title | created | modified |
Chakra UI |
2022-04-19T10:22:12.071Z |
2022-04-19T16:34:01.043Z |
Box is the most abstract component on top of which all other Chakra UI components are built. By default, it renders a div
The Box component is useful because it helps with 3 common use cases:
- Create responsive layouts with ease.
- Provide a shorthand way to pass styles via props (bg instead of backgroundColor).
- Compose new component and allow for override using the as prop.
import { Box } from '@chakra-ui/react'
<Box bg='tomato' w='100%' p={4} color='white'>
This is the Box
Stack is a layout component that makes it easy to stack elements together and apply a space between them.
import { Stack, HStack, VStack } from '@chakra-ui/react'
The VStack component is a component which is only facing the vertical direction. Additionally you can add a divider and vertical spacing between the items.
The HStack component is a component which is only facing the horizontal direction. Additionally you can add a divider and horizontal spacing between the items.
<HStack spacing='24px'>
<Box w='40px' h='40px' bg='yellow.200'>
<Box w='40px' h='40px' bg='tomato'>
<Box w='40px' h='40px' bg='pink.100'>
The Drawer component is a panel that slides out from the edge of the screen. It can be useful when you need users to complete a task or view some details without leaving the current page.
import {
} from '@chakra-ui/react'
function DrawerExample() {
const { isOpen, onOpen, onClose } = useDisclosure()
const btnRef = React.useRef()
return (
<Button ref={btnRef} colorScheme='teal' onClick={onOpen}>
<DrawerOverlay />
<DrawerCloseButton />
<DrawerHeader>Create your account</DrawerHeader>
<Input placeholder='Type here...' />
<Button variant='outline' mr={3} onClick={onClose}>
<Button colorScheme='blue'>Save</Button>
Flex is Box with display: flex and comes with helpful style shorthand. It renders a div element.
import { Flex, Spacer } from '@chakra-ui/react'
<Flex color='white'>
<Center w='100px' bg='green.500'>
<Text>Box 1</Text>
<Square bg='blue.500' size='150px'>
<Text>Box 2</Text>
<Box flex='1' bg='tomato'>
<Text>Box 3</Text>
It creates equal spacing between the boxes in a flex box. If there are only two items, it will keep one at start and other at end.
<Box p='4' bg='red.400'>
Box 1
<Spacer />
<Box p='4' bg='green.400'>
Box 2
<Box p='2'>
<Heading size='md'>Chakra App</Heading>
<Spacer />
<Button colorScheme='teal' mr='4'>
Sign Up
<Button colorScheme='teal'>Log in</Button>
<Text>Flex and Spacer: Full width, equal Spacing</Text>
<Box w='70px' h='10' bg='red.500' />
<Spacer />
<Box w='170px' h='10' bg='red.500' />
<Spacer />
<Box w='180px' h='10' bg='red.500' />
Grid: The children start at the beginning, the 1/3 mark and 2/3 mark
<Grid templateColumns='repeat(3, 1fr)' gap={6}>
<Box w='70px' h='10' bg='blue.500' />
<Box w='170px' h='10' bg='blue.500' />
<Box w='180px' h='10' bg='blue.500' />
HStack: The children have equal spacing but don't span the whole container
<HStack spacing='24px'>
<Box w='70px' h='10' bg='teal.500' />
<Box w='170px' h='10' bg='teal.500' />
<Box w='180px' h='10' bg='teal.500' />
useDisclosure is a custom hook used to help handle common open, close, or toggle scenarios. It can be used to control feedback component such as Modal, AlertDialog, Drawer, etc.
import { useDisclosure } from '@chakra-ui/react'
function Example() {
const { isOpen, onOpen, onClose } = useDisclosure()
return (
<Button onClick={onOpen}>Open Drawer</Button>
<Drawer placement='right' onClose={onClose} isOpen={isOpen}>
<DrawerOverlay />
<DrawerHeader borderBottomWidth='1px'>Basic Drawer</DrawerHeader>
<p>Some contents...</p>
<p>Some contents...</p>
<p>Some contents...</p>
useColorMode is a React hook that gives you access to the current color mode, and a function to toggle the color mode.
function Example() {
const { colorMode, toggleColorMode } = useColorMode()
return (
<Button onClick={toggleColorMode}>
Toggle {colorMode === 'light' ? 'Dark' : 'Light'}
useColorModeValue is a React hook used to change any value or style based on the color mode. It takes 2 arguments: the value in light mode, and the value in dark mode.
