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Está documentação também está disponível em Português do Brasil.

Purpose of this project is to offer a template for create an API in Ruby language using Grape API framework inside docker container and propose a development architecture for APIs. This template has:

  • An application docker container with Ruby language and their gems like Grape API Framework
  • A database docker container with Postgresql 12
  • A suggestion of directory structure for construct the application and their layers

In this project exist endpoint examples for Project and Healthcheck resources. We believe with these examples the developer can develop his/her application.

We will continue to improve this project according new ideas and suggestions appear, or according bugs are found.



Quick start - See the application working

  1. Build all containers:

    docker-compose build
  2. Start container development:

    docker-compose up development
  3. Done!

    You are able to use your API acessing http://localhost:3000. Try to check healthcheck endpoint: http://localhost:3000/healthcheck.

Development Usage

The Containers

This project uses four docker containers:

  • database: Container that provides a Postgres database with two instances: postgres_dev and postgres_test.
  • development: Container that executes the application. Depends on container database.
  • test: Container that executes tests and linter. Depends on container database.
  • apiblueprint: Container that executes API documentation server.
Services Depends on Objectives
database Creates Database Postgres container / Creates postgres_dev and postgres_test databases
development database Creates and executes application container
test database Creates application test container
apiblueprint Creates a API documentation server

Building Containers

To build all containers just execute following command:

docker-compose build

To build a only one container, execute:

docker-compose build <container-name>

Starting application

The application container (development) connects in database container (database), this means that development container depends on database container. For start both containers you have to execute following command:

docker-compose up development

In case you want to hide output docker information, you need to add -d parameter: docker-compose up -d development.

Note: in a first execution will be created database and its structure.


You are able to use your API acessing http://localhost:3000. Try to check healthcheck endpoint: http://localhost:3000/healthcheck.

Create data examples

If you need to insert some data in development database, you can use the rake task seeds with the following command.

docker-compose run --rm development rake db:seeds


  • Rake command clear all database tables before populate

Some information about containers:

  • database

    • Port: 5432
    • Databases created with docker/database/ file: postgres_test and postgres_dev
  • development

    • Port: 3000

More information about stop, start, restart, run containers and so on, read Docker Compose Documentation and Docker Documentation.

Execute tests

This project uses one more container only to executing tests. This container calls test. Create infrastructure for test container:

docker-compose up test

Execute all tests with following command:

docker-compose run --rm test rspec

For execute just one file test, you can inform a file in end of command.

docker-compose run --rm test rspec spec/services/healthcheck/get_service_spec.rb

This project uses Rspec Ruby gem as a test tool.

Execute code analizer

Create infrastructure for test container:

docker-compose up test

This project uses Rubocop Ruby gem as a Code Analizer tool, so analize all code with following command.

docker-compose run --rm test rubocop

For analize just one file, you can inform a file in end of command.

docker-compose run --rm test rubocop app/services/healthcheck/get_service.rb

Code coverage

This project uses Simplecov Ruby gem as Code Coverage tool, so know about this project code coverage opening file ./coverage/index.html after execute all tests with Rspec command.

Database Migrations

For execute database migrations:

docker-compose run --rm <container> rake db:migrate

This command removes container.

API Blueprint Documentation

This project uses API Blueprint as API Documentation, so you can edit file doc.apib with all documentation you need. To generate HTML file for this documentation and access it by Snowboard, you can use a simple docker-compose command:

docker-compose up apiblueprint

or use the following docker command:

docker run -it --rm -p -v $PWD:/doc http -b --playground -c config/snowboard.yml doc.apib

To access API Blueprint local server documentation page, visit http://localhost:8088.

The config/snowboard.yml configuration file was created to enable interative API documentation. So, its possible to simulate an API.

More information about documentation

Directory Structure

  • app -> Main API Directory. Where is contained all API logic.
    • endpoints -> Endpoints logical construction and endpoint mounts, divided by versions (v1, v2, v3 ...). Each resource has a directory and each http method (get, post, put, delete, etc) has a file.
    • entities -> Presentation logic of Endpoints data result, divided by versions (v1, v2, v3 ...). Each resource has an Entity representation.
    • errors -> Has error classes customized.
    • helpers -> Helper classes or modules for use in API
    • models -> Keeps model classes bound or not with database tables.
    • services -> Contains every business logic for each operation. Each resource has a directory and each operation (get, create, update, delete) has a file.
    • validators -> Contains validators classes or modules used to services. Each resource has a directory and each operation has a file.
  • config -> Contains application configuration files.
    • environments -> Each environment (test, development, production) is represented by a configuration file. Each file contains specific configuration for each environment.
    • initializers -> Has files that need to be load in the application initialization.
  • db -> Contains files associated to database execution using or not an ORM.
    • migrations -> Contains Sequel ORM migrations files.
    • seeds -> Contains classes that create data examples in database.
  • docker -> Has docker configuration files.
    • app -> Contains docker configuration files for application container.
    • database -> Contains docker configuration files for database container.
  • spec -> Has all tests, classes and modules for support tests, factories, everything about tests. Each written test has to follow their directory structure.
    • factories -> Keeps every factories class (we are using FactoryBot).
    • endpoints -> Contains tests for Endpoints.
    • models -> Contains tests for Models.
    • services -> Contains tests for Services.
    • commands -> Contains tests for Commands.

Additional information