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Bring order to chaos. Level up your JS application architecture with Module Composer, a tiny but powerful module composition utility based on functional dependency injection.

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Module Composer

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Bring order to chaos. Level up your JS application architecture with Module Composer, a tiny but powerful module composition utility based on functional dependency injection.

Table of Contents


npm install module-composer

At a glance

A contrived example to set the scene.

// compose.js
import composer from 'module-composer';
import modules from './modules/index.js';

export default ({ config }) => {
    const { compose } = composer(modules, { config });
    const { repositories } = compose('repositories');
    const { services } = compose('services', { repositories });
    const { views } = compose('views', { services });
    return compose.modules;
// app.js
import compose from './compose.js';
const { views } = compose();

API Reference


import composer from 'module-composer'; // 👀 esm
const composer = require('module-composer'); // 👀 cjs

Using options

The last argument of both composer and compose take options that customise the composition process. Those options may be specified and overridden according to the following rules:

  1. Top-level composer options apply to all modules by default.
  2. The top-level composer option, defaults, takes an object of compose options keyed by module name which override (1) options for said module.
  3. compose options apply only the module being composed and override both (1) and (2) for said module.

The following example illustrates with a fictional option:

const { compose } = composer(modules, { foobar: 1, defaults: { mod: { foobar: 2 } } });
const { mod } = compose('mod', {}, { foobar: 3 });

Composing modules

compose.make or just compose: Compose a module

For the majority of cases.

const modules = {
    mod1: {
        fun1: () => () => 'hello world'
    mod2: {
        fun2: ({ mod1 }) => () => mod1.fun1()

const { compose } = composer(modules);
const { mod1 } = compose('mod1');
const { mod2 } = compose('mod2', { mod1 });
mod2.fun2(); // == "hello world"

compose.deep: Compose a deep module

For modules that have organisational substructures.

const modules = {
    mod1: {
        sub1: { // 👀 organisational substructure
            fun1: () => () => 'hello world'
    mod2: {
        sub2: { // 👀 organisational substructure
            fun2: ({ mod1 }) => () => mod1.sub1.fun1();

const { compose } = composer(modules);
const { mod1 } = compose.deep('mod1');
const { mod2 } = compose.deep('mod2', { mod1 });
mod2.sub2.fun2(); // == "hello world" 👀 sub2 remains

compose.flat: Compose and flatten a module

For modules that have organisational substructures for development convenience that should be stripped from (flattened in) the final result.

const modules = {
    mod1: {
        sub1: { // 👀 organisational substructure
            fun1: () => () => 'hello world'
    mod2: {
        sub2: { // 👀 organisational substructure
            fun2: ({ mod1 }) => () => mod1.fun1();

const { compose } = composer(modules);
const { mod1 } = compose.flat('mod1');
const { mod2 } = compose.flat('mod2', { mod1 });
mod2.fun2(); // == "hello world" 👀 sub2 removed

compose.asis: Register an existing module

For modules that don't require dependencies.

const modules = {
    mod1: {
        fun1: () => 'hello world' // 👀 no higher order function to accept deps
    mod2: {
        fun2: ({ mod1 }) => () => mod1.fun1()

const { compose } = composer(modules);
const { mod1 } = compose.asis('mod1'); // 👀 no deps accepted
const { mod2 } = compose('mod2', { mod1 });
mod2.fun2(); // == "hello world"

Nested modules

Modules that have an organisational superstructure can be composed by specifying the path (delimited by dot) to the module.

const modules = {
    sup1: {  // 👀 organisational superstructure
        mod1: {
            fun1: () => () => 'hello world'
    sup2: { // 👀 organisational superstructure
        mod2: {
            fun2: ({ mod1 }) => () => mod1.fun1();

const { compose } = composer(modules);
const { mod1 } = compose('sup1.mod1'); // 👀 delimited by dot
const { mod2 } = compose('sup2.mod2', { mod1 });  // 👀 delimited by dot
mod2.fun2(); // == "hello world" 👀 sup2 removed

Retrieving modules

For convenience, compose returns all previous modules composed, in addition to the most recent.

const { compose } = composer(modules);
const { mod1, mod2 } = compose('mod2', { mod1 });  // 👀 mod1 also returned

Composed modules can also be accessed directly with compose.modules.

const { compose } = composer(modules);
compose('mod2', { mod1 }); 
const { mod1, mod2 } = compose.modules;  // 👀 both mod1 and mod2 are returned

Self referencing

Module functions can reference others functions in the same module either by name, or by the special alias self.

