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112 lines (74 loc) · 5.4 KB

File metadata and controls

112 lines (74 loc) · 5.4 KB



To install Administrator as a Composer package to be used with Laravel 5, simply add this to your composer.json:

"frozennode/administrator": "5.*"

..and run composer update. Once it's installed, you can register the service provider in config/app.php in the providers array:

'providers' => [

Then publish Administrator's assets with php artisan vendor:publish. This will add the file config/administrator.php. This config file is the primary way you interact with Administrator. This command will also publish all of the assets, views, and translation files.

Laravel 4

If you want to use Administrator with Laravel 4, you need to resolve to Administrator 4:

"frozennode/administrator": "4.*"

Then publish the config file with php artisan config:publish frozennode/administrator. This will add the file app/config/packages/frozennode/administrator/administrator.php.

Then finally you need to publish the package's assets with the php artisan asset:publish frozennode/administrator command.

Laravel 3

Since Administrator has switched over to Composer, you can no longer use php artisan bundle:install administrator or php artisan bundle:upgrade administrator. If you want to use Administrator with Laravel 3, you must switch to the 3.3.2 branch, download it, and add it in the /bundles/administrator directory and add this to your bundles.php file:

'administrator' => array(
    'handles' => 'admin', //this determines what URI this bundle will use
    'auto' => true,


After the package is installed, you need to publish the package's assets like this:

php artisan asset:publish frozennode/administrator

It is best to publish the assets whenever Administrator updates. Instead of doing this manually, you can add the above command to your scripts object in your composer.json file:

"scripts": {
	"pre-update-cmd": [
		"php artisan clear-compiled"
	"post-install-cmd": [
		"php artisan optimize",
		"php artisan vendor:publish --tag=public --force"
	"post-update-cmd": [
		"php artisan optimize",
		"php artisan vendor:publish --tag=public --force"

Administrator Config

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan config:publish frozennode/administrator

This will create the file app/config/packages/frozennode/administrator/administrator.php and seed it with some defaults. This config file is the primary way you interact with Administrator.

If you've installed the Laravel 3 bundle, you can either edit the bundles/administrator/config/administrator.php file directly, or you can create an administrator.php at application/config.

There are several required fields that must be supplied. Among them are the menu option where you define the menu structure of your site and point to your model configuration files.

For a detailed description of all the configuration options, see the configuration docs

Model Config

Any Eloquent model (or any object that ultimately extends from an Eloquent model) can be represented by a model configuration file. These files can be kept anywhere in your application directory structure and you provide the path to their location in the main administrator.php config (via the model_config_path option). The names of these files correspond to the values supplied in the menu option in the administrator.php config.

There are several required fields that must be supplied in order for a model config file to work. Apart from that you can also define a number of optional fields that help you customize your admin interface on a per-model basis. For instance, if one of your models needs a WYSIWYG field, you'll probably want the edit form to be wider than the default width. All you would have to do is set the form_width option in that model's config.

For a detailed description of all the model configuration options, see the model configuration docs

Settings Config

Settings configuration files help you manage administrative options that aren't necessarily best represented by an Eloquent model. These files can be kept anywhere in your application directory structure and you provide the path to their location in the main administrator.php config (via the settings_config_path option). The names of these files correspond to the values supplied in the menu option in the administrator.php config.

There are several required fields that must be supplied in order for a settings config file to work. Apart from that you can also define a number of optional fields that help you customize your settings page.

For a detailed description of all the settings configuration options, see the settings configuration docs