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Pull requests: hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws

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Pull requests list

fix: allow update of database_insights_mode for db_instance needs-triage Waiting for first response or review from a maintainer. service/rds Issues and PRs that pertain to the rds service. size/S Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41960 opened Mar 22, 2025 by stefanfreitag Loading…
rds: Security updates prioritized Part of the maintainer teams immediate focus. To be addressed within the current quarter. service/rds Issues and PRs that pertain to the rds service. size/XL Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41958 opened Mar 22, 2025 by YakDriver Loading…
f/verified access update resources with new fields documentation Introduces or discusses updates to documentation. linter Pertains to changes to or issues with the various linters. needs-triage Waiting for first response or review from a maintainer. service/verifiedaccess Issues and PRs that pertain to the verifiedaccess service. size/XL Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41957 opened Mar 22, 2025 by esteban1983cl Loading…
build(deps): bump from 4.5.1 to 4.5.2 in /.ci/tools dependencies Used to indicate dependency changes. go Pull requests that update Go code linter Pertains to changes to or issues with the various linters. size/XS Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR.
#41955 opened Mar 21, 2025 by dependabot bot Loading…
r/aws_elasticache_replication_group: retry InvalidReplicationGroupStateFault errors in tag operations generators Relates to code generators. prioritized Part of the maintainer teams immediate focus. To be addressed within the current quarter. regression Pertains to a degraded workflow resulting from an upstream patch or internal enhancement. service/elasticache Issues and PRs that pertain to the elasticache service. size/M Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. tags Pertains to resource tagging.
#41954 opened Mar 21, 2025 by jar-b Draft
Add job_mode attribute to Glue job resource with default value and va… enhancement Requests to existing resources that expand the functionality or scope. service/glue Issues and PRs that pertain to the glue service. size/S Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41946 opened Mar 21, 2025 by dmux Draft
Remove ForceNew in Kinesis Analytics V2 Application enhancement Requests to existing resources that expand the functionality or scope. service/kinesisanalyticsv2 Issues and PRs that pertain to the kinesisanalyticsv2 service. size/L Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41935 opened Mar 20, 2025 by blakeromano Loading…
[Enhancement] aws_ecr_pull_through_cache_rule support for private ECR documentation Introduces or discusses updates to documentation. enhancement Requests to existing resources that expand the functionality or scope. service/ecr Issues and PRs that pertain to the ecr service. size/XL Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41933 opened Mar 20, 2025 by tabito-hara Loading…
Fix ELBV2 health check default protocol bug Addresses a defect in current functionality. service/elbv2 Issues and PRs that pertain to the elbv2 service. size/XS Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41924 opened Mar 19, 2025 by r3cursi0n Loading…
f/Add check to ignore case for secret regions/govcloud prioritized Part of the maintainer teams immediate focus. To be addressed within the current quarter. service/ec2 Issues and PRs that pertain to the ec2 service. size/XS Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR.
#41920 opened Mar 19, 2025 by nam054 Loading…
Add aws_vpc_endpoint_associations datasource documentation Introduces or discusses updates to documentation. generators Relates to code generators. new-data-source Introduces a new data source. partner Contribution from a partner. service/vpc Issues and PRs that pertain to the vpc service. size/XL Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41918 opened Mar 19, 2025 by drewtul Loading…
[Bug fix] Remove warning when the filter argument in aws_s3_bucket_lifecycle_configuration is empty bug Addresses a defect in current functionality. service/s3 Issues and PRs that pertain to the s3 service. size/M Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41917 opened Mar 19, 2025 by rayennh Loading…
fix(aws_ecr_pull_through_cache_rule): ecr repository prefix regex bug Addresses a defect in current functionality. service/ecr Issues and PRs that pertain to the ecr service. size/S Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41875 opened Mar 17, 2025 by than-pet Loading…
r/aws_emr_instance_fleet: support capacityreservations enhancement Requests to existing resources that expand the functionality or scope. service/emr Issues and PRs that pertain to the emr service. size/L Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41869 opened Mar 16, 2025 by kadrach Draft
[New Resource]: aws_dsql_cluster (Preview) documentation Introduces or discusses updates to documentation. generators Relates to code generators. new-resource Introduces a new resource. service/dsql Issues and PRs that pertain to the dsql service. size/XL Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. skaff Issues and pull requested related to the skaff tool sweeper Pertains to changes to or issues with the sweeper. tags Pertains to resource tagging. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41868 opened Mar 15, 2025 by aristosvo Loading…