// Here's the signature
const value = useColorModeValue(lightModeValue, darkModeValue)
function StyleColorMode() {
const { toggleColorMode } = useColorMode()
const bg = useColorModeValue('red.500', 'red.200')
const color = useColorModeValue('white', 'gray.800')
return (
<Box mb={4} bg={bg} color={color}>
This box's style will change based on the color mode.
<Button size='sm' onClick={toggleColorMode}>
Toggle Mode
Chakra UI allows you to provide object and array values to add mobile-first responsive styles. It uses the @media(min-width) media query to ensure your interfaces are mobile-first.
Responsive syntax relies on the breakpoints defined in the theme object. Chakra UI provides default breakpoints, here's what it looks like:
const breakpoints = {
sm: '30em',
md: '48em',
lg: '62em',
xl: '80em',
'2xl': '96em',
All style props accept arrays as values for mobile-first responsive styles. This is the recommended method.
<Box bg='red.200' w={[300, 400, 500]}>
This is a box
// These are the default breakpoints
const breakpoints = {
sm: '30em',
md: '48em',
lg: '62em',
xl: '80em',
'2xl': '96em',
// Internally, we transform to this
const breakpoints = ['0em', '30em', '48em', '62em', '80em', '96em']
To interpret array responsive values, Chakra UI converts the values defined in theme.breakpoints
and sorts them in ascending order. Afterward, we map the values defined in the array to the breakpoints
Here's how to interpret this syntax:
- 300px: From 0em upwards (0-29em)
- 400px: From 30em upwards (30em-47em)
- 500px: From 48em upwards (48em+)
You can also define responsive values with breakpoint aliases in an object. Any undefined alias key will define the base, non-responsive value.
<Text fontSize={{ base: '24px', md: '40px', lg: '56px' }}>
This is responsive text
Here's how to interpret this syntax:
- base: From 0em upwards (0-47em)
- md: From 48em upwards (48em-61em)
- lg: From 62em upwards (62em+)
NOTE - If you're using pixels as breakpoint values make sure to always provide a value for the 2xl breakpoint, which by its default pixels value is "1536px".
GlobalStyle is a new component in v1 that injects styles defined in theme.styles.global into the global styles of your app or website.
This allows you define theme-aware styles for any elements.
// 1. Using a style object
const theme = {
styles: {
global: {
'html, body': {
color: 'gray.600',
lineHeight: 'tall',
a: {
color: 'teal.500',
// 2. Using a function
// NB: Chakra gives you access to `colorMode` and `theme` in `props`
const theme = {
styles: {
global: (props) => ({
'html, body': {
fontSize: 'sm',
color: props.colorMode === 'dark' ? 'white' : 'gray.600',
lineHeight: 'tall',
a: {
color: props.colorMode === 'dark' ? 'teal.300' : 'teal.500',
import { mode } from '@chakra-ui/theme-tools'
const styles = {
global: (props) => ({
body: {
fontFamily: 'body',
color: mode('gray.800', 'whiteAlpha.900')(props),
bg: mode('white', 'gray.800')(props),
lineHeight: 'base',
'*::placeholder': {
color: mode('gray.400', 'whiteAlpha.400')(props),
'*, *::before, &::after': {
borderColor: mode('gray.200', 'whiteAlpha.300')(props),
wordWrap: 'break-word',
Note - mode(lightMode, darkMode)(props)
function is the same as props.colorMode === "dark" ? darkMode : lightMode