self: Refer to the same module

const modules = {
    mod: {
        fun1: ({ mod }) => () => mod.fun2(),
        fun2: ({ self }) => () => self.fun3(), // 👀 self is an alias of mod
        fun3: () => () => 'hello world'

const { compose } = composer(modules);
const { mod } = compose('mod');
mod.fun1(); // == "hello world"

here: Refer to the same level

In the case of deep modules, here is a reference to the current level in the object hierarchy.

const modules = {
    mod: {
        fun1: ({ here }) => () => here.sub.fun2(), // 👀 here is an alias of mod
        sub: {
            fun2: ({ here }) => () => here.fun3(), // 👀 here is an alias of mod.sub
            fun3: () => () => 'hello world'

const { compose } = composer(modules);
const { mod } = compose.deep('mod');
mod.fun1(); // == "hello world"

Overriding modules == Stubbing made easy

Where dependency injection is not used, it's common practice in JavaScript to stub file imports using testing tools. This approach can lead to brittle tests because the tests become coupled to the physical file location of scripts in addition to the modules they export.

The overrides option can be used to override any part of the module hierarchy. This can be useful for stubbing in tests.

The top-level composer option, overrides, takes an object keyed by module name.

const modules = {
    mod: {
        fun: () => () => http.get('')

const overrides = {
    mod: {
        fun: () => 'hello world' // 👀 same function, different result

const { compose } = composer(modules, { overrides });
const { mod } = compose('mod');; // == "hello world" 👀 avoids the http request

Application configuration

Module Composer provides convenient utility functions for managing application configuration.

configure.merge or just configure: Merge config objects

configure.merge, or just configure takes objects, arrays of objects, and functions and merges them in the order specified using Lodash merge. Functions are invoked with the preceeding merged value as an argument, and the result takes the function's place in the merge sequence.

import { configure } from 'module-composer';
const defaultConfig = { a: 1 };
const userConfig = { b: 2 };
const deriveConfig = config => ({ c: config.a + config.b });
const config = configure(defaultConfig, userConfig, deriveConfig);
// == { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }

configure.mergeWith: Custom merge config objects

configure.mergeWith applies a customiser function as the first argument using Lodash mergeWith. The following example demonstrates array concatenation.

import { configure } from 'module-composer';

const customiser = (objValue, srcValue) => {
    if (Array.isArray(objValue)) return objValue.concat(srcValue);

const defaultConfig = { arr: [1] };
const userConfig = { arr: [2] };
const config = configure.mergeWith(customiser, defaultConfig, userConfig);
// == { arr: [1, 2] }

Configuration as an option

Module Composer can also take configuration as an option with the same behaviour as configure.merge. This not only returns the resulting configuration but also injects it automatically into each composed module.

const modules = {
    mod: {
        fun: ({ config }) => () => config.c

const defaultConfig = { a: 'hello' };
const userConfig = { b: 'world' };
const deriveConfig = config => ({ c: `${config.a} ${config.b}` });
const { compose, config } = composer(modules, { config: [defaultConfig, userConfig, deriveConfig] });
const { mod } = compose('mod'); // 👀 config injected automatically // == "hello world"

For added convienience, defaultConfig is also an option that will take precedence over config.

Freezing config

To encourage immutability, configuration is frozen (deeply) to prevent modification. In effect, turning config into constants. This effect can be disabled with the freezeConfig option.

Frozen config

const { compose, config } = composer(modules, { config: { a: 1 } });
config.a = 2; // has no effect

Unfrozen config

const { compose, config } = composer(modules, { config: { a: 1 }, freezeConfig: false });
config.a = 2; // change is applied

Config aliases

The configAlias option takes a string or array of string specifying alternative names for config. Config aliases are also injected into each module automatically. By default, config is automatically aliased to constants, since config should not change once injected.

Default alias

const { compose, config, constants } = composer(modules, { config: { a: 1 } });
// config and constants are the same object reference

Custom alias

const { compose, config, settings } = composer(modules, { config: { a: 1 }, configAlias: 'settings' });
// config and settings are the same object reference


Module Composer features a number of built-in extensions.

Extensions are enabled by default.

To selectively enable extensions, import each extension from module-composer/extensions/, then import module-composer/core:

Taking the mermaid extension as an example:

import 'module-composer/extensions/mermaid.js';
import composer from 'module-composer/core';

mermaid: Generate dependency diagrams

A picture paints a thousand words. There's no better aid for reasoning about software design than a good old-fashioned dependency diagram.

Module Composer supports Mermaid diagrams by generating Mermaid diagram-as-code syntax for a given composition.

Mermaid is a tool for creating diagrams and visualizations using text and code.

Did you know that GitHub can render diagrams directly from Mermaid syntax?! See Include diagrams in your Markdown files with Mermaid for more information.