3 tasks done
[Enhancement] add name_prefix argument to aws_elasticache_parameter_group documentation Introduces or discusses updates to documentation. enhancement Requests to existing resources that expand the functionality or scope. service/elasticache Issues and PRs that pertain to the elasticache service. size/M Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41854 opened Mar 14, 2025 by tabito-hara Loading…
[Bug] Unconfigured listener attributes of bool type sent as false bug Addresses a defect in current functionality. partner Contribution from a partner. service/elbv2 Issues and PRs that pertain to the elbv2 service. size/M Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41846 opened Mar 14, 2025 by drewtul Loading…
[New Resource] aws_invoicing_invoice_unit documentation Introduces or discusses updates to documentation. generators Relates to code generators. new-resource Introduces a new resource. service/invoicing Issues and PRs that pertain to the invoicing service. size/XL Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. tags Pertains to resource tagging. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41824 opened Mar 13, 2025 by AliAllomani Loading…
[New Resource] aws_vpc_ipam_default_scope documentation Introduces or discusses updates to documentation. external-maintainer Contribution from a trusted external contributor. generators Relates to code generators. new-resource Introduces a new resource. service/ipam Issues and PRs that pertain to the ipam service. size/XL Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41820 opened Mar 13, 2025 by drewmullen Loading…
chore(appflow): add dataTransferApi property in appflow CustomConnectorSourceProperties documentation Introduces or discusses updates to documentation. enhancement Requests to existing resources that expand the functionality or scope. service/appflow Issues and PRs that pertain to the appflow service. size/M Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR.
#41815 opened Mar 13, 2025 by ChintanpatelTH Loading…
[Bug fix] fix expanding process for operation_preferences.region_order in CloudFormation StackSet bug Addresses a defect in current functionality. service/cloudformation Issues and PRs that pertain to the cloudformation service. size/L Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41810 opened Mar 12, 2025 by tabito-hara Loading…
No longer export tagging functions generators Relates to code generators. service/accessanalyzer Issues and PRs that pertain to the accessanalyzer service. service/acm Issues and PRs that pertain to the acm service. service/acmpca Issues and PRs that pertain to the acmpca service. service/amp Issues and PRs that pertain to the amp service. service/amplify Issues and PRs that pertain to the amplify service. service/apigateway Issues and PRs that pertain to the apigateway service. service/apigatewayv2 Issues and PRs that pertain to the apigatewayv2 service. service/appautoscaling Issues and PRs that pertain to the appautoscaling service. service/appconfig Issues and PRs that pertain to the appconfig service. service/appfabric Issues and PRs that pertain to the appfabric service. service/appflow Issues and PRs that pertain to the appflow service. service/appintegrations Issues and PRs that pertain to the appintegrations service. service/applicationinsights Issues and PRs that pertain to the applicationinsights service. service/applicationsignals Issues and PRs that pertain to the applicationsignals service. service/appmesh Issues and PRs that pertain to the appmesh service. service/apprunner Issues and PRs that pertain to the apprunner service. service/appstream Issues and PRs that pertain to the appstream service. service/appsync Issues and PRs that pertain to the appsync service. service/athena Issues and PRs that pertain to the athena service. service/auditmanager Issues and PRs that pertain to the auditmanager service. service/autoscaling Issues and PRs that pertain to the autoscaling service. service/backup Issues and PRs that pertain to the backup service. service/batch Issues and PRs that pertain to the batch service. service/bcmdataexports Issues and PRs that pertain to the bcmdataexports service. service/bedrock Issues and PRs that pertain to the bedrock service. service/bedrockagent Issues and PRs that pertain to the bedrockagent service. service/budgets Issues and PRs that pertain to the budgets service. service/ce Issues and PRs that pertain to the ce service. service/chatbot Issues and PRs that pertain to the chatbot service. service/chime Issues and PRs that pertain to the chime service. service/chimesdkmediapipelines Issues and PRs that pertain to the chimesdkmediapipelines service. service/chimesdkvoice Issues and PRs that pertain to the chimesdkvoice service. service/cleanrooms Issues and PRs that pertain to the cleanrooms service. service/cloud9 Issues and PRs that pertain to the cloud9 service. service/cloudformation Issues and PRs that pertain to the cloudformation service. service/cloudfront Issues and PRs that pertain to the cloudfront service. service/cloudhsmv2 Issues and PRs that pertain to the cloudhsmv2 service. service/cloudtrail Issues and PRs that pertain to the cloudtrail service. service/cloudwatch Issues and PRs that pertain to the cloudwatch service. service/codeartifact