extension to generate and optimize triangle indices by deduping vertex attributes and generating new triangle indices. Also provides a couple bug fixes and utility functions for BufferGeometry
Submitted in this PR to THREE.js.
<script src=".../three.js"></script>
<script src=".../BufferGeometryOptimizeTriangleIndices.js"></script>
// Create buffer geometry with no triangle indices
var sphere = new THREE.SphereGeometry( 1, 100, 100 );
var bufgeom = ( new THREE.BufferGeometry() ).fromGeometry( sphere );
// The buffer geometry is taking '' with all attributes
console.log( `${ THREE.BufferGeometryUtils.estimateBytesUsed( bufgeom ) * 1000 }kb` );
// Optimize the buffer geometry and generate triangle indices
// The buffer geometry is taking '' with all attributes
console.log( `${ THREE.BufferGeometryUtils.estimateBytesUsed( bufgeom ) * 1000 }kb` );
Missing copy and clone functions.
Returns the memory allocated for the geometry (vertex attribute and index arrays) as bytes.
Converts the provided normal attributes into a set of interleaved attributes that share a buffer.
Updates the vertex attributes and index arrays with optimized, deduped versions representing the same mesh.
The tolerance
argument determines the decimal precision used when deduping vertex attributes.