Given the following composition:

import composer from 'module-composer';
import modules from './modules/index.js';

export default () => {
    const { compose } = composer(modules);
    const { stores } = compose('stores');
    const { services } = compose('services', { stores });
    compose('components', { services });
    return compose.modules;

Use compose.mermaid() to generate the following Mermaid diagram-as-code:

graph TD;

Which Mermaid renders as:

graph TD;

Pretty cool, huh!

module-alias: Reference modules by alternative names

As a compose option, moduleAlias takes a string or array of string.

const modules = {
    mod1: {
        fun1: () => () => 'hello world',
    mod2: {
        fun2: ({ m1 }) => () => m1.fun1() // 👀 m1 is an alias of mod1

const { compose } = composer(modules);
const { mod1 } = compose('mod1', {}, { moduleAlias: 'm1' });
const { m2 } = compose('mod2', { mod1 }, { moduleAlias: 'm2' });
m2.fun2(); // == 'hello world' 👀 m2 is an alias of mod2

function-alias: Reference functions by alternative names

The functionAlias option takes an array of entries specifying patterns and replacements for any matching function.

As a compose option, applies to associated module:

const modules = {
    mod: {
        fun1: () => () => 'hello world',
        fun2: ({ mod }) => () => mod.fn1(), // 👀 fn1 is an alias of fun1

const { compose } = composer(modules};
const { mod } = compose('mod', { dep1, dep2 }, { functionAlias: [ [/fun/, 'fn'] ] });
mod.fn2(); // == "hello world" 👀 fn2 is an alias of fun2

As a top-level composer option, applies to any module:

const modules = {
    mod1: {
        fun1: () => () => 'hello world'        
    mod2: {
        fun2: ({ mod1 }) => () => mod1.fn1(), // 👀 fn1 is an alias of fun1

const { compose } = composer(modules, { functionAlias: [ [/fun/, 'fn'] ] }}; // 👀 composer option
const { mod1 } = compose('mod1');
const { mod2 } = compose('mod2', { mod1 });
mod2.fn2(); // == "hello world" 👀 fn2 is an alias of fun2

access-modifiers: True public and private functions

The privatePrefix and publicPrefix options take a string specifying a prefix used to determine whether a function should be considered private or public. By default, these are set to _ and $ respectively. The prefixes are stripped from the final result.

Typically only one prefix is required, since any unprefixed functions will assume the opposite. If both prefixes are used, unprefixed default to private.

const modules = {
    foo: {
        public:   ({ foo }) => () => { /* ✅ foo.private */ },
        _private: ({ foo }) => () => { /* ✅ foo.public  */ }
    bar: {
        $public: ({ foo, bar }) => () => { /* ❌ foo.private, ✅ bar.private */ },
        private: ({ foo, bar }) => () => { /* ✅ foo.public,  ✅ bar.public  */ }

const { compose } = composer(modules);
const { foo } = compose('foo');          // ✅ foo.public, ❌ foo.private
const { bar } = compose('bar', { foo }); // ✅ bar.public, ❌ bar.private

eject: Opt out of Module Composer

Module Composer can be ejected by generating the equivalent vanilla JavaScript code. Well, that's the vision anyway! The current implementation has some limitations. Please raise an issue if you'd like to see this developed further.

perf: Meaure composition performance

Module Composer is fast. In fact, so fast that it needs to be measured with sub-millisecond precision. Performance is measured by default for easy analysis.

Use compose.perf() to see the total composition duration, and a break down of duration per module.

Why Module Composer?


Why is it so common for JavaScript applications these days (backend and frontend) to be organised and reasoned about in terms of scripts and files, and navigated via a convoluted maze of file imports?

Module Composer aims to encourage good modular design and intentionality for application architecture by making it easier to design and reason about applications at a higher level, in this case, as a composition of modules.

So what is a module? Not to be confused with JavaScript CJS or ESM modules, a module in this context is simply a plain old JavaScript object (a POJO!) containing higher-order functions that accept module dependencies as arguments. These higher-order functions in turn, return first-order functions enabling invocation to be deferred to later in the application lifecycle. Module dependencies remain available to the first-order function owing to the power of closures (stateful functions). Closures are a native feature of JavaScript.

This is analogous to calling a class constructor with dependencies and returning the resulting instance. However rather than using a class to encapsulate dependency state, closure functions are used instead.

If that sounds like a lot to wrap your head around, fear not! Implementation-wise it's actually rather simple.

How it works

Consider the following example:

const modules = {
    components: {
        productDetails: ({ orderingService }) => ({ product }) => {
            // When Add to Cart button clicked...
            orderingService.addToCart({ product, quantity: 1 });
    orderingService: {
        addToCart: () => ({ product, quantity }) => {

The components module is a plain-old JavaScript object representing some kind of UI components.

