Enhance your workflow with extensions
Tools from the community and partners to simplify tasks and automate processes
Build on your workflow with apps that integrate with GitHubGitGuardian
AppSecrets Security Platform - The most downloaded GitHub app lets you find and fix hardcoded API keys in code
AppAutomatically build, test, and deploy your project in minutes
Travis CI
AppTest and deploy with confidence
Connect your code without leaving Slack
Continuously build, test, and deploy to any platform and cloud
AppProject management that's seamlessly integrated with GitHub’s data & interface, builds powerful insights & automates tasks
GitHub for Jira synchronizes development across tools and uses automation to remove manual steps and shorten delivery time
AppFind, fix (and prevent!) known vulnerabilities in your code
Enables AWS services to get notified on repository events, and download source code to build, test and deploy
Empowering developers to detect Security Vulnerabilities, Bugs, and Code Smells in pull requests and repositories
Build, test, & deploy in a fast, consistent, and secure manner
AppMetrics, goals, and time tracking automatically generated from your programming activity
Azure Boards
AppConnects Azure Boards with GitHub to plan, track, and discuss work across your teams
AppBuild themes and headless faster with Shopify for GitHub. Connect any repository, then push to deploy
Automatic test report merging for all CI and languages into a single code coverage report directly into your pull request
Cloud-based continuous integration and delivery for Android, iOS, Flutter, React Native, Ionic and Unity projects
AppAlways ready to code - Spin up fresh cloud development environments for each task, fully automated, in seconds
AppCodacy helps to build effortless code quality and security for developers
AppSync your markdown files and transform them into beautiful docs with one click
Code Climate
AppAutomated code review for technical debt and test coverage