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Node Using Method And Example

🔭 What is NOde Js?

  • Nose.js is an open source server environment. and Runtime Environment.
  • Node.js is free. Node.js runs on various platforms (windows, Linx, Unix, Mac os etc)
  • Node.js uses JavaScript on the server.

👯 Why use Node Js?

  • Features of Node JS
  • i. Asynchronous and Event Driven ii. Very Fast iii. Single Threaded but Highly Scalble iv. No Buffering.

🤔 How/Where to Use ?

  • i. I/O bound Application ii.Data Streaming Applications iii. Data Intensive Real time Applications(DIRT)
  • iv. JSON api based Applications v. Single Page Applications

🤔 Who Uses Node JS?

  • i. eBay, ii. General Electric, iii. GoDaddy iv. Microsoft v. Paypal vi. Uber vii. Yahoo!

List of Node JS:


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Notes for Node js (Click Me)

- Notes must be know every single part for interview
************Node js  Notes************


************End Node Notes************


Node js Interview Questions (Click Me)

must be know every single part for interview
************Node js Interview Questions************
//Milestone: 9 React Router and States
//Module 55.5
1. What is a server?
Ans: Ususally, servers are powerful computers connected via a network to a group of less powerfull cliend devices.
i. Stores, sends andf receives data.
ii. Accepts and responds to requests made over a network.
iii. As the name pimples, serves information to the computers connected to it.
iv. A computer, software program or even storage device may act as a server.
8. How does server work?
Ans: i. When you type a url, lets say ( on your device, your device or your browser is client.
ii. Your device requests web content for facebook to the web server of Facebook Located somewhere in the datacenter.
iii. Then server gets the request from your device and sends data to your device.
This is just an example of how web server and web client work.

// MOdule 64
//64-5 What is Database, DBMS, MongoDB, NoSQL vs SQL
2.  When to use Node Js?
Ans: Api Application - A great choice for constructiong an API application with both relational and non relational database.
this make Node.js good to handle the requsts, make database operations, and expose JSON objects for clients.
Real Time Applications:
Good at building real time applications like:
Messaging, Notifications delivery , Live Streaming and collaboration tools, Microservices.
3. When Not to use Node Js
Ans: i. CPU intensive tasks/ heavy computational applications
ii. Backend with relational databases.
4. Compaines using Node JS?
Ans: i. Real-time applications ii. Online gaming apps. iii. E-commerce transaction software. 4. Video conferncing apps.
5. What is data ?
Ans: Data can be anythink and everythink. Any information of fact can be considered as data.
like: your name. age, email, back balance or any other information such as your house address.
6. What is database?
Ans: i. Database can be considered as a container filled with data which is electronically stored in a computer system.
Types of Database: Object oriented databases, Centralized Database, Cloud Databases, NoSql Database and many more.
7. What is databasae managment system (DBMS)?
Ans: Database is just a container which stores data whereas Database Managment system of 
DBMS is a software which is used to manage your database.
Example of DBMS is MySql, PostgreSql, MOngoDB, Neo4j etc.
8. What is SQL and NoSql?	
Ans: -- SQL Database?
i. SQL (Structued Query language ) is the standard language for dealing with relational Database.
ii. SQl works table to table conected.
Ans: -- NoSQL Database?
i. NoSQL databases are non-tabular databases and store data differently than relational tables
ii. It aboids joins, and is easy to scale.
iii. The Major purpose of using a NoSql database is for distributed data stored with humongous data storage needs.
9. When should NoSql be Used? (important)
Ans: When deciding which databasae to use, decision0 makers typically find one or more of the following factors lead them 
to selscting a NoSQL database.
i. Fast paced Agile development
ii. Storage of Stuctured and semi structured data
iii. Huge volumes of data 
iv. Requirments for scale out architecture.
v. real time striming
10. What is MongoDB?
Ans: i. MongoDb is an open-source, cross-lplatform, distributed document database.
ii. MongoDb stored data Json formate.
 ************End Node Js Interview Questions************


1 Sql databases are primarily called RDBMS or Relational Database NoSql databases are primarily called as Non-relational or distributed database
3 Structured query language (SQL) No declarative query language
4 Sql Databaseas are table based databasaes NoSql databases can be document based, key value pairs, graph databases
4 Sql Databaseas have a predefined schema NoSql databasaes use dynamic schema for unstructured data
4 Oracel, Pstgres, MySQL, MS-SQL MOngoDB, Redis, neo4j, Cassandra


Questions Answer

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