It contains one entry, productDetails which returns a higher-order function accepting the orderingService module as a dependency. This dependency would be satisfied early in the application lifecycle, ideally as close to the application entry point, i.e. main, as possible.

The result is a first-order function which in this context could be thought of as the productDetails component factory function. It accepts a product argument and enables the capability of adding a product to a shopping cart via the orderingService module. The entry point is too early in the application lifecycle to be reasoning about products. Therefore it needs to be pushed deeper into the application so that invocation can be deferred until the appropriate moment.

The following example demonstrates invocation without Module Composer:

// Program entry point
import modules from './modules/index.js'; // as above
const components = {}, orderingService = {};
orderingService.addToCart = modules.orderingService.addToCart(); // no dependencies
components.productDetails = modules.components.productDetails({ orderingService });

// Later in the application lifecycle
const product = ...
const productDetails = components.productDetails({ product });

As demonstrated, this handy pattern can be applied in vanilla JavaScript without the use of any tools.

So why Module Composer?

It doesn't take long before all the wiring adds up. The wiring follows a consistent pattern an is ripe for automation. And in a nutshell, that's what Module Composer does.

Module Composer simply iterates over an object, invokes each function it finds with the given module dependencies, and returns a mirror of the object with the higher-order functions substituted with the first-order functions. Module Composer is very simple. Is not an IoC container; it does not feature dependency resolution. It is a simple tool that facilitates Pure DI. See more on Dependency Injection below.

Here's the equivalent using Module Composer:

import composer from 'module-composer';
import modules from './modules/index.js';
const { compose } = composer(modules);
const { orderingService } = compose('orderingService');
const { components } = compose('components', { services });

Module Composer takes care of injecting dependencies into each individual function, cleaning up the code and shifting focus to the composition of modules.

p.s. In case you're wondering, Module Composer works with React. Say hello to dependency injection in React, and farewell and good riddance to prop-drilling, context, custom hooks, attemping to work around that lack of it.

See Stazione Simulation for example usage of Module Composer with React.

Composition root

A Composition Root is a (preferably) unique location in an application where modules are composed together.
Mark Seeman

Module Composer is a tool that facilitates module composition, therefore its use should be limited and isolated to the Composition Root, as close to the application entry point as possible.

In the following example, the Composition Root has been extracted to a separate file, then consumed by the application entry point:

import composer from 'module-composer';
import modules from './modules/index.js';

export default () => {
    const { compose } = composer(modules);
    const { orderingService } = compose('orderingService');
    compose('components', { orderingService });
    return compose.modules;

Example of an entry point for a SPA:

import compose from './compose.js';
const { components } = compose(); // Invoke the Composition Root
const app =; // Create an instance of the app component
document.getElementById('app').append(app); // Append the app component to the DOM

Extracting the Composition Root can be especially useful for applications that have multiple entry points.

Recommended reading:


Many applications revolve around a number of rather large, overwhelming files containing many functions. This can happen organically through the pressure of delivery and sometimes by design driven by the ideas of cohesion and ecapsulation, amongst others. While breaking these large files down into smaller ones would seem to be the logical solution, the thought of managing a great number of small files can also seem overwhelming.

Module Composer makes the idea of file-per-function easy when used in conjunction with barrel rollups. In JavaScript, a barrel rollup is typically implemented as an index.js file that exports every other file (and perhaps sub-directory) in the same directory - an approach most JavaScript developers would already be familiar with.

Example of file-per-function on the file system:

└── app.js
└── compose.js
└── modules
    └── index.js
    └── ordering-service
        └── index.js
        └── add-to-cart.js
    └── components
        └── index.js
        └── product-details.js

Example src/modules/index.js using ES Modules:

import orderingService from './ordering-service/index.js';
import components from './components/index.js';

export default {

Example src/modules/index.js using Common JS:

const orderingService = require('./ordering-service');
const components = require('./components');

module.exports = {

This approach offers a number of additional benefits including:

  • Only ever needing to import a file once regardless of the number of usages.
  • Reducing or eliminating the large blocks of import statements typically found at the top of any file.
  • Eliminating any need for path traversal, i.e. ../../../. Path traversal is a potential code smell due to the risk of inappropriate coupling. Instead, the relationships between each module are explicitly established during at application initialisation time.

This pattern opens the possibility of generating index.js files. This means that not only is each file only ever imported once, import/require statements needn't be manually written at all. The module-indexgen package is designed to do just that:

It should be noted that Module Composer is not dependent on the file-per-function pattern. How you structure the file system is up to you.

