Codewars is a site where programmers can train on programming challenges called Kata. This is my repository for my kata collections in Codewars. Feel free to check and do not forget to like or give star for this repository! Thank you.
- πΈ Square(n)_Sum
- πΈ Functional_Addition
- πΈ Snail
- πΈ Twice linear
- πΈ Next bigger number with the same digits
- πΈ Next smaller number with the same digits
- πΈ Sudoku Solution Validator
- πΈ Sum Strings as Numbers
- πΈ Human Readable Time
- πΈ Simple Pig Latin
- πΈ Moving Zeros To The End
- πΈ Valid Parentheses
- πΈ Directions Reduction
- πΈ Calculating with Functions
- πΈ Where my anagrams at?
- πΈ RGB To Hex Conversion
- πΈ Convert A Hex String To RGB
- πΈ Product of consecutive Fib numbers
- πΈ Weight for weight
- πΈ Perimeter of squares in a rectanglet
- πΈ First non-repeating character
- πΈ The Hashtag Generator
- πΈ Maximum subarray sum
- πΈ Rot13
- πΈ Greed is Good
- πΈ Double Cola
- πΈ Find the missing letter
- πΈ Find the odd int
- πΈ Consecutive strings
- πΈ Find the unique number
- πΈ Shortest steps to a number
- πΈ ThetaFormulation
- πΈ Multiples of 3 or 5
- πΈ Sum of Digits / Digital Root
- πΈ Who likes it?
- πΈ Stop gninnipS My sdroW!
- πΈ Find The Parity Outlier
- πΈ Persistent Bugger.
- πΈ Create Phone Number
- πΈ Array.diff
- πΈ Take a Ten Minute Walk
- πΈ Dubstep
- πΈ Counting Duplicates
- πΈ Tribonacci Sequence
- πΈ Playing with digits
- πΈ The Supermarket Queue
- πΈ Duplicate Encoder
- πΈ Which are in?
- πΈ A String of Sorts
- πΈ Find the divisors!
- πΈ List Filtering
- πΈ Isograms
- πΈ Reverse Words
- πΈ Case Swapping
- πΈ Vowel Count
- πΈ Get the Middle Character
- πΈ Mumbling
- πΈ You're a square!
- πΈ Disemvowel Trolls
- πΈ Highest and Lowest
- πΈ Exes and Ohs
- πΈ Complementary DNA
- πΈ Square Every Digit
- πΈ Shortest Word
- πΈ Jaden Casing Strings
- πΈ Descending Order
- πΈ Growth of a Population
- πΈ Sum of two lowest positive integers
- πΈ Find the next perfect square!
- πΈ Alphabet symmetry
- πΈ Printer Errors
- πΈ Remove the minimum
- πΈ Friend or Foe?
- πΈ Is this a triangle?
- πΈ Two to One
- πΈ *Beginner Series #3 Sum of Numbers
- πΈ Multiply
- πΈ Swap Values
- πΈ Simple Multiplication
- πΈ Total amount of points
- πΈ Convert a String to a Number!
- πΈ Convert a Number to a String!
- πΈ get ascii value of character
- πΈ get character from ASCII Value
- πΈ Square(n) Sum
- πΈ Sentence Smash
- πΈ Even or Odd
- πΈ Opposite number
- πΈ Find the smallest integer in the array
- πΈ Sum of positive
- πΈ String repeat
- πΈ Return Negative
- πΈ Remove First and Last Character
- πΈ Convert boolean values to strings 'Yes' or 'No'
- πΈ Counting sheep...
- πΈ Reversed Words
- πΈ Remove String Spaces
- πΈ Grasshopper - Summation
- πΈ Reversed Strings
- πΈ Basic Mathematical Operations
- πΈ Jenny's secret message
- πΈ Keep Hydrated!
- πΈ A Needle in the Haystack
- πΈ Count of positives / sum of negatives
- πΈ Calculate average
- πΈ Sum Arrays
- πΈ Count by X
- πΈ Count the Monkeys!
- πΈ Invert values
- πΈ Function 1 - hello world
- πΈ Century From Year