NOTE: this NixOS config is still a work in progress. Take anything in this repo with a grain of salt (for now).
- Tailscale
- Traefik
- sops
- Navidrome
- Jellyfin
- Immich
- DuckDNS
- Deluge/Gluetun
Main Home Server machine. Will eventually host some sort of MergerFS/SnapRaid setup as well as a few services like Jellyfin, Navidrome, PiHole etc.
Will eventually have a laptop configured with NixOS as a daily driver. Not yet ready to take the leap.
Will host a simple config with:
- Codium
- Thorium (Chromium based browser)
- Floorp (Firefox based browser)
- Other DX tools + languages (Node (nvm), Rust, Python, etc.)
mkdir -p /mnt/etc/nixos/
git clone /mnt/etc/nixos/
TODO: do we use disko or nah?
Before running, make sure to edit the
configuration you wish to use.
# nix --experimental-features "nix-command flakes" run github:nix-community/disko -- --mode disko /mnt/etc/nixos/disko/opslag.nix
Double check your disk has been correctly partitioned.
# Generate the flake.lock file
sudo nix --experimental-features "nix-command flakes" flake lock
# Check the configuration
nix --experimental-features "nix-command flakes" repl
nix-repl:> :lf .
# added 9 variables
nix-repl:> outputs.nixosConfigurations.opslag.config.fileSystems
# { "/" = { ... }; "/boot" = { ... }; }
nix-repl:> outputs.nixosConfigurations.opslag.config.fileSystems."/"
# { autoFormat = false; autoResize = false; depends = [ ... ]; device = "/dev/disk/by-partlabel/disk-main-root"; encrypted = { ... }; formatOptions = null; fsType = "ext4"; label = null; mountPoint = "/"; neededForBoot = false; noCheck = false; options = [ ... ]; stratis = { ... }; }
Install NixOS
# the '#opslag' is the name of your device you setup in your flake
sudo nixos-install --root /mnt --flake '/mnt/etc/nixos#opslag'
# NOTE: You will be prompted to set the root password at this point.
sudo reboot