Dependency injection

Module Composer achieves the equivalent of dependency injection using closures (stateful functions).

Well known advantages of dependency injection include:

  • Enables Inversion of Control (IoC). Hollywood principle: Don't call us, we'll call you!
  • Ability to swap implementations, e.g. repositories that integrate with different database engines.
  • Ability to stub/mock/fake dependencies for testing purposes.

A DI Container is a framework to create dependencies and inject them automatically when required.

Please note, Module Composer is NOT a DI Container. A DI Container is a tool that creates dependencies and injects them automatically when required. Module Composer is a utility for making Pure DI easy.

Dependency injection is a big (and sometimes controversial) topic and worth being familiar with.

Although Module Composer enables dependency injection, remember that the primary aim is to encourage good modular design and intentionality for application architecture.

Recommended reading:

Functional programming

Module Composer is designed with a bias toward functional programming.

The closure-based approach is only possible thanks to JavaScript support for functions as first-class objects. That's not to suggest JavaScript or Module Composer are necessarily functional, but preferencing functions over classes (for instance) may encourage a more functional design. It's entirely possible, and arguably desirable to design JavaScript applications without classes!

An important consideration in functional design is the segregation of pure and impure functions. When designing modules, be intentional about purity and impurity.

One very important characteristic of impurity is that it’s inherently contagious. Any function that depends on the execution of an impure function becomes impure as well.
Oleksii Holub

See Fitness functions below to learn how Module Composer can help maintain pure-impure segregation.

Recommended reading:

Fitness functions

Module Composer can describe the dependency graph to enable fitness functions on coupling.

An architectural fitness function, as defined in Building Evolutionary Architectures, provides an objective integrity assessment of some architectural characteristics, which may encompass existing verification criteria, such as unit testing, metrics, monitors, and so on.

Inappropriate coupling leads to brittle designs that can be difficult to reason about, difficult to change and difficult to test.

Use compose.dependencies to obtain a dependency graph similar to:

    components: ['services'],
    services: ['stores'],
    stores: []

The examples below leverage compose.dependencies to demonstrate fitness function in the form of unit tests.

Example 1: N-tier architecture

Assuming an n-tier architecture, where the components module resides in the presentation layer, services in the domain layer, and stores in the persistence layer, it could be tempting to couple components to stores, inadvertently bypassing the domain layer.

Can't see the diagram? View it on GitHub

graph TD;
    components-->|NOT OK!|stores;

The following fitness function asserts that components is not coupled to stores.

test('components is not coupled to stores in order to maintain layering', () => {
    const { dependencies } = compose();

Example 2: Pure-impure segregation

util is a module of pure utility functions, and io is module is impure io operations. It could be tempting to extend util with say file utilities that depend on io, however doing so would make util impure.

Can't see the diagram? View it on GitHub

graph TD;
    util["util<br/>(pure)"]-->|NOT OK!|io

The following fitness function asserts that util is not coupled to io.

test('util is not coupled to io in order to maintain purity', () => {
    const { dependencies } = compose();

The solution introducing file utilities whilst maintaining purity would be to introduce a new module, say fileUtil:

Can't see the diagram? View it on GitHub

graph TD;
    util["util<br/>(pure)"]-->|NOT OK!|io

Advanced example: Agile Avatars

Great looking avatars for your agile board and experiment in FRAMEWORK-LESS, vanilla JavaScript.

Composition root

import composer from 'module-composer';
import modules from './modules/index.js';
import defaultConfig from './default-config.js';

export default ({ window, config, overrides }) => {

    const { compose } = composer(modules, { defaultConfig, config, overrides });

    const { util } = compose.asis('util');
    const { storage } = compose.asis('storage');

    // Data
    const { stores } = compose('stores', { storage });
    const { subscriptions } = compose('subscriptions', { stores, util });

    // Domain
    const { core } = compose.deep('core', { util });
    const { io } = compose('io', { window });
    const { services } = compose.deep('services', { subscriptions, stores, core, io, util });

    // Presentation
    const { ui } = compose('ui', { window });
    const { elements } = compose('elements', { ui, util });
    const { vendorComponents } = compose('vendorComponents', { ui, window });
    const { components } = compose.deep('components', { io, ui, elements, vendorComponents, services, subscriptions, util });
    const { styles } = compose('styles', { ui, subscriptions });

    // Startup    
    compose('diagnostics', { stores, util });
    return compose('startup', { ui, components, styles, services, subscriptions, stores, util, window });


Performance measurements generated with perf extension

MacBook Pro (14 inch, 2021). Apple M1 Max. 32 GB.

