- Lucide Icons
We use Lucide Icons for the website, but we copy svg instead of using the lib directly. You can find them here
- Dev icons (We use the link for now but will be replaced by svg)
We use Dev icons for the website, but we copy svg instead of using the lib directly. You can find them here
(Of course 🙃)
For code highlighting, used in the homepage to have a beautiful code snippet <pre><code>...</code></pre>
A custom theme is used, you can find it in the src/styles/highlight.css
- Prettier For code formatting
The tailwind.config.js file is useless but make code editor plugins works.
- Create a beautiful examples/ page
- Create a beautiful documentation/ page
- Create a beautiful changes/ page
- Improve demo.css to follow the same style as the website
- Create a layout in the examples/[name.html] to switch easily between examples
- Add micro-interactions to the website
- Add animation to mobile navbar
- Add lucide icons to the website & in many sections
- Improve SEO with meta tags on each page
- Find a way to update automatically
Current version | v10.1.2
- Improve responsive design (mobile version) by changing grid to 6 columns instead of 12 for example and reduce padding on x, etc.
- Fix advanced demo "Add widget" to not impact the background & fix margins when dropped in the grid