Issues and PRs that pertain to the codeartifact service. service/codebuild Issues and PRs that pertain to the codebuild service. service/codecommit Issues and PRs that pertain to the codecommit service. service/codeconnections Issues and PRs that pertain to the codeconnections service. service/codeguruprofiler Issues and PRs that pertain to the codeguruprofiler service. service/codegurureviewer Issues and PRs that pertain to the codegurureviewer service. service/codepipeline Issues and PRs that pertain to the codepipeline service. service/codestarconnections Issues and PRs that pertain to the codestarconnections service. service/codestarnotifications Issues and PRs that pertain to the codestarnotifications service. service/cognitoidentity Issues and PRs that pertain to the cognitoidentity service. service/cognitoidp Issues and PRs that pertain to the cognitoidp service. service/comprehend Issues and PRs that pertain to the comprehend service. service/configservice Issues and PRs that pertain to the configservice service. service/connect Issues and PRs that pertain to the connect service. service/controltower Issues and PRs that pertain to the controltower service. service/cur Issues and PRs that pertain to the cur service. service/customerprofiles Issues and PRs that pertain to the customerprofiles service. service/databrew Issues and PRs that pertain to the databrew service. service/dataexchange Issues and PRs that pertain to the dataexchange service. service/datapipeline Issues and PRs that pertain to the datapipeline service. service/datasync Issues and PRs that pertain to the datasync service. service/datazone Issues and PRs that pertain to the datazone service. service/dax Issues and PRs that pertain to the dax service. service/deploy Issues and PRs that pertain to the deploy service. service/detective Issues and PRs that pertain to the detective service. service/devicefarm Issues and PRs that pertain to the devicefarm service. service/directconnect Issues and PRs that pertain to the directconnect service. service/dlm Issues and PRs that pertain to the dlm service. service/dms Issues and PRs that pertain to the dms service. service/docdb Issues and PRs that pertain to the docdb service. service/docdbelastic Issues and PRs that pertain to the docdbelastic service. service/drs Issues and PRs that pertain to the drs service. service/ds Issues and PRs that pertain to the ds service. service/dynamodb Issues and PRs that pertain to the dynamodb service. service/ec2ebs Issues and PRs that pertain to the ec2ebs service. service/ec2outposts Issues and PRs that pertain to the ec2outposts service. service/ec2 Issues and PRs that pertain to the ec2 service. service/ecr Issues and PRs that pertain to the ecr service. service/ecrpublic Issues and PRs that pertain to the ecrpublic service. service/ecs Issues and PRs that pertain to the ecs service. service/efs Issues and PRs that pertain to the efs service. service/eks Issues and PRs that pertain to the eks service. service/elasticache Issues and PRs that pertain to the elasticache service. service/elasticbeanstalk Issues and PRs that pertain to the elasticbeanstalk service. service/elasticsearch Issues and PRs that pertain to the elasticsearch service. service/elb Issues and PRs that pertain to the elb service. service/elbv2 Issues and PRs that pertain to the elbv2 service. service/emr Issues and PRs that pertain to the emr service. service/emrcontainers Issues and PRs that pertain to the emrcontainers service. service/emrserverless Issues and PRs that pertain to the emrserverless service. service/events Issues and PRs that pertain to the events service. service/evidently Issues and PRs that pertain to the evidently service. service/finspace Issues and PRs that pertain to the finspace service. service/firehose Issues and PRs that pertain to the firehose service. service/fis Issues and PRs that pertain to the fis service. service/fms Issues and PRs that pertain to the fms service. service/fsx Issues and PRs that pertain to the fsx service. service/gamelift Issues and PRs that pertain to the gamelift service. tags Pertains to resource tagging. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41797 opened Mar 12, 2025 by gdavison Loading…
[New Data Source] aws_ecrpublic_image documentation Introduces or discusses updates to documentation. generators Relates to code generators. new-data-source Introduces a new data source. service/ecrpublic Issues and PRs that pertain to the ecrpublic service. size/L Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR.
#41790 opened Mar 12, 2025 by liljoon Draft
Backup restore testing plan requires name but example didn't have one documentation Introduces or discusses updates to documentation. service/backup Issues and PRs that pertain to the backup service. size/XS Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR.
#41768 opened Mar 11, 2025 by AresiusXP Loading…
resource/aws_s3_bucket_lifecycle_configuration: Better handles eventual consistency for some regions prioritized Part of the maintainer teams immediate focus. To be addressed within the current quarter. service/s3 Issues and PRs that pertain to the s3 service. size/XL Managed by automation to categorize the size of a PR. tests PRs: expanded test coverage. Issues: expanded coverage, enhancements to test infrastructure.
#41764 opened Mar 11, 2025 by gdavison Loading…
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