    "modules": {
        "util": {
            "key": "util",
            "startTime": 66.85362505912781,
            "endTime": 67.04275000095367,
            "duration": 0.1891249418258667
        "storage": {
            "key": "storage",
            "startTime": 67.16124999523163,
            "endTime": 67.17516708374023,
            "duration": 0.013917088508605957
        "stores": {
            "key": "stores",
            "startTime": 67.32708406448364,
            "endTime": 67.53591704368591,
            "duration": 0.2088329792022705
        "subscriptions": {
            "key": "subscriptions",
            "startTime": 67.60304200649261,
            "endTime": 67.71549999713898,
            "duration": 0.1124579906463623
        "core": {
            "key": "core",
            "startTime": 68.33958399295807,
            "endTime": 68.48650002479553,
            "duration": 0.14691603183746338
        "io": {
            "key": "io",
            "startTime": 68.55229198932648,
            "endTime": 68.64966702461243,
            "duration": 0.09737503528594971
        "services": {
            "key": "services",
            "startTime": 68.97620904445648,
            "endTime": 69.28770899772644,
            "duration": 0.3114999532699585
        "ui": {
            "key": "ui",
            "startTime": 69.40933406352997,
            "endTime": 69.45783400535583,
            "duration": 0.0484999418258667
        "elements": {
            "key": "elements",
            "startTime": 69.5402500629425,
            "endTime": 69.68437504768372,
            "duration": 0.14412498474121094
        "vendorComponents": {
            "key": "vendorComponents",
            "startTime": 69.86245906352997,
            "endTime": 69.902459025383,
            "duration": 0.039999961853027344
        "components": {
            "key": "components",
            "startTime": 70.45812499523163,
            "endTime": 70.90329205989838,
            "duration": 0.44516706466674805
        "styles": {
            "key": "styles",
            "startTime": 71.07675004005432,
            "endTime": 71.14279198646545,
            "duration": 0.06604194641113281
        "diagnostics": {
            "key": "diagnostics",
            "startTime": 71.19929206371307,
            "endTime": 71.22029209136963,
            "duration": 0.021000027656555176
        "startup": {
            "key": "startup",
            "startTime": 71.34650003910065,
            "endTime": 71.40149998664856,
            "duration": 0.0549999475479126
    "totalDuration": 1.8999578952789307,
    "durationUnit": "ms"

Mermaid diagram generated with mermaid extension

Can't see the diagram? View it on GitHub

graph TD;
graph TD;

Code generated with eject extension

(modules, { window }) => {

    const util = { ...modules.util };
    const utilDependencies = { util };
    util.debounce = util.debounce({ ...utilDependencies });
    util.mapValues = util.mapValues({ ...utilDependencies });
    util.pipe = util.pipe({ ...utilDependencies });
    util.splitAt = util.splitAt({ ...utilDependencies });
    util.upperFirst = util.upperFirst({ ...utilDependencies });

    const storage = { };
    const storageDependencies = { storage };
    storage.stateStore = storage.stateStore({ ...storageDependencies });

    const stores = { ...modules.stores };
    const storesDependencies = { stores, storage };
    stores.setup = stores.setup({ ...storesDependencies });

    const subscriptions = { ...modules.subscriptions };
    const subscriptionsDependencies = { subscriptions, stores, util };
    subscriptions.setup = subscriptions.setup({ ...subscriptionsDependencies });

    const core = { ...modules.core };
    const coreDependencies = { core, util };
    core.gravatar.buildImageUrl = core.gravatar.buildImageUrl({ ...coreDependencies });
    core.gravatar.buildProfileUrl = core.gravatar.buildProfileUrl({ ...coreDependencies });
    core.gravatar.getNameFromProfile = core.gravatar.getNameFromProfile({ ...coreDependencies });
    core.gravatar.hashEmail = core.gravatar.hashEmail({ ...coreDependencies });
    core.roles.assignColor = core.roles.assignColor({ ...coreDependencies });
    core.roles.buildRole = core.roles.buildRole({ ...coreDependencies });
    core.roles.randomColor = core.roles.randomColor({ ...coreDependencies });
    core.tags.buildTag = core.tags.buildTag({ ...coreDependencies });
    core.tags.parseEmailExpression = core.tags.parseEmailExpression({ ...coreDependencies });
    core.tags.parseFileExpression = core.tags.parseFileExpression({ ...coreDependencies });
    core.tags.parseTagExpression = core.tags.parseTagExpression({ ...coreDependencies });
    core.tags.planTagInstanceAdjustment = core.tags.planTagInstanceAdjustment({ ...coreDependencies });
    core.tags.sortTagInstancesByTagThenMode = core.tags.sortTagInstancesByTagThenMode({ ...coreDependencies });
    core.tags.sortTagsByName = core.tags.sortTagsByName({ ...coreDependencies });
    core.tags.sortTagsByRoleThenName = core.tags.sortTagsByRoleThenName({ ...coreDependencies });

