test class in your IDE.
When the target
is local
the createLocalDriver()
method is used from the BrowserFactory
class to return the
browser instance.
The browser used in the test is placed on the browser
property in the
It's the same as the Local Execution, where the difference is that the browser is taken from the TestNG suite file
instead of the
file, enabling you to run multi-browser test approach locally.
This execution type uses the WebDriver Containers in Testcontainers to run the tests in your machine, but using the Selenium docker images for Chrome or Firefox.
When the target
is testcontainers
the TargetFactory
uses the createTestContainersInstance()
method to initialize
the container based on the browser set in the browser
property. Currently, Testcontainers only supports Chrome and
mvn test -Pweb-execution -Dtarget=testcontainers -Dbrowser=chrome
The Selenium Grid approach executes the tests in remote machines (local or remote/cloud grid).
When the target
is selenium-grid
the getOptions
method is used from the BrowserFactory
to return the browser
class as the remote execution needs the browser capability.
The DriverFactory
class has an internal method createRemoteInstance
to return a RemoteWebDriver
instance based on
the browser capability.
You must pay attention to the two required information regarding the remote execution: the grid.url
and grid.port
property values on the
file. You must update these values before the start.
If you are using the docker-compose.yml
file to start the Docker Selenium grid, the values on the
file should work.
You can take a look at the Execution with Docker Selenium Distributed to run the parallel tests using this example.
This Factory class is a Java enum that has all implemented browsers to use during the test execution.
Each browser is an enum
, and each enum implements four methods:
: creates the browser instance for the local execution. The browser driver is automatically managed by the WebDriverManager librarycreateDriver()
: creates the browser instance for the remote executiongetOptions()
: creates a new browserOptions
setting some specific configurations, and it's used for the remote executions using the Selenium GridcreateTestContainerDriver()
: Creates selenium grid lightweight test container in Standalone mode with Chrome/Firefox/Edge browser support.
You can see that the createLocalDriver()
method use the getOptions()
to get specific browser configurations, as
starting the browser maximized and others.
The getOptions()
is also used for the remote execution as it is a subclass of the AbstractDriverOptions
and can be
automatically accepted as either a Capabilities
or MutableCapabilities
class, which is required by
the RemoteWebDriver
class DriverManager
create a ThreadLocal
for the WebDriver instance, to make sure there's no conflict when we run it in parallel.
This testing pattern was implemented on the BaseWeb class to automatically run the pre (setup) and post (teardown) conditions.
The pre-condition uses @BeforeMethod
from TestNG creates the browser instance based on the values passed either local
or remote execution.
The post-condition uses @AfterMethod
to close the browser instance.
Both have the alwaysRun
parameter as true
to force the run on a pipeline.
Pay attention that it was designed to open a browser instance to each @Test
located in the test class.
This class also has the TestListener
annotation which is a custom TestNG listener, and will be described in the next
The TestListener
is a class that
implements ITestListener.
The following method is used to help logging errors and attach additional information to the test report:
: add the browser information to the test reportonTestFailure
: log the exceptions and add a screenshot to the test reportonTestSkipped
: add the skipped test to the log
All the log is done by the Log4J using the @Log4j2
has two strategies: console and file.
A file with all the log information will be automatically created on the user folder with test_automation.log
If you want to change it, update the appender.file.fileName
property value.
The log.error
is used to log all the exceptions this architecture might throw. Use
or log.debug
to log
important information, like the users, automatically generated by the
factory BookingDataFactory
The parallel test execution is based on
the parallel tests
feature on TestNG. This is used by selenium-grid.xml
test suite file which has the parallel="tests"
attribute and
whereas test
item inside the test suite will execute in parallel.
The browser in use for each test
should be defined by a parameter, like:
<parameter name="browser" value="chrome"/>
You can define any parallel strategy.
It can be an excellent combination together with the grid strategy.
This project has the docker-compose.yml
file to run the tests in a parallel way using Docker Selenium.
To be able to run it in parallel the file has
the Dynamic Grid Implementation that will start the
container on demand.
This means that Docker Selenium will start a container test for a targeting browser.
Please note that you need to do the following actions before running it in parallel:
- Docker installed
- Pull the images for Chrome Edge and Firefox - Optional
- Images are pulled if not available and initial test execution will be slow
docker pull selenium-standalog-chrome
docker pull selenium-standalog-firefox
docker pull selenium/standalone-edge
- If you are using a MacBook with either M1 or M2 chip you must check the following experimental feature in Docker Desktop: Settings -> Features in development -> Use Rosetta for x86/amd64 emulation on Apple Silicon
- Images are pulled if not available and initial test execution will be slow
- Pay attention to the
file that has comments for each specific SO - Start the Grid by running the following command inside the
folderdocker-compose up
- Run the project using the following command
mvn test -Pweb-execution -Dsuite=selenium-grid -Dtarget=selenium-grid -Dheadless=true
- Open the [Selenium Grid] page to see the node status
This project uses a library called Owner. You can find the class related to the property file reader in the following classes:
There are 3 properties (configuration) files located on src/test/java/resources/
: general configuration as the target execution, browser, base url, timeout, and faker
: url and port for the Selenium grid usage
The properties were divided into three different ones to better separate the responsibilities and enable the changes easy without having a lot of properties inside a single file.
Is the utilization of the Factory design pattern with the Fluent Builder to generate dynamic data.
The BookingDataFactory
has only one factory createBookingData
returning a Booking
object with dynamic data.
This dynamic data is generated by JavaFaker filling all the fields using the Build pattern. The Booking is the plain Java objects and the BookingBuilder is the builder class.
You can see the usage of the Builder pattern in the BookingDataFactory class.
Reading reference:
There is a profile called web-execution
created to execute the test suite local.xml
inside src/test/resources/suites
To execute this suite, via the command line you can call the parameter -P
and the profile id.
Eg: executing the multi_browser suite
mvn test -Pweb-execution
If you have more than one suite on src/test/resources/suites folder you can parameterize the xml file name. To do this you need:
- Create a property on
called suite
- Change the profile id
- Replace the xml file name to
on the profile
- Use
to call the suite
mvn test -Pweb-execution -Dsuite=suite_name
The two files of the pipeline as a code are inside pipeline_as_code
- GitHub Actions to use it inside the GitHub located at
- Jenkins:
to be used on a Jenkins pipeline located atpipeline_as_code
- GitLab CI:
to be used on a GitLab CIpipeline_as_code