The PyTorch-Detect-Code-Switching repository implements a BiLSTM model for detecting code-switching (language alternation in text). Using a dataset of annotated tweets (English, Spanish, and others), the model achieves over 90% precision, recall, and F1 Scores. It is ideal for multilingual NLP research.
Currently, research in NLP focuses on dealing with types of multilingual content. Thus, the first thing we need to learn for working on different NLP tasks, such as Question Answering, is to accurately identify the languages on texts. This repository uses the idea behind the paper A Neural Model for Language Identification in Code-Switched Tweets.
This data is a collection of tweets; in particular, three files for the training set and three for the validation set:
tweet_id, user_id, start, end, gold label
tweet_id, user_id, tweet text
tweet_id, user_id, start, end, token, gold label
The gold labels can be one of three:
- en
- es
- other
As it can be seen in the following table, data are imbalanced in both the training and test set. While the number of
tokens in training data is about 50%, the number ofSpanish
tokens prevails in the test set.label train dev en
46042 3028 es
25563 4185 other
20257 2370 sum 91862 9583 -
The number of tweets in the training set is
and in the test set is832
. The tweets in both sets are wholly from two disjoint groups. The training set includes tweets of 6 persons and the test set has 8 persons' tweets.user id train dev 1 1160520883 156036283 2 1520815188 21327323 3 1651154684 270181505 4 169403434 28261811 5 304724626 364263613 6 336199483 382890691 7 418322879 8 76523773 -
distribution of unique tokens and characters.
unique token unique token (lower case) unique characters train 14366 12220 50 dev 2771 2559 28 -
The distribution of the length of the tokens is depicted below, which are taken by the following one-liner Linux command:
cut -f5 train_data.tsv|awk '{print length}'|sort -n |uniq -c|awk -F" " '{print $NF" " $(NF-1)}'|R --slave -e 'x <- scan(file="stdin", quiet=TRUE, what=list(numeric(), numeric())); png("Histogram of tokens length-train.png");plot(x[[1]],x[[2]], xlab="length", ylab="frequency", main="Train");'
It is evident that both data sets have the same distribution of tokens' lengths with a slight shift. There are several outliers in both datasets as users tend to repeat the characters on social media. The weighted average tokens' lengths for the training and test sets are
, respectively. I've used the following to compute these numbers:cut -f5 train_data.tsv|awk '{print length}'|sort -n |uniq -c|awk -F" " '{print $NF" " $(NF-1)}'|tr " " "*"|paste -sd+|bc -l
- Some rows in
resulting in a weird issue withpandas.read_csv
. Actually, it reads the next lines till reaches another"
, so I setquotechar
option to'\0'
(=NULL) inpandas.read_csv
to solve this issue. - I've also checked the availability of the Null in those files with the following command:
grep -Pa '\x00' data/train_data.tsv grep -Pa '\x00' data/dev_data.tsv
- Another solution to the previous issue is the
option with3
as its value, which meansQUOTE_NONE
. - As it is mentioned in the paper, the data contains many long and repetitive character sequences such as “hahahaha...”. To deal with these, we restricted any sequence of repeating characters to at most five repetitions with a maximum length of 20 for each token.
df['token'] = df['token'].apply(lambda t: re.sub(r'(.)\1{4,}',r'\1\1\1\1', t)[:20])
You can use the pip
program to install the dependencies on your own. They are all listed in the requirements.txt
To use this method, you would proceed as:
pip install -r requirements.txt
(word_embeddings): Char2Vec(
(embeds): Embedding(300, 9, padding_idx=0)
(conv1): Sequential(
(0): Conv1d(9, 21, kernel_size=(3,), stride=(1,))
(1): ReLU()
(2): Dropout(p=0.1, inplace=False)
(convs2): ModuleList(
(0): Sequential(
(0): Conv1d(21, 5, kernel_size=(3,), stride=(1,))
(1): ReLU()
(1): Sequential(
(0): Conv1d(21, 5, kernel_size=(4,), stride=(1,))
(1): ReLU()
(2): Sequential(
(0): Conv1d(21, 5, kernel_size=(5,), stride=(1,))
(1): ReLU()
(linear): Sequential(
(0): Linear(in_features=15, out_features=15, bias=True)
(1): ReLU()
(lstm): LSTM(15, 128, num_layers=2, batch_first=True, dropout=0.3, bidirectional=True)
(hidden2tag): Linear(in_features=256, out_features=4, bias=True)
Layer (type:depth-idx) Param #
├─Char2Vec: 1-1 --
| └─Embedding: 2-1 2,700
| └─Sequential: 2-2 --
| | └─Conv1d: 3-1 588
| | └─ReLU: 3-2 --
| | └─Dropout: 3-3 --
| └─ModuleList: 2-3 --
| | └─Sequential: 3-4 320
| | └─Sequential: 3-5 425
| | └─Sequential: 3-6 530
| └─Sequential: 2-4 --
| | └─Linear: 3-7 240
| | └─ReLU: 3-8 --
├─LSTM: 1-2 543,744
├─Linear: 1-3 1,028
Total params: 549,575
Trainable params: 549,575
Non-trainable params: 0
Just run
from code
directory. It assumes that the cwd
is in the code
with the following arguments:
: path of the pre-trained modeltext
: input text
Example usage:
python --model pretrained_model.pth --text="@lililium This is an audio book !"
Running the model on the Google Colab with Tesla T4 GPU
and 100 epochs, achieved the validation f1-score
of 0.92
precision recall f1-score support
en 0.93 0.93 0.93 3028
es 0.94 0.96 0.95 4185
other 0.95 0.90 0.93 2370
accuracy 0.94 9583
macro avg 0.94 0.93 0.94 9583
weighted avg 0.94 0.94 0.94 9583
- Data augmentation
- Fine tunning the model to find the best hyper-parameters
- Prediction GUI