    const io = { };
    const ioDependencies = { io, window };
    io.setup = io.setup({ ...ioDependencies });

    const services = { };
    const servicesDependencies = { services, subscriptions, stores, core, io, util };
    services.gravatar.changeFallback = services.gravatar.changeFallback({ ...servicesDependencies });
    services.gravatar.changeFreetext = services.gravatar.changeFreetext({ ...servicesDependencies });
    services.gravatar.fetchImageAsync = services.gravatar.fetchImageAsync({ ...servicesDependencies });
    services.gravatar.fetchProfileAsync = services.gravatar.fetchProfileAsync({ ...servicesDependencies });
    services.gravatar.status = services.gravatar.status({ ...servicesDependencies });
    services.roles.changeRoleColor = services.roles.changeRoleColor({ ...servicesDependencies });
    services.roles.changeRoleName = services.roles.changeRoleName({ ...servicesDependencies });
    services.roles.findOrInsertRoleWithName = services.roles.findOrInsertRoleWithName({ ...servicesDependencies });
    services.roles.getNilRoleId = services.roles.getNilRoleId({ ...servicesDependencies });
    services.roles.getRole = services.roles.getRole({ ...servicesDependencies });
    services.roles.insertRole = services.roles.insertRole({ ...servicesDependencies });
    services.roles.isNilRole = services.roles.isNilRole({ ...servicesDependencies });
    services.roles.setupRolePropagation = services.roles.setupRolePropagation({ ...servicesDependencies });
    services.settings.changeModal = services.settings.changeModal({ ...servicesDependencies });
    services.settings.changeOption = services.settings.changeOption({ ...servicesDependencies });
    services.settings.clearModal = services.settings.clearModal({ ...servicesDependencies });
    services.settings.getGravatar = services.settings.getGravatar({ ...servicesDependencies });
    services.tags.adjustTagInstanceCounts = services.tags.adjustTagInstanceCounts({ ...servicesDependencies });
    services.tags.attachImageAsync = services.tags.attachImageAsync({ ...servicesDependencies });
    services.tags.buildTagInstance = services.tags.buildTagInstance({ ...servicesDependencies });
    services.tags.changeTagName = services.tags.changeTagName({ ...servicesDependencies });
    services.tags.changeTagRole = services.tags.changeTagRole({ ...servicesDependencies });
    services.tags.getTagInstance = services.tags.getTagInstance({ ...servicesDependencies });
    services.tags.insertFileAsync = services.tags.insertFileAsync({ ...servicesDependencies });
    services.tags.insertFileBatchAsync = services.tags.insertFileBatchAsync({ ...servicesDependencies });
    services.tags.insertGravatarAsync = services.tags.insertGravatarAsync({ ...servicesDependencies });
    services.tags.insertGravatarBatchAsync = services.tags.insertGravatarBatchAsync({ ...servicesDependencies });
    services.tags.insertTag = services.tags.insertTag({ ...servicesDependencies });
    services.tags.insertTagInstance = services.tags.insertTagInstance({ ...servicesDependencies });
    services.tags.removeTagInstance = services.tags.removeTagInstance({ ...servicesDependencies });
    services.tags.setupRolePropagation = services.tags.setupRolePropagation({ ...servicesDependencies });
    services.tags.setupTagPropagation = services.tags.setupTagPropagation({ ...servicesDependencies });
    services.tags.sortTagInstances = services.tags.sortTagInstances({ ...servicesDependencies });

    const ui = { ...modules.ui };
    const uiDependencies = { ui, window };
    ui.appendToHead = ui.appendToHead({ ...uiDependencies });
    ui.el = ui.el({ ...uiDependencies });
    ui.event = ui.event({ ...uiDependencies });
    ui.refocus = ui.refocus({ ...uiDependencies });
    ui.toggleBoolClass = ui.toggleBoolClass({ ...uiDependencies });

    const elements = { ...modules.elements };
    const elementsDependencies = { elements, ui, util };
    elements.dropzone = elements.dropzone({ ...elementsDependencies });
    elements.editableSpan = elements.editableSpan({ ...elementsDependencies });
    elements.label = elements.label({ ...elementsDependencies });
    elements.layout = elements.layout({ ...elementsDependencies });
    elements.modal = elements.modal({ ...elementsDependencies });
    elements.number = elements.number({ ...elementsDependencies });

