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vue-smooth-picker Version Badge

πŸ„πŸΌ A smooth picker component for Vue 3.

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NPM Description

Let's simplify selecting data on the touchscreen device, such as time, city, gender, seat number, product, etc.

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npm i -S vue-smooth-picker

Quick look

  <smooth-picker :data="pickerData" @onChange="handleChange" />

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { SmoothPicker } from 'vue-smooth-picker'
import 'vue-smooth-picker/style.css'

const pickerData = ref([
    list: Array.from({ length: 24 }, (_, i) => ({ value: i.toString().padStart(2, '0') })),
    currentIndex: 0
    list: Array.from({ length: 60 }, (_, i) => ({ value: i.toString().padStart(2, '0') })),
    currentIndex: 0

const handleChange = (groupIndex, itemIndex) => {
  console.log('Changed:', { groupIndex, itemIndex })


Name Complexity Code
Product ⭐⭐⭐ Link
Datetime ⭐⭐ Link
Gender ⭐ Link

Data Structure

interface Props {
  data: PickerGroup[]
  onChange?: (groupIndex: number, itemIndex: number) => void

interface PickerGroup {
  list?: PickerItem[] // List of items in this group
  divider?: boolean // Indicates if this is a divider, default is false
  text?: string // Text used when divider is true
  flex?: number // Weight of the group in the parent container, range from 1 to 12
  className?: string // Custom class name
  textAlign?: string // Text alignment for items, can be 'left', 'center', or 'right'
  currentIndex?: number // Current index of the selected item, default is 0
  onClick?: (groupIndex: number, itemIndex: number) => void // Click event handler

interface PickerItem {
  value: string | number // The value of the item, can be a string or a number
  [key: string]: any // Other optional properties

Instance Methods

Name Type Description
setGroupData (groupIndex: number, groupData: PickerGroup) => void Dynamically updates the data for a specific group, allowing for real-time changes to the picker.
getCurrentIndexList () => number[] Returns an array of the current index for each group, reflecting the selected items.
getGroupsRectList () => void Updates the dimensions of the groups, which is useful for gesture handling. Call this method when the component's visibility changes.


  • 🎯 Vue 3 Support
  • πŸ’ͺ TypeScript Support
  • 🎨 Customizable styles
  • πŸ“± Touch-friendly
  • πŸ”„ Smooth animations


Vue 2 version (No longer maintained)

Looking for Vue 2 version? Check out vue-smooth-picker for Vue 2