    const vendorComponents = { ...modules.vendorComponents };
    const vendorComponentsDependencies = { vendorComponents, ui, window };
    vendorComponents.vanillaPicker = vendorComponents.vanillaPicker({ ...vendorComponentsDependencies });

    const components = { ...modules.components };
    const componentsDependencies = { components, io, ui, elements, vendorComponents, services, subscriptions, util }; ={ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.dropzone = components.dropzone({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.gravatar.actions.container = components.gravatar.actions.container({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.gravatar.actions.error = components.gravatar.actions.error({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.gravatar.actions.importButton = components.gravatar.actions.importButton({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.gravatar.actions.loading = components.gravatar.actions.loading({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.gravatar.content.container = components.gravatar.content.container({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.gravatar.content.fallback = components.gravatar.content.fallback({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.gravatar.content.fallbacks = components.gravatar.content.fallbacks({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.gravatar.content.freetext = components.gravatar.content.freetext({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.gravatar.title = components.gravatar.title({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.header.container = components.header.container({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.header.titleBar = components.header.titleBar({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.imageUploadOptions.chooseImages = components.imageUploadOptions.chooseImages({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.imageUploadOptions.container = components.imageUploadOptions.container({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.imageUploadOptions.gravatar = components.imageUploadOptions.gravatar({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.modal = components.modal({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.modals.gravatar = components.modals.gravatar({ ...componentsDependencies }); ={ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.modals.welcome = components.modals.welcome({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.optionsBar.container = components.optionsBar.container({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.optionsBar.numberOption = components.optionsBar.numberOption({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.optionsBar.options.modes = components.optionsBar.options.modes({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.optionsBar.options.outline = components.optionsBar.options.outline({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.optionsBar.options.shapes = components.optionsBar.options.shapes({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.optionsBar.options.size = components.optionsBar.options.size({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.optionsBar.options.sort = components.optionsBar.options.sort({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.optionsBar.options.spacing = components.optionsBar.options.spacing({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.optionsBar.shapeOption = components.optionsBar.shapeOption({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.roleList.container = components.roleList.container({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.roleList.roleCustomiser.container = components.roleList.roleCustomiser.container({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.roleList.roleCustomiser.masterRoleName = components.roleList.roleCustomiser.masterRoleName({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.roleList.roleCustomiser.roleColorPicker = components.roleList.roleCustomiser.roleColorPicker({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.tagList.container = components.tagList.container({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.tagList.tag.components.roleName = components.tagList.tag.components.roleName({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.tagList.tag.components.tagImage = components.tagList.tag.components.tagImage({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.tagList.tag.components.tagName = components.tagList.tag.components.tagName({ ...componentsDependencies });
    components.tagList.tag.container = components.tagList.tag.container({ ...componentsDependencies }); ={ ...componentsDependencies }); ={ ...componentsDependencies }); ={ ...componentsDependencies }); ={ ...componentsDependencies }); ={ ...componentsDependencies }); ={ ...componentsDependencies });

    const styles = { ...modules.styles };
    const stylesDependencies = { styles, ui, subscriptions };
    styles.roleColor = styles.roleColor({ ...stylesDependencies });
    styles.tagImage = styles.tagImage({ ...stylesDependencies });
    styles.tagOutline = styles.tagOutline({ ...stylesDependencies });
    styles.tagShape = styles.tagShape({ ...stylesDependencies });
    styles.tagSize = styles.tagSize({ ...stylesDependencies });
    styles.tagSpacing = styles.tagSpacing({ ...stylesDependencies });
    styles.vanillaPicker = styles.vanillaPicker({ ...stylesDependencies });

    const diagnostics = { ...modules.diagnostics };
    const diagnosticsDependencies = { diagnostics, stores, util };
    diagnostics.dumpState = diagnostics.dumpState({ ...diagnosticsDependencies });

    const startup = { ...modules.startup };
    const startupDependencies = { startup, ui, components, styles, services, subscriptions, stores, util, window };
    startup.createHandlers = startup.createHandlers({ ...startupDependencies });
    startup.createStyleManager = startup.createStyleManager({ ...startupDependencies });
    startup.insertNilRole = startup.insertNilRole({ ...startupDependencies });
    startup.start = startup.start({ ...startupDependencies });

    return { ...modules, util, storage, stores, subscriptions, core, io, services, ui, elements, vendorComponents, components, styles, diagnostics, startup };


Contribution / Design principles

  • Vanilla and non-intrusive. Structures passed to Module Composer should have no knowledge of / no dependency on Module Composer.
  • Bundler friendly. Dependencies should be fine grained to ensure minimum bundle size. Don't rely on tree-shaking.
  • Any non-core features should be implemented as an optional extension.